Comic Con Violence

Started by beer, July 24, 2010, 05:52:59 PM

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Twitter has been abuzz the last hour over someone apparently being stabbed in the face at comic con. Guess you're really now safe anywhere!


Huh, well that's weird.  Geeks are seldom violent.


No, but people wanting to get what they want can be regardless. ComiCon has all sort attending and I wouldn't trust some of those people to behave as fr as I could throw them.


Rather then start a new topic I'll just stick this here... I haven't actually checked the linked video, but based on the souce I assume it's what it says it is.

@blastr: Your 14-minute end-to-end tour of the MASSIVE Comic-Con floor

Thought it might be of interest.


LOL.. I also did the same thing Rico.. cool find


And yes someone in Hall H was stabbed in the eye when he took the seat of someone else. They stopped the programing, everyone in Hall H had to remain in there because it now was a crime scene.. it was a big mess. Of course rumors fly and no one really knows what exactly happen. But here are a few people who jumped at the opportunity to get a laugh.


And did they get a laugh? I suspect the reception to that particular stunt would be a little mixed so soon after the incident itself.

Welcome home BTW!

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


OUCH!  Never take someone's seat at Comic Con.


Yeah Feather.. folks LOVED it!!!