10,000 Posts

Started by Geekyfanboy, January 06, 2011, 08:38:02 AM

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<--------   I did it... I made it to 10,000 posts.. that is just crazy. But of course I'll never catch the King of Treksf Rico.. but second place isn't bad  :biggrin

edit.. I just noticed I got the title of Master of the Universe... cool


Congrats Kenny, you post-a-holic! 

You are so awesome, I love your posts!

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week http://www.takehimwithyou.com


Something for us all to aspire to :)


I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Ha ha, Kenny, does that mean you're a He-Man now?

This will be fun, wecan all tease Kenny and he probably won't respond since he wants to keep his post total at that beautiful 10,000 mark for a while.
"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


I tried to stop him but none of you came to my aid! Wjhoo-hoo, Kenny!


Nothing could stop this, it was inevitable! Congrats Kenny, I love every one of those 10,000 posts. It would not be TrekSF without you,


Congrats Kenny!  As I've said many times, this place would not be the same without you.  Hmm, now we have two "Masters" around.  Gee, I might need to create a new goal to shoot for.  :)


Quote from: Geekyfanboy on January 06, 2011, 08:38:02 AM
<--------   I did it... I made it to 10,000 posts.. that is just crazy. But of course I'll never catch the King of Treksf Rico.. but second place isn't bad  :biggrin

edit.. I just noticed I got the title of Master of the Universe... cool

Well Kenny, my posting frient, you ARE the Master of the Univers! :) Congrats buddy!! Al


Looks like Bryan and Meds are neck and neck to make 5000, it's a race boys! Who will be first to half a Kenny?


OUCH! Half Kenny?! That might be painful!! :)


I actually like that term. I think from now on I'll refer to 10,000 posts as a full Kenny, 5000 as half a Kenny and so on.


Quote from: billybob476 on January 06, 2011, 11:40:29 AM
Looks like Bryan and Meds are neck and neck to make 5000, it's a race boys! Who will be first to half a Kenny?

ME! I'll beat that Brit like it's 1776!


So I'm 600-ish posts past a quarter Kenny? That could work :)

(Although the 'full Kenny' reminds me too much of the 'Full Monty' which I would have though was more Bryan's department.)

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.



Heh, Congrats Kenny, I'm thinking we need to make a goal of 100,000 posts.  "God".  Then 500,000 posts: "God of the Universe" then 1 million.  "Supreme Ruler of All, even God ;)" 

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