Star Trek Enhanced - Episode listing and airdates

Started by Rico, September 13, 2006, 06:01:15 PM

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UPDATED on 9/6/07 --- Upcoming episode listing:

Weekend   Title   Prod #
08.25.07    For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky (R)    065
09.01.07    The Corbomite Maneuver (R)    003
09.08.07    The Doomsday Machine (R)    035
09.15.07    The Galileo Seven    014
09.22.07    The Conscience of the King    013
09.29.07    The Man Trap    006
10.06.07    What Are Little Girls Made Of?    010
10.13.07    Dagger of the Mind    011
10.20.07    The Gamesters of Triskelion    046
10.27.07    Catspaw (R)    030
11.03.07    Metamorphosis    031
11.10.07    The Deadly Years    040
11.17.07    The Doomsday Machine (R)    035
11.24.07    Space Seed (R)    024
12.01.07    The Alternative Factor    020
12.08.07    The Return of the Archons    022
12.15.07    A Taste of Armageddon    023
12.22.07    Tomorrow is Yesterday (R)    021
12.29.07    The Immunity Syndrome (R)    048
01.05.08    Day of the Dove    066
01.12.08    Who Mourns for Adonais?    033
01.19.08    Let That Be Your Last Battlefield    070
01.26.08    The Enemy Within    005
02.02.08    The Changeling    037
02.09.08    The Ultimate Computer    053
02.16.08    The Trouble With Tribbles (R)    042
02.23.08    Operation: Annihilate!    029
03.01.08    The Apple    038
03.08.08    By Any Other Name    050
03.15.08    That Which Survives    069
03.22.08    Is There In Truth No Beauty?    062
03.29.08    Elaan of Troyius    057
04.05.08    The Enterprise Incident    059
04.12.08    Obsession    047
04.19.08    Mudd's Women    004
04.26.08    The Cage    001
05.03.08    Assignment: Earth    055
05.10.08    Court Martial    015
05.17.08    A Private Little War    045
05.24.08    Whom Gods Destroy    071
05.31.08    The Mark of Gideon    072
06.07.08    The Lights of Zetar    073
06.14.08    The Way to Eden    075
06.21.08    Requiem for Methusaleh    076
06.28.08    The Savage Curtain    077
07.05.08    The Omega Glory (R)    054
07.12.08    The Cloud Minders    074
07.19.08    Spectre of the Gun    056
07.26.08    The Empath    063
08.02.08    Turnabout Intruder    079
08.09.08    Metamorphosis (R)    031
08.16.08    Galileo Seven (R)    014
08.23.08    The Deadly Years (R)    040
08.30.08    The Enemy Within (R)    005
09.06.08    The Ultimate Computer (R)    053
(R) = repeat of remastered episode


Go here for local station listing:



Yeah, I saw that link.  I put it here also to have it as a sticky so we have a reference as the months go on.  Wasn't sure if the link would remain valid for the next year.  ;)


That's odd -- City on the edge was last night.   Any updates on this schedule ?


Here's an updated listing......

09.16.06    Balance of Terror
Miri (two episodes this weekend only)    009
09.23.06    The Devil in the Dark    026
09.30.06    The Naked Time    007
10.07.06    The City on the Edge of Forever    028
10.14.06    I, Mudd    041
10.21.06    Arena    019
10.28.06    Catspaw    030
11.04.06    The Trouble With Tribbles    042
11.11.06    Mirror, Mirror    039
11.18.06    Space Seed    024
11.25.06    The Menagerie, Part I    016
12.02.06    The Menagerie, Part II    016
12.09.06    The Corbomite Maneuver    003
12.16.06    Balance of Terror    009
12.23.06    Friday's Child    032
12.30.06    Mirror, Mirror    039
01.06.07    The Devil in the Dark    026
01.13.07    Wink of an Eye    068
01.20.07    Where No Man Has Gone Before    002
01.27.07    For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky    065
02.03.07    Journey to Babel    044
02.10.07    The Doomsday Machine    035
02.17.07    Amok Time    034
02.24.07    The Paradise Syndrome    058
03.03.07    Space Seed    024
03.10.07    Wolf in the Fold    036
03.17.07    I, Mudd    041
03.24.07    The Naked Time    007
03.31.07    The Tholian Web    064
04.07.07    The Immunity Syndrome    048
04.14.07    And the Children Shall Lead    060
04.21.07    All Our Yesterdays    078
04.28.07    A Piece of the Action    049
05.05.07    Tomorrow Is Yesterday    021
05.12.07    Errand of Mercy    027
05.19.07    Patterns of Force    052
05.26.07    Shore Leave    017
06.02.07    Bread and Circuses    043
06.09.07    Spock's Brain    061
06.16.07    Plato's Stepchildren    067
06.23.07    Miri    012
06.30.07    The Omega Glory    054
07.07.07    Return to Tomorrow    051
07.14.07    Charlie X    008
07.21.07    The Squire of Gothos    018
07.28.07    This Side of Paradise    025
08.04.07    Where No Man Has Gone Before    002
08.11.07    Wolf in the Fold    036
08.18.07    Wink of an Eye    068
08.25.07    For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky    065
09.01.07    The Corbomite Maneuver    003
09.08.07    The Doomsday Machine    035


