Battlestar Galactica- For the First Time!

Started by AwesomeRococo, July 04, 2011, 11:06:31 PM

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I've done something I knew I shouldn't do- I've discovered and fallen in love with a new series- Battlestar Galactica.

I actually have gone out of my way to avoid BSG, among other series, just because I knew I would get hooked, and when I get hooked it's bad... like must buy the all merchandise/collectibles/meet the actors/attend the conventions bad. I really can't afford more series that I'm involved with on this level (ie Star Trek, Chuck, B5, Firefly, and so many more), so I avoid new ones like the plague. I've avoided the entire Harry Potter series and Buffy the Vampire Slayer for this very same reason- I know I'll love it, become obsessed with it, so I just can't watch it.

This newfound BSG love was accidental- I've actually worked with some of the cast members in the past at events/cons and because I didn't know the show, none of them really did much for me. Through circuitous means, I happened across an older film of Mary McDonnells, realized just how amazing she was, and while perusing TV listings saw the new miniseries was premiering on BBC America, DVR'd it, and here I am, 5 episodes in and in total, unrelenting love. So far, this new obsession has already cost me $$ (in buying the full DVD set, even though I know I can watch in on Netflix/Hulu), and it looks like it's gonna convince me to make a trip to Dragon Con in September (not exactly a hardship, thats my favorite con anyway), but oh well. What a show.

The unfortunate part of finding it now is that I've gotten so used to watching shows "together" with other fans (the last 3 years of Monday nights have been one long Twitter Chuck/Castle viewing party), and it's a little less fun to find something so amazing, and not be able to share it en mass... but I'm exited to have found it, and even happier to see where it's going to go.


Welcome to the party Mina. 

BSG is amazing...  "So say we all!"


what would have to be your favorite episode so far?




Oh, and just in case you didn't know.  Starbuck is kinda my favorite character!   :wub



Ashley Eckstein was on the Force Cast this past week and said Katee is going to be a voice actor on Season 4 of the Clone Wars!


Quote from: Bryancd on July 05, 2011, 08:11:13 AM
Ashley Eckstein was on the Force Cast this past week and said Katee is going to be a voice actor on Season 4 of the Clone Wars!

wait, really?! :) yay!


I fell in love with Mary McDonnell in Dances With Wolves...Stands With a Fist.
"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


I was completely unaware of BSG for a long time.  And Syfy and my cable carrier have always had issues - sometimes I'm not sure if I'll have it from one day to the next.  But I finally decided to watch BSG last summer, and I could not stop!  I actually increased the number of discs my Netflix plan more than once so that I wouldn't have to wait for new episodes (it wasn't streaming then).   Such an amazing show.  :) 

And, I'm kinda glad I wasn't watching it during the original airings - no long waits between episodes.  :D


By the way, I still have the entire series on DVD I am selling! :)


Quote from: turtlesrock on July 05, 2011, 06:43:43 AM
what would have to be your favorite episode so far?

Liked the Miniseries alot, but so far 33 has done it for me in terms of the way it was paced. By the time I got through that episode, I felt as emotionally drained as the crew. So well done.

Whats really resonating with me is how similar and yet different it is from other shows. There are shades of Babylon 5, Trek and many other similar shows, but it truly also all it's own creature. Quite an accomplishment.


Quote from: spaltor on July 05, 2011, 11:23:18 AM
And, I'm kinda glad I wasn't watching it during the original airings - no long waits between episodes.  :D

I'm getting the feeling this is so the way to watch it (as quickly as you can). I'm all for getting the full dramatic potential out of things, but after the 5 years of Lost, I also appreciate just getting something watched and digested in one long sitting. I never appreciated the overall story arc of B5 in it's first, actual airing, but rather once I got all the DVD's and got to watch it straight through.

My Netflix and Hulu Plus subscriptions are sure paying for themselves this month, thats for sure. I'm literally almost never home, so I've been watching any way I can. Today I watched 2/3'rds of an episode on my Iphone traveling to and from work, then finished it on my computer when I got home. I also bought the DVD's from Amazon, but that's more because when I like something I try to officially support it, even if I probably won't watch many of the actual discs initially.


Quote from: Jobydrone4of20 on July 05, 2011, 11:18:47 AM
I fell in love with Mary McDonnell in Dances With Wolves...Stands With a Fist.

Haven't seen her in that, but will have to now, for sure. I saw her in Passion Fish, on the reccomendation of another person from another totally unrelated fandom, loved that film, then went looking for more, and voila, BSG. Ironically, I've been a talent liason at several conventions where she's been a guest in the last few years, but was so in the dark about her I never paid any attention or went out of my way to meet her- a fact I could kick myself for now! Looks like she's going to be at DragonCon this year though, so I've signed up to work that one, and will rectify that situation.