USS Enterprise owners workshop manual.

Started by davekill, June 02, 2010, 12:52:13 AM

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Quote from: HawkeyeMeds on November 03, 2010, 08:51:01 AM
Crooked Bry?

When Matt Jeffries designed the original Enterprise, behind the dome of the bridge you can see the turbo shaft. This was incorporated into the studio model. When they went to build the set, they didn't want to have the elavator doors directly behind the captains chair as it would be too distracting and made for difficult shots, so they moved it over to the side. Problem is, if you look at the Enterprise model, that means the bridge is off set to the left as per where the veiw screen is. So the view screen isn't facing forward relative to the direction of the ship and the bow, it's facing off to the left. Does that make sense?



That never really bothered me.  Unlike JJ's movie, the viewscreen on TOS never seemed like a big window to me looking out.  So it doesn't matter a lot that the screen isn't the dead front of the ship - at least to me.


Yeah, bugged the crap out of me! Ships designs and layout was always a big thing for me as a kid, I loved it. Ity made me crazy that the bridge on the E didn't face forward liek it should in my mind! This is also why I have such a problem with the new JJ'prise scale and that damn engineering room


Quote from: Bryancd on November 03, 2010, 12:18:09 PM
This is also why I have such a problem with the new JJ'prise scale and that damn engineering room

You mean Scotty's brewery?  ;)


LOL ah i see what you mean. The bridge layout is the TV set layout. If you look at the enterprise outer model there is a turbo shaft at the back which would make the bridge off centre, but the view screen in TOS (as Rico said) is not a open window, its a projection view screen so it would work being off centre.

When you think about it, its a silly place to have the bridge in the first place lol.

Bry i reckon you would love this book, it even takes the captains chair apart :D


some pics


Indeed it's an awful place to have a bridge. It should be buried deep in the bowels of the ship, not perched on top to be destroyed by a lucky shot.



I always joked that whenever anyone on TNG said "Fire at will!" Riker should duck. Or if Picard said it I'd always say "But he's standing right next to you!"


From the blueprints it appears that a toilet is situated at the leading edge of the bridge dome. One lucky shot and you'll be blown from the throne! I never saw THAT in TOS.

(Personally I'd go below to use the facilities.)

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


LOL ha ha ha, talk about evacuating the turbo room.