Podcast #84: The Clone Wars now up!

Started by Rico, November 05, 2006, 08:42:53 AM

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Got the show up for this weekend folks.  Was a fun one to do.  Hope you like it!   :starwars:


Clone Wars!  Nice to see a little Star Wars thrown in sometimes. 

I'll check this one out pronto!


Always fun to visit the Star Wars universe!  Let me know what you think of the podcast.


Thanks for covering The Clone Wars cartoon. I really enjoyed your podcast this week.  I only saw two Clone Wars episodes while it was still airing. I watch the episode where Mace crushed Grievous's lungs and the one where Anakin lost his mechanical hand. At the time, I did not have a DVR and I could not seem to remember when the shows were on...so I missed all but two. I've been seriously considering buying the DVDs to make up for it; your latest podcast just added fuel to the fire.

Also, I thought I'd help with the pronunciation of Asajj Ventress.  The first time I came across that name, it was in the SW novel: Dark Rendezvous by Sean Stewart. I had some issues pronouncing it as well. Since then, I've heard her name on various Star Wars podcasts: SW Action News, SW En Direct and The Force-Cast.  They have all pronounced her name: As-awe-judge.  Seems like the trend in Star Wars naming schemes, is to go for names that are the hardest to enunciate. My guess is that they sound more eclectic to the authors.

Thought I'd share some tid-bits I found about the character Asajj Ventress, online:

Before the character of Count Dooku was developed, the Art Department for Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones developed a female Sith as the film's villain. The Expanded Universe resurrected the idea and created Ventress instead. Her concept art can be seen in The Art of Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. Dark Horse comic converted the art into comic in Republic: Clone Wars - The New Face of War.
She is a downloadable character in the Xbox version of the video game Star Wars Battlefront II. In the micro-series, Ventress has two curved lightsabers, one held in each hand. The sabers can connect into a joined, S-shaped handle, becoming a double-bladed lightsaber. In Battlefront II, she has these two lightsabers, but they are connected by a fiber-cord; the character selection screen lists the weapon as "Linksabers". Ventress holds her weapon by the cord, and swings her lightsabers around like a nunchaku. In her comic book appearances, the lightsabers can be attached at the base to form a double-bladed lightsaber, similar to that of Darth Maul. This feature is duplicated in her action figure release. Here are some links to the action figures from the Clone Wars cartoon http://starwars.com/collecting/news/hasbro/news20031029.html

The Star Wars Database (starwars.com) is a fun tool, if you want to find out more about Asajj Ventress or any of the countless Star Wars characters. The authors of the Star Wars novels, use this database as well as a classified version that fans are not allowed to see. Starswars.com and Lucas Arts have recently been inviting the fans to help write the back stories for the characters who had absolutely zero roll in the movies but showed up in the background. The stories they like the best will be chosen by Lucas Arts and added to the Database. Pretty entertaining stuff.  :laugh:
SW Database:
Asajj Ventress:

Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Great podcast Rico.. really enjoyed it. I liked all the forum member participating - Trekkygeek, Joby and Jedijeff... great job guys.

Also Thanks Jen for the info on Assjj Ventress.. she's a very cool character.


No problemo.  ;)
Hey guys I also found the NPR radio drama Rico talked about. Here's one place where you can purchase it:
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


It was nice having the audio from folks here.  Much thanks for that.  Submissions are always great to have.
And that "Star Wars" audio drama is great.  If you've never heard it and enjoy the films it's definitely worth it.

Here's the link to the full trilogy:  http://www.highbridgeaudio.com/comstarwartr.html


I just found this picture and thought I would share.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Thanks for the picture Kenny, definitely going to pick that up when it comes out, whenever that might be.


Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Yep - that's a must buy I would say.  It's a great picture too.


Mean, Yes, but somewhat attractive also :blush
You could learn something from Mr Spock Doctor..... Stop thinking with your glands"


I finally am able to get around to starting this podcast, hopefully I'll be able to get through it today.
Before listening to the episode I just wanted to say that I loved the Clone Wars series.  I recorded them on VHS (does anyone else still have those?) when they first aired and upgraded to DVD last year for Christmas (because my wife loves me).

I don't know if you mention this in the podcast, but they were done by the same people that did Samurai Jack, which is also a great cartoon.

I cannot wait for Sideshow to put Asajj up for sale.  Darth Maul got me into the SS figures, and I'll stay around as long as they do Sith characters.

Being all of 5 minutes into the podcast I have also noticed that many people seem to be either Star Wars fans or Star Trek fans.  I'm a fan of both, which I think I got from one of my older cousins.  I recall being at his house while very young and him watching TOS, I was always too busy playing with his brother (the one my age) to sit and watch the show, but I recall being interested in it.  He's also the primary reason I was introduced to Star Wars as a kid, and Depeche Mode.
Anyway, I'd better get back to listening.
"I won't have this handed to me, it's only worth something if you struggle for it.  Damn it, Bones, I want my pain.  I NEED my pain."
"The fact that you just quoted Star Trek V to me only proves how screwed we are without that money." ~ PVP Online


Quote from: Rico on November 06, 2006, 04:57:38 PM
Yep - that's a must buy I would say.  It's a great picture too.

Sideshow 12" Asajj figure going up for pre-order next Friday, Nov 17, at 10am PST!  Nice little preview on their site at http://www.sideshowtoy.com/behindtheshow/?page_id=2236&source=110906news
"I won't have this handed to me, it's only worth something if you struggle for it.  Damn it, Bones, I want my pain.  I NEED my pain."
"The fact that you just quoted Star Trek V to me only proves how screwed we are without that money." ~ PVP Online


Woo-hoo!  Thanks for the heads up on the preorder.