"Defying Gravity" - series starts Aug. 2nd

Started by Rico, July 30, 2009, 06:53:13 PM

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I'm going to have to figure a way out to see these new ones.  Maybe they will put them on Hulu?  I watched a few on there already.

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I'm sure they'll be on bitTorrent. Everyone will want to see them. I also imagine there will be a DVD set at some point.


I can't believe they cancelled this. The only ABC show that I watch that they haven't cancelled is Lost. Everything else I ever like on that network gets cancelled. I loved Eli Stone (mainly because the lead character was in Hackers!) and that was cancelled and now Defying Gravity gets cancelled. Did they ever even bother to advertise this show? I heard about it through iTunes because the premier was on the FREE list.


I just watched the latest episode last night.  How *DARE* they do that to the (apparently) few fans they had.  :mad2:  I hate when idiots make knee-jerk hasty reactions.  No audience after only eight episodes?  In a crappy timeslot?  No kidding... geez, give it some time, people.

Sorry, I'm miffed.  I was kind of starting to like it.  Ah, well, just allows more time for other things, I suppose.  *sigh*



I just saw the girl who plays Zoe Barnes on an episode of Total Recall 2070 I was watching on Hulu last night.


A little update.  The series is NOT canceled (at least not yet).  There are also 5 unaired episodes floating around out there still.  So there is hope.  Read on:

Fear not, followers of the Antares. ABC has not canceled "Defying Gravity." Not yet, anyway.

That news may not be as comforting as it was intended to be, though, as the summer science-fiction series has vanished from the ABC schedules after only eight episodes, leaving its viewers dangling by a thread at the prospect of discovering the truth about the Antares mission and the mysterious "Beta."

Set in the near future, "Defying Gravity" is considered a "Grey's Anatomy" in space with complex character backstories and intermingled relationships thrown into a life-or-death scenario. And, since its premiere on ABC, the show has taken a hammering in the ratings with the first episode pulling in a disappointing 2.4 million viewers.

Like many shows, "Defying Gravity" has since suffered additional ratings erosion and recently hit an all time low with its latest episode, "Love, Honor, Obey" which drew 1.6 million viewers.

The show's publicist, Nicole Marostica, has recently confirmed that series has not been canceled and will in fact return to ABC's schedules once the network finds a place for it. Apparently, the decision to remove the series was not one of malice but instead the result of poorly timed scheduling as the new fall season has now commenced and "Defying Gravity" is currently occupying a sought-after slot.

Production on the first season has already completed with a total of 13 episodes for air. Many viewers have speculated that the show will not be around long enough for a second season to be commissioned, however that decision will not lie with ABC.

Although often credited as a product of ABC (its official site is considered the ABC Web site), the space drama actually is an internationally developed television series and is produced by the BBC in conjunction with Fox Television Studios and Omni Film Productions. The production is being carried out in association with the Canadian CTV and Space networks, meaning that even if ABC choose to ax the show, the series could conceivably continue without their support.

However, without ABC's involvement, such a move would become more and more unlikely unless another American suitor is found.

The Canadian and U.K. scheduling of the show is not expected to be affected by the ABC re-scheduling.


Catch up on episodes here:  http://abc.go.com/shows/defying-gravity


Quote from: KatzeKitty on September 15, 2009, 09:44:28 AM
In a crappy timeslot?

Apparently it's not in a crappy timeslot.  I suppose that's in the eyes of the advertisers, and I'm not exactly a target for commercials.

Glad to read that at least we have a few more episodes somewhere someday.  At least.



I switched my PVR to record it on CTV, I guess this is one of the few times, where being a Canadian TV viewer has an advantage.


well I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the shows.  It's pretty cool.

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week http://www.takehimwithyou.com


Quote from: jedijeff on September 15, 2009, 05:42:58 PM
I switched my PVR to record it on CTV, I guess this is one of the few times, where being a Canadian TV viewer has an advantage.

Same here. Glad we get something for once!


HOLY CRAP! Just finished watching episode 8 on Hulu. I found myself getting goosebumps towards the end of the episode, then snarling with frustration at the ending. MAJOR CLIFFHANGER! 

It's a shame this show doesn't have a bigger following, it's great stuff!


I watched the next Episode of this on Canadian TV last night. All I can say, is I really hope it does not get canceled. It was probably the biggest episode so far of the season and really sets the series up nicely.

If you can find if by other means, I urge you to.


Quote from: jedijeff on September 19, 2009, 07:03:27 AM
I watched the next Episode of this on Canadian TV last night. All I can say, is I really hope it does not get canceled. It was probably the biggest episode so far of the season and really sets the series up nicely.

If you can find if by other means, I urge you to.
I can't agree with you more! Burning questions were answered only to have new question raised in the same instance. Best episode of the season!


Indeed, this week's episode was by far the best of the season, [spoiler]though I did feel that the whole story of Beta's origin got a bit draggy at times. [/spoiler]



[spoiler]The expressions on the astronauts faces when opening the door to pod 4... very interesting that each was different... awe, pleasure, fear, respect, etc...  quite the cliff-hanger!![/spoiler]
