Wil Wheaton?

Started by billybob476, September 08, 2009, 06:30:07 AM

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I was just thinking, Wil Wheaton has a book coming out very soon called "Memories of the Future" where he gives funny and sarcastic synopsis and reviews of seaosn 1 of TNG. With that in mind this might be a very opportune time to try and get him for a TrekSF interview!

Just a passing thought.


Good plan! I wonder how you arrange such a thing? With The Guild currently in mid release of season three that could play well as a way in for an interview as well.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Been meaning to contact him anyway.  When is that book coming out?  I read his first one and enjoyed it.


That would be great!  Make sure you try at least once to pronounce his name like Stewie (aka Family Guy):  "Whill Wheeeeton"  :)


Poking around the blog reveals this:


Should be out very very shortly. He also released a small 9 minute podcast featuring a reading from the book. he promises to release similar shows weekly.


I'm sure he gets that a lot these days.  What did Lore call him?  Man-child?   There is so many topics - hard to pick for an interview.  Hope you can get him - that would be major highlight for a 5th anniversary show.


I think there are so many levels on which this could be tackled. The only question is whether he'd be amenable to whole idea and that can only be resolved by asking him.

Brent Spiner had a whole thing going on Twitter about how he'd kidnapped the second l from Wil's name so there's obviously a relationship there that could lead to some interesting questions.

LeVAr Burton is the other obvious choice given his recent adoption of the whole Twitter/Podcast "thing".

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Right, I just figured currently with his new book having to do completely with his time on TNG he'd be more willing to go on a Trek/Sci fi related podcast.


Quote from: billybob476 on September 08, 2009, 07:30:22 AM
Right, I just figured currently with his new book having to do completely with his time on TNG he'd be more willing to go on a Trek/Sci fi related podcast.
I think you are spot on - he will be eager to promote the book, and our community would be the perfect 'bully-pulpit' for him.



Funny...he needs to be appointed as our Geek Czar !!  :D


Quote from: Feathers on September 08, 2009, 07:28:01 AM
I think there are so many levels on which this could be tackled. The only question is whether he'd be amenable to whole idea and that can only be resolved by asking him.

Brent Spiner had a whole thing going on Twitter about how he'd kidnapped the second l from Wil's name so there's obviously a relationship there that could lead to some interesting questions.

LeVAr Burton is the other obvious choice given his recent adoption of the whole Twitter/Podcast "thing".
That Brent Spiner on twitter is actually fake. If you look at the pic, it's a poor photoshop version of his myspace pic. Also, A few months ago, it came out that the account was fake and that's when several of his "friends" dropped following him.


Ah, OK. I wouldn't know...I stopped following him too.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


He was fake? I stopped following him when all he tweated sounded like the manuscript to a bad detective book.


Wil is going to be on an episode of Big Bang this season and he started writing his customary "production diaries" on his blog talking about working on the show (spoiler free of course!)

I love reading these and of course having it be Big Bang makes it a lot cooler:
