"Last Resort" TV series

Started by Rico, September 27, 2012, 08:29:58 AM

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Episode 2 is also on Hulu too if you need to catch up.  I'm liking the characters quite a bit still and the story is getting more interesting after seeing episode two.  Still enjoying this series quite a bit so far. 


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Episode 2 gave us some good character moments and is setting up some intrigue. Good show, hope it gets some ratings.
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So far doesn't look likes it's in the top 20...


I currently watch the show and seen the first two episodes allready.  It looks really cool so far.  I have it set to record allready.  I am also following them on twitter as well.  I think it will be a hit series.
I am going with the best information that I have.




This says they are going t give it an ending and not leave folks hanging. I wish they had done that for Alcatraz.


Well, I for one am glad Last Resort is going. With the exception of the pilot and the concept, it really never caught my attention - they relied too much on lazy hack standard writing.


sad to see it go, it was unique and I really enjoyed the main actor.  MUCH better than Revolution! oh well.  I think it's cool that we get a resolve.

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Not really Rick, well at least in my opinion. Agreed, the lead actor is awesome but not really a very unique show to be honest, and everyone talks about how much better is was than Revolution because Revolution is just so unbelievable but really? You have this fictional Nuclear sub that's under attack by their own country, so they flee to a remote island, FIRE a nuke at the U.S., they're willing to fire upon their own country's war ships, but they're unwilling to take out a pissant little warlord to ensure the success/safety of their "just" cause? Uh...I think the lights going out is a little more believable! :) Don't get me wrong, I thought Last Resort had a great premise, great promise but instead of being bold and creative with the writing, they decided to go with the same old boring weekly situational drama stuff...of course, just MY opinion.


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Rick I'm with you - this show is better than "Revolution."  There I said it!  It's better written and better acted.  Plus the story actually advances.  (Ok, most of all that was just to get Al going today - hehe).

Now, my more real comments.  The simple answer for me is I enjoy this series more than "Revolution."  I've always enjoyed people who stand up for a cause and doing the right thing. 

P.S.  I'm also going to blame the time slot a little on the trouble for "Last Resort."  Thursday night at 8pm is a very rough time slot.


Rico...I must admit that Revolution is a lot slower paced than I had hoped, AND the Charlie character has but one expression: crinkle brow. But I still like it and will stick with it. And really? Get me going today? It's MONDAY...what more do I need to be me going! :) HOW I HATE MONDAYS!!