Flash Forward

Started by Geekyfanboy, September 19, 2008, 11:41:33 AM

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Yeah, they did the time thing well with the reference to the 6am meeting over here. (I think 8 hours works if the FBI guys are on the West Coast - I can't actually remember where they're supposed to be right now. Hey, it's late here!)

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


I just got caught up on what is probably last week's episode in the States (we get FF on Monday after the US showing). I'm assuming you guys had another in the last couple of days.

[spoiler]I'm not sold on the future being able to be changed yet, but I grant you that it's likely - the suicide certainly changes his future but I don't think it's guaranteed to change Celia's (whoever she is).

The guy killed himself based on the evidence of a phone call he saw in his vision but we gat no concept of how much other background information he remembered from that experience. He clearly doesn't know who Celia is but likely would have done at the time of the call.

For all we know, he's already taken the action that will ultimately result in her death and so that may still happen despite his suicide. Worst case, he's only changed things for himself and the MI5/MI6 woman who he saw himself with. Of course her future actions may now go and change the futures of others so I suspect we probably are going down the 'the future isn't set in stone' route but I think there is story room to limit the impact of that at this point.

For an insane moment, I considered that he might actually land on Celia as he fell, putting her on life support and resulting in her death anyway.[/spoiler]

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Just watched the "Playing Cards With Coyote" episode. Predictable ending, but my impatience has just cracked and I'm downloading the audiobook that this TV show is based on. I won't post spoilers...but I can't take it anymore. Besides, I've heard it is only loosly based on the book!

BTW, loved this epsiode, but then, I've loved them all so far!

[spoiler]Also, Mike. I too thought he was going to survive his leap by landing on Celia. That would have been the predictable ending and I'm glad we now know that the flashes aren't unchangeable. Means that we can no longer assume that X won't get killed in this gun fight or that Y will survive the operation etc... Shakes it all up a bit![/spoiler]


In my view - like I've said before, I have no doubt they will show that the future they got a glimpse of can be changed.  Otherwise, really what would be the point of the show?


I don't know...

If they could change nothing you'd have the interest of watching them try while also investigating what the point or cause of it all is.

If they can change things then the flash was almost meaningless and can probably be ignored from now on. That seems a shame as they've made such a big thing of the future experiences so far and it was the constant reminder that there was at least one sci-fi type element to this.

What it does do, I guess, is free them up from investigating what was on the board just because it was on the board. That always seemed a bit circular to me anyway but I suspect they're not going to persue this approach.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


The Flash is far from meaningless, even if things can be changed.  That would be the point.  For example, being warned you were going to be murdered can allow you to possibly stop it.  I am positive some things will play out and come true and some things will be changed.  That is really the only possible solution.  There really is no way everything will come true.  I both think that's impossible to predict and makes what anyone does everyday meaningless.

Consider one other factor.  When later this season that date rolls around we will know what comes true and what doesn't.  In order for the series to continue I'm guessing there will be another Flash Forward at some point.  The makers have said they have about three season outlined.  So they will need a new FF to continue things - at least that's the obvious answer.


^Unless it becomes a retrospective investigation? That could work, but yes. I agree, there has to be another Flash or the threat of another Flash.

I listen to a FlashForward podcast and they suggest that alternate realities may be coming into play. What if the epsiodes we are seeing are set on similar, but slightly different realities and we are not actually viewing the same reality from week to week?


Good episode tonight but no more new ones until March.  Ugh!  ABC strikes again!!


How do they expect people to remember all this?  Dorkmeisters


I'm sure they will do some type of recap show - like "LOST" does about every two months.  I have a new theory.

[spoiler]I'm starting to really think alternate realities is part of this whole thing.  Think of it this way.  What if the Flash Forwards showed the future, but not necessarily your reality?  Therefore some things may come true and you also might be able to influence things to come out the way you see things - if you want.  And other things won't come true at all.  I think this would be a cool twist and a good way to handle it.  The most recent episode brought this up during a conversation between the doc and the dad of the autistic boy (names escape me this morning).  Anyway - just some thoughts. [/spoiler]


Well, they showed the last spirit from Christmas Carol - "things that WILL be or things that MAY be".  For the people whose vision does not come true, what was it?   Doc Brown said it best - your future is whatever you make it.


Finally watched this episode, going to be a long wait until March, but at least LOST starts up again, so plenty to look forward to for 2010.

[spoiler]I was thinking along the same lines as you Rico, maybe what they saw was from a different reality, and they got a peak into what things look like on that side. Some people will work towards what they saw, well other will work away from it. The Revelation that Mark killed Demetri is certainly interesting, going to be interesting to see how that comes to be, or if it was a vision from the other world. With them starting up again in March, looks like that will be addressed rather quickly after the restart.
I am wondering with Lloyd Simcoe, in the Flash Forward if he might be staying at the Benfords house as protection, and might be the reason why he appears Olivia's flash forward. Or just a possibility that in another reality he and her met up like they were discussing.
Felt sad for Demtri's fiance when she realized her vision was of his funeral, though that was a powerful moment in the church. [/spoiler]


Finally, finally got around to watching this one.

I'm confused by the whole idea that a device conceived in 1992 could have been photographed in 1991 and is presumably not present now (can't remember). What I don't know is whether to believe all of the above or assume it's a story being spun for the sake of the FBI.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


FYI. Hulu ad to sell "Season 1" on DVD indicates March 18 for the new eps.
