"Dexter" - season six (spoilers)

Started by Rico, July 04, 2011, 05:45:37 AM

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Talk about your cliff hangers, come on now...that's just not fair.

"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


Well, next season is certainly all set up now. And not just the cliff hanger ending...


I have to say, I really didn't see that ending coming.  Definitely a big event.  Let's keep it quiet or use spoiler tags until others have had a chance to see it (or at least a couple weeks go by).  Pretty wild way to end the season.  :)


Quote from: Rico on December 20, 2011, 05:11:16 AM
I have to say, I really didn't see that ending coming.  Definitely a big event.  Let's keep it quiet or use spoiler tags until others have had a chance to see it (or at least a couple weeks go by).  Pretty wild way to end the season.  :)

[spoiler]I assumed that the final Season was going to be set up this way. I could definitely see it coming eventually, just not so soon. I think the Bay Harbour Butcher hand at his home will also come into play for sure.

Also, I really do think Dexter has been less than careful this season. At first, I thought it was poor writing. Now I think it is all deliberate.

The first episode opened with him calling 911 for an ambulance so he could dispose of the ambulancemen. Aren't all 911 messages recorded?

The ex-high school jock at the school reunion. He text him from that "friendly" ladies mobile. When the police trace that back and ask, where were you when you lost your mobile? And who was at the reunion?

The body in the grain silo....Deb's knows he was down there[/spoiler]

There have been countless others too that I'm struggling to recollect.

I think that next season is going to be very interesting


AWESOME SEASON FINALE!!! OMG!!!!! Cannot wait for next season!!


Quote from: QuadShot on December 20, 2011, 08:25:38 AM
AWESOME SEASON FINALE!!! OMG!!!!! Cannot wait for next season!!

You and me both Al.  :)


Quote from: Rico on December 20, 2011, 05:11:16 AM
I have to say, I really didn't see that ending coming.  Definitely a big event.  Let's keep it quiet or use spoiler tags until others have had a chance to see it (or at least a couple weeks go by).  Pretty wild way to end the season.  :)
Actually my biggest issue with this season has been how predictable everything has seemed to me.  I predicted every big reveal this season (actually in this thread if you read back ;) ) It was more difficult for me to enjoy the "surprises" this season because to me they were pretty obvious fairly early on.  I can't say that for any other season of this show, I've always been sufficiently shocked and surprised by the twists and turns Dex's life has taken, so perhaps it's due to a decline in the writing?
"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


All that being said, I am still on board for the duration, and am right there with you in that I cannt wait for the next season to start.  Bring it on!!!
"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


Quote from: Jobydrone4of20 on December 21, 2011, 10:53:25 AM
All that being said, I am still on board for the duration, and am right there with you in that I cannt wait for the next season to start.  Bring it on!!!

Really? I was actually surprised by one thing:
[spoiler]Prof. Geller was actually dead. And Travis was a nut job. But I must admit, I did see that Deb would find out somehow about Dexter. [/spoiler]
But, I am truly into this show 100%.


Quote from: QuadShot on December 21, 2011, 12:44:08 PM
Quote from: Jobydrone4of20 on December 21, 2011, 10:53:25 AM
All that being said, I am still on board for the duration, and am right there with you in that I cannt wait for the next season to start.  Bring it on!!!

Really? I was actually surprised by one thing:
[spoiler]Prof. Geller was actually dead. And Travis was a nut job. But I must admit, I did see that Deb would find out somehow about Dexter. [/spoiler]
But, I am truly into this show 100%.

I think they relied too much on this for the Season. I probably wouldn't have seen it coming if I hadn't have been listening to a Dexter podcast. This theory came in within the first couple of episodes airing and, as the season went on, it became obvious that the story was going to go this way.

If you managed to watch it without seeing it coming, I'm sure it would have been a whole lot ,more enjoyable. The trouble with watching whilst listening to podcasts about it is that they can call something before you are ready to realise it. At the same time, stuff is pointed out that you miss and it can also enhance your pleasure. Pot luck I think...