Has Belfast film-maker found time travel evidence?

Started by Meds, October 28, 2010, 02:43:16 PM

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I saw this earlier on the BBC web site, this is the report below. Let me know what you think. :D

Has Belfast film-maker found time travel evidence?

Charlie Chaplin The clip was part of the extras on a Charlie Chaplin DVD

A Belfast film-maker has posted a video on the internet showing what he says could be evidence of time travelling.

George Clarke from east Belfast has been puzzled for more than a year by a scene in a film which appears to show a woman talking on a mobile phone.

The unusual thing is that the movie was made by Charlie Chaplin in 1928 - long before mobile phones were invented.

In the eight days since George posted the clip on Youtube - more than 1.5m people have viewed the video online.

Even the US talk show host Jay Leno created his own spoof version.

George was checking the extras on a Chaplin DVD box-set and began watching a clip of the 1928 Hollywood premiere of The Circus.

"As I sat back to watch it I realised in the first 30 seconds there's A lady strolling by with her hand up to her ear which looked quite familiar in today's society.
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"So I wound it back and watched it again, zoomed it in and slowed it down and got other people in to check it out.

"Everybody had the same reaction - it looks like she's talking on a mobile phone."

He has since showed the clip to a number of people, including the audience of a Belfast film festival.

He said no-one has been able to provide an explanation.



Well...I've not seen the video yet but will check it out later. However, one very important question pops in to my (limited) mind right away:  Who the hell is she talking to? I mean, time travel aside, what cell phone carrier has THAT kind of coverage? Certainly NOT AT&T! Seriously though, "IF" is is a person from another time, how could she be chatting on a cell phone? I'm not a quantum physicist, but how can technology that hasn't been invented work in another time?
Can you imagine THAT call? I mean, I geeked out the first time I used a cell phone to call someone from the Superstition Mountains here in AZ!! :)


Oh...and, lets not forget this guy is a film maker. What could he POSSIBLY have to gain by calling attention to himself??? :P


LOLi know what you mean so, and this is a big so it is a communication device she (or he) could be talking to their craft Hmmmmmm LOL


I'd love to think it's real, but...I've finally viewed the video it's just bunk.


After very careful study and analysis I can 100% confirm that that is not a real zebra.
"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, and a lot of bitching."


Of course it's not a time traveller, how silly. It's a member of a Starfleet landing party contacting their ship surreptitiously. As was pointed out on Sunday's podcast, these communicators have a good range and excellent coverage.

It's an interesting video but I'd guess there's a more mundane explanation around somewhere. Earache perhaps?

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


I can tell you all, with complete certainty that this is NOT a time traveler. H/She's NOT. I know for 100% fact, because I'M a time traveler and I've NEVER seen her/him at ANY of the meetings!! :)


Quote from: QuadShot on October 29, 2010, 07:41:15 AM
I can tell you all, with complete certainty that this is NOT a time traveler. H/She's NOT. I know for 100% fact, because I'M a time traveler and I've NEVER seen her/him at ANY of the meetings!! :)

TARDIS, Time Tunnel or one of those funny wrist band things?

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Actually, I just kind of...jump through time. Pretty annoying too. I mean, I never know when it will happen, I could be chatting with someo


Ugh...I HATE when that happens. I just jumped again! This time I jumped two days ago. So, I have the winning lottery numbers from last Monday if anyone is interested...:P