I know there has been some conversation regarding the time slot given to this new "enhanced" Start Trek. I thought it might be interesting to see when (and where) it is showing around the country. Here in the Philadelphia Market it is on Sunday mornings at 11:00 on Philly (the CW) 57. Maybe we can start a list of the showtimes etc.

I have probably seen each episode over a 100 times (I am 42 after all!) and I am really enjoying the new updates. However the amount of time edited out is really hard to take. I am really looking forward to the DVD versions of these episodes because the episodes have also been converted to High Definition but I do not think any channels are actually transmitting them in HD.

Great podcast Rico and thanks for the t-shirt!!



Even a newer updated list....

   Prod #
09.16.06    Balance of Terror
Miri (two episodes this weekend only)    009
09.23.06    The Devil in the Dark    026
09.30.06    The Naked Time    007
10.07.06    The City on the Edge of Forever    028
10.14.06    I, Mudd    041
10.21.06    Arena    019
10.28.06    Catspaw    030
11.04.06    The Trouble With Tribbles    042
11.11.06    Mirror, Mirror    039
11.18.06    Space Seed    024
11.25.06    The Menagerie, Part I    016
12.02.06    The Menagerie, Part II    016
12.09.06    The Corbomite Maneuver    003
12.16.06    Balance of Terror    009
12.23.06    The Devil in the Dark    026
12.30.06    Mirror, Mirror    039
01.06.07    Friday's Child    032
01.13.07    Wink of an Eye    068
01.20.07    Where No Man Has Gone Before    002
01.27.07    For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky    065
02.03.07    Journey to Babel    044
02.10.07    The Doomsday Machine    035
02.17.07    Amok Time    034
02.24.07    The Paradise Syndrome    058
03.03.07    Space Seed    024
03.10.07    Wolf in the Fold    036
03.17.07    I, Mudd    041
03.24.07    The Naked Time    007
03.31.07    The Tholian Web    064
04.07.07    The Immunity Syndrome    048
04.14.07    And the Children Shall Lead    060
04.21.07    All Our Yesterdays    078
04.28.07    A Piece of the Action    049
05.05.07    Tomorrow Is Yesterday    021
05.12.07    Errand of Mercy    027
05.19.07    Patterns of Force    052
05.26.07    Shore Leave    017
06.02.07    Bread and Circuses    043
06.09.07    Spock's Brain    061
06.16.07    Plato's Stepchildren    067
06.23.07    Miri    012
06.30.07    The Omega Glory    054
07.07.07    Return to Tomorrow    051
07.14.07    Charlie X    008
07.21.07    The Squire of Gothos    018
07.28.07    This Side of Paradise    025
08.04.07    Where No Man Has Gone Before    002
08.11.07    Wolf in the Fold    036
08.18.07    Wink of an Eye    068
08.25.07    For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky    065
09.01.07    The Corbomite Maneuver    003
09.08.07    The Doomsday Machine    035


I just got done watching the enhanced Friday's Child.  That was a pretty fun episode.   Leg warmers on warriors, pony tales out of the top of their hats, and of course Spock and Kirk making bows and arrows out of the local branches and bark.  Poor red shirts... I think my favorite part is the end where Spock is really annoyed that the kid is named Leonard.  His line is just so good there.....  "pleased with yourselves for a month!"   :laugh:

The Enterprise is looking really great in this new CGI. 


I have been and always will be, your friend.
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I'm not sure if anyone commented on "Where no man has gone before" the enhanced episode.  What did you think of the special effects?   I thought it greatly improved that episode.  Man, it is so cool to see them like this!

It was kind of cool to hear them talking about the edge of the universe and stuff, kind of like movie 5.  Is it my imagination or did they use similar special effects like the movie?? 

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week


I didn't see this one yet - but I will.  Sounds like one that would have many new effects in it.  Did anyone notice if they changed Kirk's tombstone so he had a T. instead of an R. for a middle initial?


I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week


Has anyone heard any recent news about when these enhanced episodes will be released on Hi Def?  Just wondering if I should buy the DVDs now, or wait until they are re-released?


First set should be out towards the end of 2007.


Just downloaded my first enhanced episode; "Amok Time". After reading about these episodes and seeing pictures at the Star Trek site, I'm looking forward to viewing. It's been a long time since I've actually watched a TOS episode.


Updated the episode listing.  See top post in this thread.