Next Skype Call - Chat - 5/27

Started by Rico, May 18, 2006, 05:23:49 AM

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Hey folks.  I'd love to do another Skype Call/Chat with folks over Memorial Day Weekend (at least here in the States).  I'm thinking Saturday, 5/27.  Probably about 1pm EDT (Eastern Daylight Time).  That seems to work out for most.  My guess is we will chat about all the SF movies for the summer that are out or coming out.  Mark your calendars.   ;D


Ok, I'll do my best to make it to this one. Thanks for the heads up.
"Do a barrel roll" - Peppy, StarFox 64
"Coincidence... I think NOT!" - Bear, Polkadot Shorts
"If at first you don't succeed... you fail" -Portal preview

Admiral Anthony Out



It's only a week from this coming Saturday.  I'm hoping to talk a little about the X3 movie, but if some haven't seen it by then we will keep our comments very general.


I'll do my best to see it by then.
"Do a barrel roll" - Peppy, StarFox 64
"Coincidence... I think NOT!" - Bear, Polkadot Shorts
"If at first you don't succeed... you fail" -Portal preview

Admiral Anthony Out


i want in, i might not be able to though... probably will though
Star Trek Will Rise Again


I'm already there! Thanks, Rico!

"The Needs Of The Many, Out Weigh The Needs Of The Few, Or The One..."
Mr. Spock


rico, who was the guy that listened to ur podcasts during katrina? i remember u reading an email from him. maybe u should reply and ask him if he would like to do it, or just somehow get some of the people who dont get to talk to you that much (not forum users) involved.
Star Trek Will Rise Again


That's Bradley.  He is of course welcome to join in and should know about it since he is on the forums now and I saw him on yesterday.


Bradley also said that his favorite episode of ENT was the one with the Hurricaine.
"Do a barrel roll" - Peppy, StarFox 64
"Coincidence... I think NOT!" - Bear, Polkadot Shorts
"If at first you don't succeed... you fail" -Portal preview

Admiral Anthony Out


if u guys dont mind, i'd like in. i mean, i'm rly trying to dive into this thing. and i'll read up on my summer sci-fi films. i'll also check out the other podcast tht have been done, just to see how things go.
girls=(time)(money)         and if time=money then
girls=money^2                and if money is the root of all evil then
                  :p just a fun math proof for those who enjo


Reminder - call is still set for tomorrow at 1pm EDT.  Look for me to invite those that are online then.  Going to see "X3" tonight so we might talk about that a bit - but won't spoil it for those that haven't seen it by then (since it's just out).


Ok, Tonight I'm going to see it! Be ready for tomorrow ;D
"Do a barrel roll" - Peppy, StarFox 64
"Coincidence... I think NOT!" - Bear, Polkadot Shorts
"If at first you don't succeed... you fail" -Portal preview

Admiral Anthony Out


count me out. i got reherseal. :-(
even if i didnt, i got a lotta studying to do.
girls=(time)(money)         and if time=money then
girls=money^2                and if money is the root of all evil then
                  :p just a fun math proof for those who enjo


come on adro... what reherseal? u cant take an hour out of your day? (u all know what Sulu always said, when you dont have the time, you make the time... [from Generations, he didnt actually say it])
Star Trek Will Rise Again