Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

Started by Rico, November 10, 2012, 05:05:50 AM

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I should think if JJ has signed up he will already have said what he wants and if he doesnt want 3D then it won't be in 3D. I say that of course they could easily have said "Hey JJ, lets do it in 3D".... "No Disney, balls to that".... "How about an extra three million dollars on your salary and 2% of the profits"..... "Show me the boggle D cameras".. ;)


From Disney's conference call today:

Disney To Release Additional Films Based on Star Wars Characters. CEO Bob Iger made the disclosure in an interview on CNBC. He says that Larry Kasden and Simon Kinberg are working on them, and they're in addition to the planned Star Wars 7, 8 and 9. No word yet on which characters are involved.



I could see an "Adventures of Han Solo" series with another actor playing a young Han (Bradley Cooper maybe?) being very popular.  The first movie could tell the story of Han and Chewie's origin as partners...
"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


Are these straight to DVD films? I can't see people dashing out to see a yoda movie.


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LOL and as I have said many times just because it makes bucks does not mean its any good lol


Seems Harrison Ford has signed up (or is very close to signing on) for Ep. 7.  Not confirmed quite yet, but it's looking pretty good at this point.


You know what's funny is that I read the limnk to the latino Times peice earlier this morning over at the RPF and found it somewhat lacking in credibility. I hope it's true, though!


There are going to be a lot of these reports until it's all completely official.  But I'm expecting the main three to be in this film to some degree.  I think they will need them to connect the films.


Quote from: Rico on February 15, 2013, 08:46:30 AM
There are going to be a lot of these reports until it's all completely official.  But I'm expecting the main three to be in this film to some degree.  I think they will need them to connect the films.

Me too, I think they would all be up for it  and it would be easily part of the narrative of whatever story they are planning.


No one else should touch the music on this but Mr. John Williams.  :)


I just saw this rumor from a couple weeks back:  First read my shoutbox post:

John Noble would make an awesome Jedi!
January 25, 2013, 01:28:52 PM

now read this:

John Noble To Play Enemy Force In JJ. Abrams-Directed STAR WARS VII Movie?

John Noble has been to the Fringe, but will he be a force in JJ. Abrams upcoming Star Wars Episode 7 movie?

Rumor  has it that the Aussie actor is set to play the villain in the upcoming JJ. Abrams-directed Star Wars Episode VII.  According to the host of Melbourne radio show FM, Noble will play the main antagonist in the ongoing Star Wars saga (not the standalone movies):

"[I have] it on very [strong] authority that Australian actor John Noble will be appearing as the villain."

Noble's existing working relationship with JJ. Abrams' production company Bad Robot and his ability to play heroes and villains, of which he has plenty of experience playing the various sides of Dr. Walter Bishop on the recently-concluded Fringe, would make him a solid choice in our opinion. Of course, it depends on the story and many other factors, but Abrams is known for keeping it in the family where possible, and as a rumor it's an interesting one.  Still, this is only a rumor at this point as LuscasFilm and Disney have yet to confirm/deny.

Star Wars Episode VII hits theaters in 2015.
"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx