Commander Aeric James

Started by X, June 03, 2009, 07:30:11 PM

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Name:  Aeric James

Personal Information

Born: 2293
Place Of Birth: Nexus Energy Ribbon
Rank: Commander
Position: First Officer of USS Arabella
Gender: Male
Species Of Origin: El-Aurian / Nacene hybrid
Hair: Black
Eyes: Prismatic
Height: 6
Weight: 181lbs
Skin Tone: Tan
Mental Powers: Empathic understanding of technology, Telepathy, and  an affinity for subspace that was presumably inherited from his father's side.
Body: Athletic build
Face : Clean shaven.
Marital Status: Married

Mother: Myrali
Father: Exaon
Spouse: Sevryll  
Children: Aria, Murryn, and Nevaul


2293 – Aeric James is born in the Nexus.

2332 – A teen Aeric James and James Kirk return from the Nexus on the bridge of the USS Enterprise B during it's decommissioning ceremony.

2333 – Enter the Federation Science Academy.

2337 – Graduates the the FSA and takes a position as the pilot for a FSA terraforming project on Ceti Alpha V.

2338 – Returns to Earth and enters Starfleet Academy.

2342 – Graduates as an Ensign with Doctorates in Warp Theory, Advanced Theoretical Physics, and Engineering, but opts to continue his education instead of taking a posting.  He also begins teaching an introductory course in Spatial Anomalies.

2343 – First meets Sevryll  and Karum D'Callan, who are students in his class.

2344 – Aeric is forced to resign his teaching position due to a conflict in interest regarding his developing relationship with Sevryll. In addition to finishing his current studies, Aeric takes a position as an aid to Admiral Sareth to disprove the reputation he gained while at the Academy.

2345 – Aeric is bonded to Sevryll in a private ceremony on Earth.

2347 – Aeric is promoted to Lt. (JG) and marries Sevryll  after she graduates. Both are posted to the USS Goforth.

2352 – Aeric is promoted to Lieutenant

2359 – Promoted to Lieutenant Commander and constructs the Warp shuttle Aurora

2360 – Aeric and Sevryll meet with Selar to discuss their ability to have children.

2367 – USS Goforth is the only surviving ship at the Battle of Wolf 359. Rok James, the son of Aeric and Sevryll is born premature and dies as a result of the battle. Sevryll is healed by Aeric through an unexpected strengthening of their bond. This event ends up extending her life, but cutting his in half. Aeric and Sevryll refuse promotions to Commander ranks and resign their commissions to take the Aurora and explore the Rigel System.

2371 – Aeric starts his nanotech project and uses himself as the test subject for the early testing.

2373 – Aeric and a pregnant Sevryll are recalled back to Starfleet to assist in the war against the Dominion and posted at Starbase 375.

2374 – Aeric discovers that his wife has been replaced by a Changeling after a routine mission. Through their link, Aeric knows that she is safe, but cannot reveal the deception without placing the lives of his wife and unborn child in greater danger. Aeric spend his time rebuilding the Aurora so as not reveal his awareness to the Founder posing as his wife. Aeric finally assist from a distance in his wife's capture of a Jem'Hadar warship bound for Betazed. Aeric  receives a promotion to Commander. Aeric's nanotech research project is shut down by Starfleet command.

2375 – Aeric assists in the destruction of Sentok Nor over Betazed. He is there for the birth of his daughter Aria only minutes after the end of the war with the Dominion is concluded. Aeric resigns his commission again, but continues to consult with the Federation on several new ship designs. He resides with his wife and child on the USS Hercules.

2378 – Aeric creates his first holographic assistant.

2379 – Aeric uses his forbidden nanotech research to repair the rapid again condition suffered by Xyon, the son of Selar. Aeric returns to Starfleet full time as the CAG of the USS Tiberius.

2380 – Aeric gives the Aurora her second major refit.

2382 – Murryn and Nevaul are born on the Tiberius.

2384 – A personal emitter is designed in conjunction with the Daystrom Institute for Aeric's assistant.

2385 – Aurora is destroyed with the Tiberius. Aeric is promoted to the rank of Commander and takes command of the New Vulcan Fleet Yards.

2387 – Aeric transfers from to the newly launched Arabella as it's XO.


Back story by Jen and Just X

Cadet Sevryll's focus was Probability Mechanics and Astrophysics, yet every Starfleet Academy student was required to take a prescribed number of electives, and so the first year cadet chose 'Spatial Anomalies' as her discretionary curriculum. As was the case in many things, curiosity drove her to enroll. She found the subject interesting, yet the unusual professor who taught the course was where her true fascination resided.  It was rumored that he was a polymath, holding five masters in Nanotechnology, Xenolingustics, Quantum mechanics, Xenobiology and Xenocultures with an emphasis on extinct and endangered cultures. In addition to those distinctions, he had acquired eight random Bachelor's degrees. Because of their perceived uselessness, the ones in Art History and Philosophy were of particular interest to Sevryll. The other cadets joked that only baristas held such degrees, but the young Vulcan considered the study of these subjects essential to any well-rounded mind. Yet what she found most intriguing, with regards to the instructor, was the fact he was born within an anomaly and lived there for three decades. The marvel of dwelling in such a unique environment was an experience she envied.

The tall, slender Vulcan pushed a long strand of raven hair behind her ear and claimed a seat at the front row of the lecture hall. After a moment, she felt the weight of a stranger's gaze and turned her head to see that the cadet that she sat next to, was smiling at her.  He was human in appearance, with olive skin, dark hair and bright eyes that held a color she found too difficult to identify.  Though Sevryll was raised in a diverse environment and was quite familiar with the vast array of facial expressions that emotional beings often presented, she still misunderstood the purpose of his lingering smile. Sevryll inclined her head slightly as she politely greeted her fellow student. She then hid her surprise as he abruptly rose and moved to take his place behind the podium. The dark haired young man turned his smile to the class as he looked upon it. The only thing that set him apart from the other students was his attire—causing his black tunic to stand out against an ocean of red dress uniforms.

"Wow, I forget that I'm supposed to be on this side of the class now," he joked with a slight chuckle that some of the students turned into laughs. There was a confidence in the way he carried himself and it showed in his strangely colored eyes. "I didn't expect my first class to have such a turnout. I'm Aeric James and I will be your instructor for this course. Last year I found myself sitting in the same seats that you occupy now, but I assure you that you will leave this class knowing much more than you do today. We will be covering a wide assortment of known anomalies and a few theorized ones. I expect a lot of myself, which means that I'm going to expect a lot from you..."

Turning his back to the class, he looked at the deactivated view screen and it flared to activation. On the screen was a ribbon like wave of energy. "This is the Nexus, one of the most beautiful and deadly Spatial Anomalies on record. It's also the first topic that we will cover in this class and a subject that I am intimately familiar with."

The detailed description of life in the Nexus had left Sevryll with many questions and no time to ask them during class. The Vulcan waited near her chair as her fellow cadets streamed out of the lecture hall. When the crowd thinned, she started toward Professor James. He looked up from the PADD as she addressed him but before she could ask her questions, another student slid ahead of her to converse with him.  Surprise bested Sevryll's stoicism and she arched an eyebrow at the woman's rudeness. The Vulcan took a reluctant stepped back and waited silently as the Betazoid scheduled her next 'meeting' with the professor. The other woman's eyes seemed to glint with eagerness as she spoke, but Sevryll noticed them dim as Aeric replied in a hushed whisper. A moment later, the Betazoid strode away wearing an expression of sheer disappointment. He watched her go before dawning a new smile for Sevryll.

"Peace and long life," Aeric offered as his gaze fell upon the young comely Vulcan.

"Live long and prosper," she replied in a smooth alto. "I must admit that I was just as surprised as the others when you moved from the lecture seats to the podium. I foolishly assumed that you would have a more.... mature.... appearance, professor."

"If that's your way of saying I look young for my age, I approve." Aeric said as the downside of being a new teacher was made obvious for the second time in only a matter of minutes. "In addition to the Nexus slowing my aging, my people benefit from a long life. I'm still working on that 'prospering' part. So, how might I help you?"

"I am interested in hearing more of your experience in the Nexus. Will you be covering the topic in your future lectures?"

"It would take a lifetime of lectures to cover it all," he said. He couldn't help but admire her beauty and it took a great deal of control to prevent him from showing that admiration on his face. It was that kind of face that could get him in trouble. "I will touch upon it more at some point, but I also have no problems discussing it outside of the classroom. It was an amazing experience that I don't mind sharing."

"Perhaps I should wait until the topic arises in class." She paused a moment, studying the new expression he wore. "I appreciate your time, professor... and I look forward to your lectures."

Aeric's smile grew, "Perhaps you should wait? If there's no reason to wait, why should you? That seems illogical to me. Perhaps you would join me for a meal and conversation some time? It's not often that I meet people that are interested in the details of my time in the Nexus—most only question why I left. What meal do you prefer? Lunch or dinner?"

"Tea," she replied smoothly.

Aeric nodded, "Tea sounds like a good start. I know a place that I think you might find acceptable, maybe even pleasing."

It was becoming more evident to Sevryll that her new professor was either sarcastic or flirtatious. Both concepts were alien to the young Vulcan and she was uncertain which was true. But despite her puzzelment, neither possibility discouraged Sevryll ... and that fact would surely draw her mother's disapproval... the cadet was typically unaffected by that likelihood. "I accept. When would be a convenient time?"

"Given the time differences between here and there, I would say ... 0600 so that we can have a nice late lunch to go with the tea and the scenery."

She considered him a moment, "Scenery and lunch to go with the tea and questions?"

Aeric nodded with perfect sincerity, "I know that sounds odd, but it is an efficient combination. If I am going to drink tea, I like to do it while having a light snack. Ambiance is also key to the acceptable sharing of any good story. It has to be a place of few distractions. Also, since we are going to be speaking of the place that I call home, it would only make sense to do in it a place that might inspire nostalgia for the home of your people. So, at 0545, I'll pick you up and we can get transported to our location. I would suggest that you dress for warm weather and be ready for bright sunlight. If all things go well, we can both make it back before our classes are to start."


Back story by Jen and Just X

The young cadet logically prepared for her outing by wearing layers, which could always be shed if the temperature was warmer than expected. She wore a form-fitting white jacket and tan pants that were tucked into calf-high boots. Her hair was bound in two braids that formed a crown. It kept her hair from her eyes, yet allowed the remainder to fall in waves down her back.  Out of habit, she moved a hand to push a strand of hair into place at her temple, but her fingers met only the point of her ear. The door chimed and she crossed the floor of her small dorm room, to meet her guest.

Aeric smiled once the door was fully open. He was dressed a loose fitting white clothing and wore an old communicator on his hip. His eyes quietly took her in before he spoke. His actions were striding a very thin line, but regulations did not forbid a field trip.  "Good morning Sevryll. You are looking quite beautiful this morning. Are you ready?"

"Thank you...yes." She followed him out the door and they walked together through an open-air quad, filled with freshly planted flowers. When she was certain no one was around to hear them talking, she asked the question that had kept her up all night. "I do not mean to imply misconduct, sir...but is it typical for professors to take a solitary student to an undisclosed location for a late lunch?"

Aeric paused for a moment in thought, "As long as you don't try to influence your grade in any way, we should be fine."

Sevryll stopped and gazed at him with an expression of shock fixed upon her face—the comment had been subtle, but she was sure she knew what he was implying. "I have no such intention. My interest in you is purely academic, sir."

He grinned at her reaction, "that's fortunate in an... unfortunate sort of way. I'm not teaching at the moment, which means right now I'm a fellow student. I can see no reason why you couldn't call me 'Aeric'."

Sevryll struggled to regain an impassive expression and nodded. She was beginning to wonder whether the Earth adage, 'curiosity murdered the feline' would soon apply to her.

Taking out his communicator, Aeric flipped it open and turned the dial to the correct frequency. "Aeric James to Ensign Johnson, two to transport."

A young male voice replied quickly over the small handheld device, "Transporter systems are ready at your command...but after I get you back home, we're even."

"That sounds fair," Aeric said and offered Sevryll a sly wink. "Energize."

"What did he mean when he said, 'we're even'?" echoed the Vulcan's within the eddy of the transport beam.

With a soft tingling sensation and a whirl of shimmering particles, the two vanished from the cool, dark San Francisco morning to appear in bright daylight with the sun hanging above their heads. Hot, dry heat quickly wicked away the cold and dew of the Californian morning. Save for a small bistro table, two chairs, and a Starfleet issued supply case that was less than two meters away...sand, mountains, and dunes extended as far as the eye could see.

"I did him a huge favor," Aeric paused for a second. "I didn't date his sister."

She turned to face him, "I'm beginning to wonder if I should have declined your invitation."

"Well, that all depends on a few things," Aeric removed a pair of sunglasses from his pocket and donned them. "Are you the type of woman that's in the habit of making quick emotional connections without getting to know someone?"

She narrowed her eyes slightly.

Aeric smiled, as he peered over his glasses and met her gaze with his own. "I won't lie...I find you attractive, but I brought you here to address your curiosity about my past and mine about yours. I didn't bring you here to put either of us in a compromising situation. You have almost a year before I would even seriously consider such a thing..."

"I see." It was the only thing she could think to say in response. His candid remarks made her feel uneasy and at the same time flattered. She did her best to hide both emotions. He did not appear much older than herself, but she knew he must have been at least twice her age. It seemed curiosity had indeed brought her trouble.

Aeric smiled again, "I could have been a little less direct, but you have been honest with me, it is only ... logical ... that I return the courtesy. I brought another pair of sunglasses if you'd like them."

"Thank you, but I do not require them," she replied as her eye roamed the setting she found herself in. "Where are we?"

"We're about two kilometers away from the Valley of the Kings. From my studies of Vulcan, this is perhaps one of the closest parallels on Earth in terms of environment and collection of ancient history. There is a beautiful view of the tombs from the summit." Aeric said as he pulled out a chair for her. "There aren't many texts about my mother's home world, and knowledge of my father's planet is almost non-existent. So, I've devoted quite a bit of time into learning about other species as rare as mine."

She sat in the chair and watched as he opened the case to reveal food and drink. "It does resemble Vulcan in many ways... Where are your parents from?"

He glanced up at her as he took his seat at the table, "My mother is one of the El Aurian survivors rescued by the Enterprise during the Federation's first contact with the Nexus. Our people were from the Delta Quadrant until we were exterminated by an unknown aggressor. My father isn't humanoid. My mother told me that his people aren't even from this galaxy.  I've never met him and I hardly know her. Due to my time in the Nexus, we never had a chance to bond." He poured them each a cup of tea.

"You were alone?" A sweltering breeze lifted her hair from her shoulders—causing it to dance on the wind. The heat was a refreshing sensation that she savored. While aboard her mother's starship, Sevryll had traveled to many tempered planets, but none had deserts as agreeable as this... Aeric was right, she did find it pleasing.

"My mother remained here while I lived in the Nexus, but a part of her was also there to raise me. When I returned, I met her in person, but the Nexus was something that created distance between us. For those that were rescued, it was like being wrenched from heaven. I was born there and I lived in the dreams of others but they weren't mine. It wasn't until a wise man convinced me to leave that I came here."

The cadet took a sip of her tea as she listened. The Nexus was a surreal concept to many and she was no exception. She wondered what contentment she would find there...could it be home? Would Vulcan exist in such a place? It was a question she formed when she first read of the Nexus. The thought became the foundation for her interest in the subject and one motivation that lead her to enroll in the class that Aeric taught.

"What wisdom did this man share that would encourage you to enter an imperfect universe where pain and loss are known to all?"

"He told me to make my own memories instead of living in the dreams of others. Living in perfection isn't really living. For life to thrive, there needs to be risks." Aeric paused and took a sip of his own tea. "There's not much to do when you can have anything you want. There are things here that have turned out to be far more interesting than experiencing someone else's idea of perfection. Her world, Earth, Vulcan, and countless others did exist there, but they were not real. He brought me home and sponsored my entry into Starfleet."

Taking a deep breath, he sat his cup on the table, "It was a perfect dream for them, but it was still a dream. Some people aren't made to live in perfection. I guess I'm one of those people. I think it's worth more when you strive for perfection and stumble along the way. It's not the same when it's given to you. Maybe one day I can earn a place there."

Sevryll was quiet a moment. The worlds that existed in the Nexus were only shadows. Vulcan was only a dream. She turned her face toward the horizon and recited a soliloquy that his words called to mind:

"To be or not to be, that is the question;
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing, end them. To die, to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heartache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to — 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep, perchance to dream." 


Back story by Jen and Just X

"Have you traveled to many worlds?'' Sevryll asked as she and Aeric crossed a footbridge connecting the Arts Center to the residence hall. Her dormitory was a single species building occupied by Vulcan cadets. Her roommate was a petite woman, with bobbed hair and brown eyes. Selar, a medical student, was fast becoming a close friend to Sevryll. She was invited to accompany them to the concert, but she declined the offer, citing the need for study as an excuse.... and Aeric was thankful for her studious nature.

"I was a pilot for a terraforming operation on Ceti Alpha V," Aeric said while he walked.  He smiled at her before continuing. "I've got to see a few worlds, but not more than a dozen or so. What about you? Has having a mother in Starfleet colored your travels?"

She kept her gaze on the large circular, glass building before them as she replied, "There are benefits to being the daughter of a starship captain...but then there are also drawbacks. I have been in orbit above many worlds, yet I did not often have the opportunity to visit their surfaces. Children are not typically assigned to away missions. I have, however, encountered diverse cultures aboard mother's vessel... Multicultural crews can be educational. When off duty, they would congregate in the ship's recreational areas. I learned many things through silent observation. Dom-Jot, for instance."

"Dom-Jot?" he smiled. "I know a few places to get a game going, but the best places are off limits for new cadets. Starfleet cracked down around sixteen years ago when a student was injured after a game involving Naussicans. Stabbed him right in the heart."

Sevryll arched an eyebrow, "a pity. In my experience, Naussicans are the most skilled more ways than one it seems. Do you play?"

"I've been known to dabble a bit and I wouldn't mind seeing you in action," Aeric said modestly. In truth, he had done more than dabble. He had a reputation as a hustler in some circles. "A lot of cadets with physics majors think that they own the game. We should take a evening and prove them wrong."

The cadet glanced to him with the hint of a smile in her dark eyes, "you have... dabbled? Why do I sense that you are attempting to downplay your skill set?"

"I'm not!" he laughed. "I've rolled the terik into straight nines on occasion, but I'm a long way from being on the pro circuit."

Despite his modesty, that was a shot that only the extremely skilled could make. Judging from her expression, Aeric knew that she had done more than silently observe. "I think that we're both being a little conservative when it comes to our actual skill level."

Sevryll remained silent as they slipped through the door of the Art Center. After a moment the Vulcan replied to his earlier suggestion regarding a game. "I haven't played in some time. As I'm sure you know, it is a complicated sport that requires practice to maintain one's hand eye coordination. Since entering the academy, my studies have prevented such activity...." She glanced up at him as they started toward their seats amongst a throng of cadets, "despite my lack of practice, I believe I could still beat the physics fact I would find it most enjoyable."

"I'll see if I can set something up. I know a guy that spends a lot of time in Archer Hall and he'd be the one to tell us which of our fellow students need a humbling the most." Aeric's eyes wandered from her to the crowds and back to her again. "When would you like to play?"

Her eyes glinted wryly, "now."

Aeric laughed and rose. "Let's head to Archer hall. I'm sure that there are a few games going. I'll need to stop at my quarters to retrieve my cue, but that shouldn't take long."

Sevryll followed him down the aisle and up the stream of cadets who poured through the door, "Would you happen to have an extra cue stick? I do not wish Selar to know we are forgoing the sanctioned function to play a dom jot match." They threaded their way through the crowded exit and trotted down the pathway leading to the residence district.

"I have a few spares. We can check the weight of them when we get to my quarters," he said and led them towards the building that contained his apartment.

Sevryll was reluctant to enter his quarters when they arrived. She hesitated in the hallway as he entered the room.  Aeric disappeared for a brief minute before coming back to the door and gesturing for her to come in. Sevryll glanced about the empty hallway before reluctantly stepping through the entry. His quarters were immaculate. For some reason this fact made her more comfortable. She glanced about his living space as he rummaged around for a spare cue. "Do you have a roommate?" she asked as he moved quickly from one room to the next.

"No. As a graduate of the academy, I get my own place while I continue my education and teach my classes." Aeric said while opening a large footlocker. His quarters were an eclectic collection of items whose origins could be traced to dozens of cultures and worlds. A Klingon guitar rested in the corner beside a Risian flute. On the wall hung copies of famed artworks from the founding societies of the Federation. Finding his targets, Aeric pulled meter long wooden boxes from the bottom of the chest. Each box contained a cue crafted of terran hardwoods. "Here we are."

She took the cue that he handed her and promptly checked it for warping; rolling it over in her hands then lifting it to eye level to peer down the stick. "A quality implement," she complemented as she handed it back to him. Her hand brushed his and there was an awkward moment before she moved to the door. "We should go. My curfew is five hours from now and dom jot games are often lengthy."

Aeric silently agreed and led the way out of his quarters. Their destination wasn't far from his quarters and one that could be reached fairly quickly at a conversational pace. "Do you plan on betting on the outcome?"

She allowed a very faint smile to pull at the corners of her mouth. It vanished as quickly as it had appeared leaving Aeric to wonder if it been there at all. "I have wagered and lost before...  I am not as skilled at gambling as I am at dom jot. Will you be betting?"

"Of course I will... and after we win, I'll even take you for waffles at The Five Stars to close to the evening," he said with a quiet confidence in his voice.

They entered Archer's Hall a short time later. The crowd was modest; it was obvious the majority of cadets were at the concert they left. Sevryll followed Aeric to the front counter and silently observed him in a setting that seemed like his second home.

Aeric's movements slowly morphed into a swagger of confidence as they made their way to the table. Smiles and nods of recognition were given and received on their path.

"Hey Aeric," a voice called out as they stopped at the table. The voice, one that Sevryll had only heard once before, belonged to a young human male with dark skin and almond eyes. It was obviously a look that more than a few in the room found attractive.

"Hello Nick," Aeric said and shook the man's hand. Then looked from him to Sevryll. "Sevryll, this is ensign Nick Johnson, graduate of the class of '42. Nick, meet Sevryll."

His friend beamed upon seeing the beautiful woman and offered his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Sevryll inclined her head in greeting. "Likewise", she said and glanced about the room as Aeric set up a game.

Nick returned his hand to the drink that he had resting on the edge of the table, but was not deterred. Aeric just shook his head as he attempted to strike up a conversation. "So Ms. Sevryll, how are you enjoying the academy your first year? Has Mr. James been minding his manners?"

She glanced back to Nick, "Yes. His manners are impeccable. Why do you ask?"

"Conversation really, it seems that the academy has become a bit more relax in the weeks since he took the teaching role. I haven't seen one upset..." Nick paused in mid sentence as he noted the arrival of Shannalyn, a former flame of his friend. "Aeric seems to have really thrown himself into his new role. One might even assume that he's actually calming down a bit."

Sevryll followed Nick's gaze and caught sight of the Betazoid woman who had been so rude the first day of class. Shannalyn had yet to notice them. The Vulcan moved her eyes back to Nick's and then glanced to Aeric who was trying not to seem to ruffled by the Betazoid's presence. She ignored Nick's last statement and opened the case that contained the cue stick. "Are there any physics majors playing dom jot tonight? I've been informed that they require a embarrassing upset."

"I didn't know Vulcan's told jokes," a young Andorian woman said as she entered the clearing around the table with a cue in hand. A fourth year student, from the look of her uniform, she smiled briefly at Aeric and Nick then made a motion towards Sevryll. "So Aeric is she here with you?"

Aeric placed the rack on the balls, "Thelora, the questions you should be asking are where can I find a better partner and what do I have left to lose."

"She doesn't need a better partner," Nick added. "We're better than you remember."

Aeric smirked, "I can't believe that you're still together... I figured that once you got posted, she'd move on to better pastures. If you want to help her lose, so be it."

Sevryll exchanged looks with Thelora. After a brief moment the Andorian gave her a feral grin. "You'll never change will you Aeric?" she asked coolly as she chalked her cue stick. "You always have to have an exotic beauty on your arm. least you won't be too disappointed tonight."

Sevryll ignored the slight as she chalked her own cue. She had been around enough emotional beings to know how important posturing was to their self-confidence.

"I could use a little more access to the transporters. Let's make this quick, I'll break," Aeric said before moving his cue in one fluid motion to start the game.

The Five Stars, named after the five founding species of the Federation and featuring the cuisine of each, was abuzz with cadets enjoying a late meal after the concert. Sevryll sat across from Aeric at a table as he enjoyed a large stack of waffles. "Congratulations," she said as she dipped her spoon into a bowl of Plomeek soup. "I did not believe it possible for one to achieve three straight nines in a row. I am duly impressed."

"It takes a team effort to win a team sport, with you as my partner, there was no way that we were going to lose." Aeric took a few seconds to just look at her. "Watching you play made me keenly aware of something that I hadn't noticed before. There is something about you that's different from the rest of your people and I think that it's going to make you famous one day. No...not famous, you're going to be legendary."

Sevryll lifted both brows, "legendary?"

He placed his fork on his plate and continued, "One day, I can see myself speaking to others on how I knew you before you became a legend."

"A legend of what? Dom jot?"

Sevryll lifted her head in time to see Shannalyn enter the restaurant. This time woman's eyes were on them.

"Starfleet," Aeric said. "My time in the Nexus gave me a chance to see greatness. I see it in you. I wouldn't be surprised if you get a starship class or planet named for you. In fact, I know you're going to have a class named for you. We just need to find you a marketable nickname."

"Vulcans don't have nicknames. Forgive me if I am suspicious of your intent..." She said in a tone that denoted humor, though it did not cross her face.

"And what of you? Will you continue to be both student and teacher?"Sevryll asked as she lifted a cup of spice tea to her mouth.

"I've never really thought about it," he mused. "I mean, I've thought about it, but not seriously. I've been enjoying the learning experience, but I suppose that at some point I should start applying what I've learned. I guess that I've become just a little too comfortable with the benefits that the Academy has granted me."

Sevryll tilted her head slightly as she considered him, "the cadets would benefit from your knowledge but the sum of your experiences would be wasted if you stay here."

"I don't know what to say to that. It's something that I hadn't considered. Now you're going to have me spending the rest of the evening wondering what I should do. Command has been looking for ideas regarding the warp core of one of their new prototypes, I think I'll submit some of my work to see if they are interested."

"Perhaps your submission will one day be...legendary."

Aeric smiled. "It's just a formula, but don't think that you'll be the only legend sitting at this table. I just need to figure out how I'm going to do it."


Back story by Jen and Just X

"Pack lightly, we going to need to test out the fabrication ability of the new replicators," Aeric called out to Sevryll and Selar as he leaned on the wall of her dorm room. With the extended weekend just beginning, neither had class to worry about and it wasn't every day that junior officers and cadets were offered the chance to get hands on experience at the Martian shipyards. His theories and formula for increasing warp core efficiency, his doctorate paper, had finally found practical application in the Cheyenne Class. For his efforts, he had been invited to spend the weekend touring the still in construction prototype. Given the rarity of the experience, he had also managed to wrangle invitations for a few of his colleagues. Sevryll had suddenly found herself on the short list of less than half a dozen people that would be spending the weekend on the ship. "They say that the habitat area is installed and we should have access to the replicators and sonic showers. The admirals seem to think that I might have a future in ship design... if I can ever decide to stop pursuing additional degrees."

Had it been solely up to him, it would have just been the two of them getting elbow deep into testing out the functioning systems of prototype, but it also would have been bad for appearances. Instead, he had managed to get invites for Sevryll, Selar, Nick, and Thelora. Each had been assigned their own quarters to test the living conditions of the vessel and the comfort of her staterooms. Outside of a few engineers, they would have the ship to themselves, but they were expected to give full reports on their experiences. Starfleet Command had arranged for them to reach their destination via warp shuttle and their window for transport would be opening within the next two hours.

Sevryll was in awe of the ship and was uncharacteristically silent during the initial tour. It was surreal to visit a ship that she had previously seen only in schematic form. When the tour was finished, and she could speak openly to Aeric, she complemented his vision and execution. "I have never witnessed such a beautiful design transition from concept to completion. Thank you for including me in the tour."

"I can't take all of the credit," Aeric said. "I'm only a small part of this and if it wasn't for you, I would have never submitted my work to the project. Being here has already inspired me to come up with some of my own designs. Now...I'm not saying I want to be stuck behind a drafting board for my entire career, but I wouldn't object to seeing something that I designed being fielded by the Federation. It's just hard to plot a course for the rest of your life when there is so much that you want to do. At least I finally have a name for my first personal shuttle prototype. That's some progress even if it's only ideas at this point."

"As long as you name the first ship the Aurora, I don't care about the class name," Nick said slapping Aeric on the shoulder upon returning from his own explorations.  He smirked to himself before turning to Sevryll. "He's going to name his first ship after my baby sister. He doesn't win every bet he makes and I beat him for the right to name his own vessel. I'd put that up against transporter time any day of the week."

"You are fortunate he simply requested that you name the vessel after his sibling. Perhaps you should refrain from betting. You are as poor as I am at gambling," Sevryll replied with a trace of sarcasm coating her words.

Aeric laughed at the joke, but Nick still had not caught on to Sevryll's subtle humor. He did however notice the Vulcan's affect on his friend and wondered if they had any clue.

"Wow," Nick said slightly under his breath. "I didn't think I'd ever see the day..."

Aeric raised a brow, "You've never seen a Vulcan be humorous before?"

It wasn't what Nick meant, but he wasn't about to fuel the flames of something that could be very risky for both. "If I have, I didn't notice it. It takes a certain skill and understanding to pick up on those things."

Sevryll refrained from asking him to elaborate. She simply arched her brow, clasped her hands behind her back and changed the subject, "what will be expected from us during our testing of the vessel?"

"From what they told me," Aeric started. "We'll be testing the comfort and efficiency of the quarters. We'll also be testing the replicator systems. Think of it as a working vacation."

"Thelora and I will do our best to test the soundproofing of the senior officer quarters," Nick added with a wink.

Sevryll glanced from the Andorian to the Human who each wore half smiles that were not meant for the group as a whole, but for one another. The Vulcan questioned whether it was proper to conduct such a test, but refrained from bringing the matter to their attention... She was certain they knew it was not.

Aeric simply shook his head, "I'm afraid I don't have the clearance for that information. In fact, I'm going to need a sonic shower to wash that image out of my head."

All but two members of the group laughed aloud, Selar seemed repulsed by the comment...Sevryll suppressed a smile and watched the emotional outburst with interest.

Aeric led the motley crew to the collection of quarters that had been given to them for their weekend stay. "I've taken the liberty of assigning the quarters that they readied for us. I'll be taking the yeoman's quarters to test how the enlisted will be living. I've given the diplomatic quarters to Nick and Thelora, they seem to be the pretty nice."

"Yes," Nick said with a pump of his fist. "We can work with that."

Thelora nodded, "I'm pretty sure that we can."

Aeric cleared his throat and continued, "Selar, I've assigned you to the XO quarters and Sevryll will get the captain's quarters."

The assignments were far from logical, with Aeric having taken the smaller of the quarters and giving the officer quarters to first year cadets, but he seemed to have his reason behind it. From his perspective, he was merely giving Sevryll as chance to see how she might live in the future. And he was giving the same chance to the others of their party.

Once reaching Nick, and her assigned room, Thelora glanced at Aeric. "If you get lonely late in the middle of the night," she paused briefly. "Don't come to visit us. Rumor has it that, since the start of the semester, clueless individuals are no longer confusing your quarters with a hotel. It just makes me wonder why you didn't pick up this habit when Nicholas was still your roommate."

"Would it be hard to believe that it was my roommate who had the revolving door?"

"Yes," Thelona said as she followed a grinning Nick into their room. "I'll agree that you've changed. I don't even want to guess why, but you're better for it. Goodnight all." Thelona didn't wait for a response, she tapped the panel beside her door and allowed it to seal with her and Nick inside.

"Why are you assigning me the captain's quarters?" Asked Sevryll after she and Aeric had escorted Selar to the XO's cabin. "You were instrumental in the design of this is only fitting that you would have the most comfortable quarters."

"I'm going to be fine where I am," Aeric said. "I think that you should have this room as a reminder of where you will be one day. Call it... motivation."

Sevryll was honored that he would invite her along...and she was enjoying his company, "would you join me for a cup of tea before you return to your yeoman's quarters?"

"I'd love to captain." Aeric smirked. "I have come to really enjoy our tea times."

" Vulcan spice or Chamomile?" She asked as she made her way to the replicator.

He thought about it for a brief moment. "Actually, I've been wanting to try Vulcan Mocha. I think now is a good time."

"A good choice. My mother's favorite beverage...though I have never found it as pleasant as Vulcan Spice." She ordered the drinks and they were instantly produced. Sevryll handed a cup and saucer to Aeric and proceeded to tour the quarters alone. They were spacious compared to the one her mother had on the U.S.S. Sabinal.

Aeric took a sip of the warm greenish brown beverage and nodded his approval. "This is good. I've heard that some cultures are put off by the color, but there is no denying the taste."

"The color is only half the problem... the texture is unappealing as well." She said as she inspected the sonic shower and a closet before heading back to the central living space. She gestured to a chair, "at ease."

"Aye captain," he replied and took a seat and sipped his mocha. "How were your classes this week?"

"Educational... How were yours? Did you sit amongst the cadets by mistake again?"

"They went well, but those in the other classes don't share your natural affinity for the subject." He said between sips. "The classes that I'm a student in were very informative. I think that I've found more enjoyment this semester with my activities outside of the classroom. It's nice to see something that I've come up with being put to practical use."

Aeric set his empty cup down and looked to her, "This is probably the easiest mission that we're ever going to get from Starfleet. They want us to basically test the comfort levels of the rooms and to see if the layouts are efficient. We're also supposed to test the general systems. The replicators, sonic showers, and you get the added pleasure of testing the captain's tub."

"Is a tub that large necessary? I doubt a captain requires such luxuries." She said as she stirred her tea. Living among humans had taught her a thing or two about the art of small talk, but she was nearing the end of her repartee. Sevryll sipped her tea, and tried to think of something else to discuss. The only thing she wanted to do was remain in his company. She glanced to him over her cup of tea, "how many years did it take to design the tub?" She knew it was an irrelevant inquiry, but perhaps it would propel the conversation and extend the length of his stay.

Aeric's brow rose slight as the corners of his mouth lifted, "I couldn't even guess, but I think that it is a necessary luxury. When you have the lives of hundreds of people in your hands, I think it's a good practice to have a way to relax. I don't know many captains personally, but the one I do know thinks that a captain should enjoy every moment of their career."

She sipped her tea again; gazing over the rim at Aeric she tried to think of another point of discussion...none came. A silence stretched between them before she set the cup down and glanced to the painting on the wall, "did you choose the artwork?"

Aeric shook his head slowly as he took notice of the lull, "I didn't.... I do have an idea. We should check out the musical collection that they've loaded."

Sevryll inclined her head in response to his suggestion, "do you have a preference?"

"Actually, I'd like to get to know your taste in music. We should start with your favorite."

I have always enjoyed Falor's Journey. The lute is an appropriate accompaniment," she replied.

"Computer, Falor's Journey with a lute accompaniment." Aeric said.

The pleasant sound of Vulcan strings instantly filled the air; Sevryll closed her eyes for a moment as the music ebbed and flowed. When she opened them again, she found Aeric watching her.  She straightened in her chair and stirred her tea once more. "My mother use to play this for me when I was a child. It was the only thing that helped me fall asleep when my father left on business."

"I love it, but then again, I didn't think that I wouldn't enjoy your taste in music."

"How can you make an assessment on my 'taste of music' by listening to one piece?" she asked.

"I asked for your favorite. Unless your taste suddenly changes to something completely alien, then there should be some common ground to the music that you prefer."

She raised both brows, which was the equivalent to a Vulcan chuckle, "I have an eclectic taste, Mr. James. My favorite piece does not necessarily define my musical preference as a whole." She gazed at the ceiling, "Computer, play Dizzi Gillespi's rendition of 'Manteca'." The instant the words were spoken the rhythmic sound of congas began to play then a drum and trumpet chimed in. Sevryll turned her eyes to Aeric as the highly emotional jazz piece blared over the speakers.

Aeric laughed, "I would be shocked if you didn't have an eclectic taste. I've heard this one before and I approve."

"Then we share a common interest," she replied. "I cannot express emotion, but I can feel it. Listening to this style of music is outlet if you will. For this reason, Jazz music is my favorite."

Aeric shook his head, "I understand that your people are not allowed to show emotions, but I never thought that you didn't feel them. I actually enjoy seeing those glimpses of you."

Sevryll looked down at her cup for a moment. "We must suppress the emotions we have, for the intensity of what we feel is often detrimental. I have often wondered what it would be like to simply express them, without concern..." she fell silent a moment. "Do your emotions ever hinder your potential? I know Earth's history, as well as the history of other emotional beings...but I know little of the El-Aurians."

"There is little to know about either side of my heritage...but from my personal experience, my emotions make me stronger for having them."

Sevryll fell quiet again as she digested his words. "Emotion is my obstacle." She said after a moment. "It is a hindrance to logic and a distraction to discipline. I have often thought it would be simpler if I were born the member of another species..."

"I like you the way you are," Aeric started. "Everyone has obstacles. I believe you will find them in anything you set your mind and heart to achieving."

"...What do you wish to accomplish in life?" she asked point blank.

"I don't know yet," he shrugged. "As soon as I do know, you'll be the first to find out."

Aeric closed his eyes and found himself relaxing more as the music played. "I guess I'll have to be 'great' to keep up with you..."

The Vulcan pulled her feet into her chair, "Computer... Billie Holiday, 'Ain't Nobody's Business'."

Sevryll awoke the next morning with a stiff back and a cramp in her neck. She opened her eyes and slowly turned her head to find Aeric across from her. They had slept in their respective chairs all night. Upon this realization, she sat up abruptly and bumped the table positioned between them.

Always a light sleeper, Aeric sat up quickly and looked around the room before realizing that his uniform was still on. A quick glance to the chrono on his wrist revealed how much time had passed. "Mornin'," he said as he stretched. "How did you sleep?"

Sevryll rubbed the back of her neck, "not well..." She stood and began collecting the teacups that had been left on the table overnight. "This will not appear appropriate to the others."

"I'm not too concerned." Aeric rose. "We are both adults and nothing happened. There is no reason for the others to think that it did once we explain what happened. "

She allowed the replicator to reclaim the cups, "I hope your assumption is correct... Are you hungry?"

"Famished," he said and moved closer to the replicator. "What are you having?"

"Plomeek soup," she replied. "And I believe you will request waffles...Am I correct?"

He nodded, ".. with maple butter."

"Will you be having them in your own quarters?"

"As much as I would like to have them in yours, I do need to make an attempt to see what the room looks like." He said. "I think we should all have lunch together later."

"You will have to... You scheduled a 'staff meeting' during lunch."

Aeric grinned, "See, that's good planning on my part. I'm already anticipating myself."

Sevryll handed him the newly replicated plate of waffles with maple butter dripping over the steaming stack.

"Did you anticipate falling asleep on the couch?" she asked as he took his breakfast from her, "if that was unexpected than you are mistaken with regards to your ability to 'anticipate yourself'," she offered with a modicum of mirth.

"I think that it was more from my inability to anticipate you." he said. "I'm so comfortable around you that allowing myself to fall asleep felt natural."

"It's more likely that you found me boring and you fell asleep because the music was repetitive and my voice was dull." It seemed the more time she spent with Aeric the more successful her attempts at humor became.

"I honestly could never find you boring," he replied.

In truth, he found her far from boring and comfortable to be around. It was a comfort that could prove dangerous to his career, but he was never one to back away from risks.


Back story by Jen and Just X

The Vulcan stared in quiet contemplation at the meditation candle on the floor before her. Its shape intermittently morphed and flickered in the stillness of her darkened dorm room. At first, all she saw was a dancing flame and she analyzed its properties as a scientist would.

Gradually her analytical mind released its grasp, allowing her to drift away from the tether of critical thinking.  As she crossed the boundaries of reality, and moved into the subliminal realm, her breathing became measured and she centered her thoughts on slowing her heart as it beat in her side.  Concurrently, the Vulcan allowed her vision to ease and as it did the candle's flame became a vague glowing orb of growing warmth.  Soon after, her surroundings slipped away like daylight at sunset, and she felt her consciousness glide into a state of extraordinary serenity.

Her liberated subconscious soon painted a landscape, devoid of features... and she stood motionless on a plane of light, as suppressed thoughts, emotions and memories encircled her in cyclone of imagery.  The pervasive rotation slowed, presenting her with a man she had come to know as "Aeric James". He stood in a frozen stance, his eyes fixed on a focal point in the shapeless distance. He was a teacher, a fellow student and now her friend. She orbited him wordlessly, considering her unspoken thought.

It had been three months since she first approached him with questions about the Nexus. Three months since she accepted his invitation to tea. The Vulcan had been honest when she told him her interest was purely academic, but over time Sevryll had begun to sense a shift. No longer was her interest scholarly and she had begun to concern herself with the consequences of such an affinity. She had managed to keep this from him by maintaining a healthy distance, but this strategy was proving more difficult than she expected. Dropping his course or ending their friendship was the option she now weighed. Leaving his class would draw questions. Remaining his student would bring trouble.

A chime echoed repeatedly within the void. Each time it sounded, it dragged her further and further from her muse. She finally opened her eyes and rose from her place on the floor to tend to her persistent visitor. The door whispered open to reveal the Betazoid woman who had been so disappointed by Aeric the first day of class.

Forgoing the greeting, the woman instantly came to her point, "I'm going to the dean...I just thought I would give you fair warning..."


The sun had only recently set for the evening when Aeric found himself headed towards the female residences. It was a trip that had become habit for him over the last few months. The time that he had been spending with Cadet Sevryll had been drawing closer and closer to that line that he promised himself not to cross. She captivated him to the point where he hadn't dated another since their first real conversation. Aeric depressed the chime to signal his arrival. It had been some time since he found himself in such high spirits. It was a feeling that he thoroughly enjoy.

The door whisked open as Sevryll allowed her guest admittance. She did not greet him, instead Sevryll looked past him to make sure no one was watching before motioning for him to enter.
"Forgive me, I do not intend to be rude," she said quietly as they entered the sitting area. Her roommate was gone for the day, and here they could speak freely. She entered the small kitchenette and replicated two cups of tea.

"When have you ever been rude?" He asked and took a sip of the tea she handed him. "How was your day?"

She sat in the chair across from him, "Shannalyn Hagan came by this morning." She took a sip of the chamomile before continuing, "she has been following us. Cadet Hagan said that she would be reporting us to the dean..." Sevryll absently rotated the cup in her hands.

Aeric watched her a moment and nodded slowly, "I don't know what she would be reporting... We haven't broken any rules. We are guilty of nothing unless they want to convict me for my thoughts."

"She believes that what she has witnessed is romantic in nature and student/teacher relationships are clearly in violation of the Academy's policies. I would rather fail than see the situation escalate. I should drop the class. I do not wish our friendship to burden you. "

Aeric smiled and brought his eyes to meet hers, "You shouldn't let other people's opinions dictate your course. From your perspective, are we in a romantic relationship?"

She hesitated a moment, "I am no longer certain we are not."

He studied her expressive eyes a moment before continuing. "There is no need for you to drop the class. I enjoy your company...but we haven't done anything wrong. Our personal relationship has not interfered with your education or my teaching. If she is going to report us then dropping the class would only imply that we are guilty."

"What motive has driven her to this irrational speculation?"

"In the past...I wasn't in the habit of taking the time to get to know women as well as I have come to know you. She and I had a very brief relationship over a very brief period of time. It was one that I ended before the term began," Aeric said. "The first day of class, I reminded her that it was over. "

"I have only known you for three months. It would be unwise for me to assume that my situation is any different than hers."

Aeric nodded, "This is my first teaching position...before I accepted it, I had a few relationships. They were so brief that the entirety of one would not measure a third of the time that I have spent as your friend.  Shannalyn is envious because it's not hard for her to read how I feel about you."

"Perhaps she can read my emotions as well," she said quietly.

Aeric chuckled then took a slow breath and ran his hands over his face before looking at her again,  "Everything has been a first for me in whatever it is that we have here. In the past, I wouldn't have thought twice about going after a woman that I was attracted to. With you, I found myself wanting to know your personality, your history, your goals for the future... It wouldn't take a telepath to see that I want you...but I don't want a fling."

Emotion had always been Sevryll's enemy and once again it had defeated logic—she had ignored her intuition.  The answers to this dilemma escaped her and the only thoughts that came to mind were more questions. "What does that mean?"

"I want all of you," he said. "If you feel the same then together we can figure out what happens next."

"I do not mask my emotions as well as others of my kind, but that does not mean I understand them any more than they do." She paused as she considered her next words then looked up to meet his eyes, "I can only describe what I feel as symptoms. I know that my pulse quickens when I see you. My thoughts wander to conversations we've shared when I am trying to rest. Dreams are rare, but when I finally achieve sleep, I dream of you..." She kept her voice impassive but her eyes betrayed her stoicism. Sevryll looked down as the only solution she had devised resurfaced in her mind, "I must drop the class and fail... or stop seeing you."

Aeric simply absorbed her words and lost himself in her voice. Silence hung in the air before he could find the ability to speak again, "Not seeing each other isn't an option. Neither is damaging your academic standing or your future career. I'll speak to the dean. I believe that given the medical situation, it should be within the power of the dean to allow you to continue class or transfer you to another without loss of credit."

"Medical situation?" she asked softly.

"Call it a clinical diagnosis," he smirked. "It's either a very deep case of love or a telepathic described the symptoms yourself."

Sevryll narrowed her eyes, "I did not bond with you. I have not touched your thoughts."

Aeric nodded, "True...but it's a working theory that has yet to be disproved. We could argue that point with the dean, or we could just tell him that we're in love..." he rose and stepped before Sevryll. "But that theory would need to be tested as well," Aeric slowly lifted her chin and gazed into her eyes. He waited for a protest that did not come then he slowly pressed his lips to hers. The theory was proven when she returned his kiss.


Joint post by Jen and Just X

"It was a doodle," Aeric said. He held his hands behind his back as he and Sevryll stood before the Dean of the Academy, who studied several rough drawings. One of which named his imaginary craft the "Llyrves Class". "We came to see you for this very reason. We wanted to clear the air regarding all of this."

"Mr. James, I honestly don't know what to make of this," the middle aged human male started. "I have received a complaint from a cadet accusing you of being in an improper relationship with one of your students and these papers as evidence of your wrong doings."

"Dean Walters," Aeric spoke. "While I have been spending some time with cadet Sevryll, we have not done anything that would cross the line of a student / teacher relationship. Well...not until tonight."

A frown quickly formed on the scholarly face of the dean, "What are you admitting to?"

Aeric looked at Sevryll and then back to the dean, "After she was confronted by cadet Hagen, we had a talk and discovered we had feelings for each other. Feelings that were confirmed by a kiss. However it went no further than that...and it did not influence her grade in any way."

The dean shook his head and brought his eyes to bear on the cadet, "Did you find yourself in a position where you felt your grades were endanger if you told Mr. James you weren't interested in him?"

"No sir. What he says is true..."

Dean Walters looked from one to the other, "Is tonight the first time that you have acted on those feelings?"

Aeric spoke first, "It wasn't the first time that I felt something for her, but it has not interfered with her standing in my class. If I had to be honest, I would say that I have graded her a little harder than my other students in an attempt to counter anything my feelings might have allowed."

Sevryll fought the urge to quirk a brow and remained silent.

"I see," the dean paused. "While I understand that emotions can come out of the blue, we still have a serious problem here. I am willing to believe that your feelings have not compromised Cadet Sevryll's education, but I can't say the same for your other students. Cadet Hagen's reaction should be an indication that relationships don't happen in a vacuum. For the sake of the other students, I believe that it is in the best interest of the Academy that your student/teacher relationship end."

"I understand," said Sevryll. She kept her eyes on the Admiral, but when Aeric did not answer right away, they flicked them to her former instructor.

"By ending our student/teacher relationship, what do you mean?" Aeric asked.

"You are going to take a break from teaching while a guest lecturer takes over your class. I will place a notation in your personal record of this incident and the fact that you did report it, but you're going to be pulled from your teaching classes effective immediately. I will find a replacement for you, but we are not going to cover this up. You and Cadet Sevryll did the correct thing in reporting yourselves as soon as the nature of your relationship changed. What you choose to explain to your fellow students will be up to you."

"Thank you sir," Aeric said.

Dean Walters shook his head. "Don't thank me yet. You aren't the first and won't be the last people to become a couple at the academy. I can't prohibit two students from getting involved, but won't allow a professor and student to continue a relationship. And... I wonder how cadet Sevryll's parents are going to feel about this."

The Vulcan skillfully suppressed the anxiety she felt, but could not help but shift her weight under the Admiral's gaze. "They... will not be pleased," she said softly.

Walters smiled to the two and leafed through the papers in his hand, "On a personal note, these 'doodles' of yours are some of the best concepts that I have seen in a while. If this is a result of Cadet Sevryll's affect on you, Starfleet could certainly benefit from your continued partnership. I knew, going into this year, that there was a risk putting someone so young, and with your reputation, into a teaching position Mr. James, but part of my duty is to motivate my students."

Finally his attention turned to Cadet Sevryll, "If this will finally get Mr. James off of his butt and into the stars, you have my thanks cadet. It's good to finally see someone motivating him to achieve his true potential. However, it's going to be up to the two of you to deal with the reaction of your peers."

Aeric raised his brow at that statement but said nothing. He couldn't—the dean was right. In that moment the he did the only thing he could think of— he took the hand of the woman he had fallen in love with into his own.


Back story by Jen and Just X

Admiral Sareth sat stone face in her daughter's small quarters. "He is not Vulcan...and I disapprove of the manner in which you met."

Sevryll managed to keep her face impassive as she sat across from her mother. "Perhaps if you met him..." she replied.

Sareth lifted a brow, "you know the plight of our people. We must maintain our numbers... a non-Vulcan is not an acceptable choice."

"Mother... I ..."

"I will hear no more," interrupted the admiral.

The door chime sounded as the two women sat staring at each other. After a moment Sevryll rose from her chair and moved to the entry. The door whisked open to reveal Aeric. The young cadet gazed up at him then glanced wordlessly to her mother in silent communication. Aeric nodded and stepped through the passageway.

He smiled as he entered, meeting Sevryll's eyes before allowing them to survey the room.  When they fell on her mother, Aeric inclined his head to the stranger, "Peace and long life."

Sareth did not greet him in return. She remained silent as Sevryll walked Aeric into the central living space.

"Please sit down," said Sevryll with a gesture to her chair.

Aeric nodded. He did not know what to make of the greeting that was not returned, so he played it safe and kept quiet.

Sevryll glanced from her mother to Aeric before sitting in a chair on the opposite side of the room. Silence stretched between them before she broke it with an introduction, "Mother, this is Aeric James."

The weight of Sareth's eyes felt like a crushing iceberg.

"Hello Admiral," Aeric said after taking a breath to gather his composure. "It is good to finally meet you."

She spoke at last, "Good? Mr. James, I must admit I am not pleased to meet you."

Aeric nodded, "I assumed as much. But may I ask why? Have I done something in our brief meeting to offend you?"

"You have pursued my daughter...that is enough," she replied coolly. "She is eighteen. How old are you Mr. James?"

"That's a complicated question, Admiral." Aeric said. "Physically, I'm not much older than Sevryll. Chronologically, I'm close to fifty. In terms of experience, I'm older than my years. In terms of experience on this plane of existence, I'm a little more than a toddler. As I said, my age is complicated, but our feelings are not."

Sareth regarded him in silence as Sevryll chimed in, "he has designed several vessels." She knew the moment she said the words that they were irrelevant. Her mother slowly rolled her eyes toward her then back to Aeric.

"You violated Academy regulations and jeopardize my daughter's career. In addition to that she is not available. Our people bond only to other Vulcans. It is necessary for our species' survival. Did she inform you of this?" The admiral asked as she turned to face Sevryll.

Aeric took a deep breath. "When our feelings became clear, we reported it. Sevryll's career was never in danger. While I understand that Vulcans usually bond to other Vulcans, I also know that it isn't the rule. I have given this a lot of thought and realized that our relationship would actually benefit your people in the long run. I do understand that your numbers are not what they once were, but the same can be said about my people. In fact, there are less than fifty people from my mother's side and even few from my father's. Together, we are far greater than the sum of our parts."

The admiral was not convinced. "I have spoken to the faculty. You have a 'history' at the Academy, Mr. James. Do you intend to treat my daughter differently than you have treated other students, or is she the latest in a long line of love interests?"

"You have been given flawed information. I freely admit that I have had few liaisons in the past, but your daughter is the only one that I have ever been truly been interested in." Aeric said, but looked at Sevryll when he spoke. He turned his attention back to the Admiral. "Since I first met your daughter, I have not even looked at another and we were simply building a friendship at that time. Your daughter is the only woman that I have ever fallen in love with and the only one that I am capable of loving. We are good together. Is there any logic in destroying something that works as well as we do?"

Sareth made a sound that resembled a harrumph. She stood and flicked her eyes from Sevryll to Aeric. "I do not know who you are. How can I, in good faith, accept your word? Perhaps you should work under my command for a semester so that I may assess your character over a longer period of time. "

Aeric offered a genuine smile, "If you need references, I would be happy to provide them. If you need me to jump through hoops to win your support for this relationship, point to the hoops. If you want to provide any reason as to why we shouldn't be together, I can logically refute each and every one. If you want me to be under your command, done. I just want you to understand that I am willing to do this not for your approval, but because I respect your daughter and I wouldn't want to come between her relationship with her family if there is a way to reasonably prevent that."

"Enough..." said the admiral as she waved him off with her hand. "I will speak to Admiral Walters."

Aeric nodded and rose, still not quite sure what he was getting himself into. Sevryll stood as her mother left her chair and moved to the door. Her daughter glanced back at Aeric as he followed.

"I have a meeting with the Admiral today. I will be in contact with you this evening." said Sareth as she exited the quarters. The admiral paused in the corridor then pivoted to face Aeric, "I am certain you have some place to be other than my daughter's dorm room..."

"If I don't, I'll pretend that I do." Aeric smiled to the Admiral then turned his attention to Sevryll. Any discomfort that he might have felt was masked behind the smile." I'll give you some time to meditate on all of this, but I hope you can join me for dinner later."

Sevryll nodded to Aeric as she watched her mother leave the corridor.

"That went better than I expected," said Aeric when Admiral Sareth had gone.

The cadet turned an unreadable face from him then reentered her quarters.

"What's your assessment of the situation?" He asked and leaned against the wall.

Sevryll stopped in the doorway, "she does not approve and it is unlikely that she will change her mind." She glanced at him with eyes that held the concern that her face would not communicate.

"Unlikely doesn't mean impossible. I'm persuasive... Trust me," said Aeric with a reassuring smile.


Back story by Jen and Just X

Aeric adjusted the shirt of his uniform; a semester working for the Admiral had quickly turned into a year under her command. Instead of his normal graduate uniform, he was dressed in the red colors of command, as one of Admiral Sareth's pool of assistants. Between continuing his education and his new duties, free time had become a precious commodity. Today's duties included serving as the Admiral's shuttle pilot. The flight plan would take them for an inspection of the refits for the USS Zhukov. The recent loss of the Enterprise C, with all hands, had many of the public concerned about the class as a whole. Once aboard they would remain there for a testing of the warp drive and then they would return to Earth.

He waited outside of the hatch to the shuttle and nodded to the other assistants on the admiral's approach.

"Afternoon Ma'am," Aeric said and snapped to an attentive salute.

"Mr. James..." She replied as she entered the shuttle." Is the craft prepared for departure?"

"Yes Ma'am," Aeric said and entered the shuttle followed by two additional aids. "We're set to meet the Zhukov at the Mars shipyards."

Aeric continued and took his seat at the controls. In his year of service, his skill as a pilot had become well known. Without any need for sensors and on instinct alone, he could tell when a warp field was even slightly out of alignment. Combined with his ability to speak with machines, he found himself on a short list of individuals able to recalibrate a warp field in flight. It was a skill that allowed him to push a ship to the limits of her specifications and reach stable speeds well beyond the listed parameters.

"Admiral, would you like to take the scenic route or should I plot an in system micro jump?" Aeric asked. While it was a risky procedure for most pilots, Aeric's inherited connection to subspace, had thus far given him a flawless record in the maneuver.

"I'd prefer that we take the most direct path...unless you are unfamiliar with this region. In which case, the journey may prove educational to you."

Aeric bit lip then allowed his fingers to move over the controls and lift the ship from the ground. With a few, almost elegant, movements of his hands, the craft moved to a course that would allow it to escape the Earth. As blue skies gave way to star lit space he spoke, "Ma'am I could pilot a Klingon garbage scow from here to Andoria with my eyes closed."

Once he cleared the orbital defense platforms, he would be able to make the jump, but that would give them a few minutes of dead air that he chose to fill with conversation. "On my last trip to Iowa, I learned that you served with Jim Kirk."

Admiral Sareth glanced to Aeric with the same expressive eyes that Sevryll possessed. "Yes. I did." And that was the extent of the conversation for some time.

Aeric cleared the platforms and rapidly entered in the warp calculations. He brought the vessel to warp two, for less than a fraction of a second. When they returned to normal space, a distant Mars appeared on before them. Aeric opened a communications channel to the shipyards, "Zhukov, this is Ensign James of Fleet Shuttle, Sundweller, with Admiral Sareth for early inspection. Please prepare shuttle bay one for our arrival."

"Aye ensign, shuttle bay is cleared for your arrival." a voice came back over the channel before ending communications.

Aeric set course for the rear of the ambassador class vessel before speaking again, "He mentioned that he enjoyed working with you and that you were an asset to the fleet."

Silence stretched between them for some time before she replied, "he is an egotist... an attribute that I once believed you possessed Mr. James. But unlike Admiral Kirk, you have proven my supposition to be incorrect. "

Aeric bit his lip hard to avoid laughing, "Thank you ma'am. We should be landing momentarily."

With that said, Aeric deftly banked the ship and brought her to a stop for a perfect landing in the shuttle bay. Within seconds the command crew of the Zhukov had assembled outside of the shuttle. Aeric moved first to the door and opened it and announced the Admiral, "Admiral on deck!"

The crewmen in the bay snapped to attention as the Vulcan woman stepped out of shuttle. She was tall and slender, like her daughter, with long dark hair that she wore up in the traditional Vulcan manner. Though she had few lines that would denote her maturity, her face was sagely. She proceeded down the ramp and was met by the captain. Introductions were exchanged and the Admiral and her aids followed the captain to his ready room.

Sareth watched Aeric interacting with the crew. He had proven himself to be a capable officer: dependable and respectable. She had considered her daughter's relationship with him over the past year, and though she still did not wish Sevryll to be involved with a non-Vulcan, Sareth was coming to the conclusion that this man was a worthy alternative. If her daughter chose to continue her relationship with him...she would not interfere. Sevryll's father, on the other hand, had yet to meet Aeric; a necessary occurrence should the romance proceed to something more significant.

"This way, Admiral," said the Bolian, Captain Shotaran.

The other aides fell into step behind the admiral and captain as the tour of the vessel began. Aeric felt the ship pulsing around him and the hum of her warp core, but it was a poor substitute for the feel of Sevryll's heart beating against him. As soon as duty allowed, he would contact her. Their weekends were usually the bulk of the time that they spent together, but the inspection had interrupted that. It wasn't the first time, but their communications often helped to close the distance between them.

"Admiral," Aeric said before they left the shuttle bay. "With your permission, I'd like to run a check on the shuttle, she was acting a bit sluggish in the warp. I believe that the coils are slightly out of alignment."

While there was in fact a slight misalignment to the warp coils, it wasn't one that anyone would normally give consideration to. It wasn't a lie, but more an excuse to have a few minutes alone to speak to the woman he loved.

Selar was having dinner with her roommate when they both heard a console chirp. Sevryll excused herself from the table and moved to her bedroom where her personal computer resided. Selar lifted a brow as her roommate closed the door behind her. It wasn't unusual for her friend to insist on privacy when answering subspace messages, but Selar knew when the door was shut, the message was from none other than Aeric James.

Sevryll had not spoken to him in over a week and felt a swell of repressed eagerness as she sat before the monitor and answered the call.

Aeric smiled when Sevryll's face appeared on the small view screen. "A week is far too long to go without seeing you. I'm sorry that I couldn't contact you sooner."

"I have missed you..." she replied.

"I've missed you too, but the time apart has been worth it. Your mother not only admitted she was wrong about me today, but we also had a brief conversation about Jim Kirk. Her reaction has made me very curious as to the history between them." He smiled at her. "How are things going with you?"

"I am well. I began teaching Selar how to play Dom Jot this week. She has potential, but her progress has been slow. " She paused briefly before continuing, "when do you expect to return? I am pleased that mother is warming to you, but I do not like this arrangement."

"Neither do I," he replied quietly. "I believe that I've fulfilled my agreement with your mother, but I have yet to meet your father. Hopefully, impressing him will not require me to be apart from you as long as have been while serving under your mother's command. I will speak with her regarding my assignment here, after she completes her inspections— perhaps I will also ask if she will introduce me to your father."

"You will not be introduced until we request permission from my parents to be bonded is tradition. Yet father is far less difficult to win over. I doubt you will be required to serve within his cabinet. Besides, you are hardly qualified to be the Ambassador's aid. Diplomacy is not your strong suit."

He laughed, "Which I am now thankful for. I don't think that I could go months with communicators as our only means of seeing each other. Since you brought up bonding, how do you think we should go about that? I know that it's only been two years, but I imagine the rest of my life without you in it. I also know that your mother's acceptance of me would change if she felt that I was hindering your career. Should I ask their permission or should I ask you first... and then we ask for their permission together? Would they be more willing to grant it, if we tell them that we will wait to be married until after you graduate?"

Sevryll straightened in her chair. She had not expected a proposal, however nonchalant it had been. She was unable to find the proper words at first, but after a minute she managed to reply with an even tone, "it is customary for the potential bondmate to approach the bride's parents first...but I would prefer that you discuss the matter with me before you speak to my mother and father."

Aeric smiled, "I wouldn't dream of speaking to your parents before I discussed this with you, in person. I wanted clarification on what you would prefer. Consider this conversation a fact gathering mission. Hopefully, you are receptive to the application of the gathered information. I want to spend my life with you and our time apart has only confirmed this. When I get back, I think we should try to get away to talk."

She nodded in response, "I will anticipate your return with greater enthusiasm...but have you not already made your proposal?"

Aeric's smile continued, "Yes and no. I have made a proposal, but not the proposal. I don't know about you, but I don't think that this is something that can be asked and answered over subspace. That and you never gave an answer to the proposed proposal."

Sevryll arced a brow as she tilted her head slightly to one side, "I could save my answer until you return...but I doubt you would wish to wait for that occasion." She stated in a manner that almost sounded coy.

"You would be correct. While there are many things that I am willing to wait on, an answer isn't one of them."

"Then I should inform you that my answer is yes."

Aeric beamed and touched the screen where her face was, " This is the point where I would shout my joy, but that might reach your mother before we figured out how to tell her."

Sevryll's eyes seemed to smile, "I can hear your 'shout' in spite of your apparent repose...and I assure you, despite my air, I share in your elation."

"Everything I need to know is in your eyes. I don't have much longer to talk, but we should discuss what we are going to tell your parents and when we're going to tell them."

She nodded and raised her finger tips to meet his through the monitor, "I love you," she said. It was the first time the phrase had been uttered, yet she said it without hesitation and with conviction.

"I love you too," he smiled.


Back story by Jen and Just X

"Admiral, could I have a moment of your time?" Aeric asked as they departed the shuttle from a successful tour of the Zhukov. The warm air of the San Francisco night clung to them as soon as they exited.

Aeric had chosen to ask his question at a time where the other aides would not be close enough to hear their discussions. He had come to respect her greatly and did not wish to have their personal lives made available for anyone to discuss.

She glanced to him over a PADD, "what is it you wish to discuss Mr. James?"

"I want to marry Sevryll," he said. It was direct and to the point. Hopefully, she respected that tactic.

She put down her PADD and eyed him coolly a moment, "I have been prepared for this," she replied. "I must admit, I expected you to meander in the asking." She sighed, "What do you believe you can offer my daughter that another bondmate would not be capable of providing her with?"

"I can provide her with love, respect, friendship..." he started then paused. "We have a connection and an understanding of each other that goes far beyond words. It is something that can't be duplicated and something that no one can provide her with. I can provide her with the husband that she is meant to have."

"Are you aware of all that bonding entails? Have you heard of the blood fire?"

"I have studied every aspect of Vulcan culture that we are allowed to study. There are some things that I am aware of but I would hardly consider myself an expert on the subject. I don't know what the blood fire is, but I doubt that it is something that will change my mind or my heart." He said without the slightest hint of doubt in his voice.

She shook her head again. "You are a fool, Aeric James, but I believe you to be an honorable one. I will arrange a meeting with her father."

Aeric nodded and inclined his head to the Vulcan. Inwardly he was flooded with relief, but out of respect he attempted not to show it. "Perhaps, but thank you."


Back story by Jen and Just X

In ancient times the Kan-Telan ceremony bonded children to one another. But since the destruction of Vulcan, which resulted in a depletion of the Vulcan race, the ceremony was often preformed to bond older couples who could not be married right away. After the Kan-Telan, they became 'betrothed'. A 'bondmate' was the human equivalent to a fiancé— not a married couple, but empathically linked bondmate. It was a wordless connection of mind and soul, allowing each participant to constantly be aware of the other.

The temple was located near El Azizia, in Earth's Libyan Desert.  Family members and friends from all over had come to witness the bonding. They stood within the open air of the temple, in the oppressive heat of the dawn, watching in solemnity as the immediate family prepared the two for betrothal.

When the couple was ready, they were escorted to the center of the temple where the High Master awaited them. Each knelt upon the stone floor and faced one another, as the high-pitched chime of sistera bells broke silence.

"We are assembled on these sands for the bonding of Aeric James and Sevryll," said the High Master in an a ancient, husky voice. The old woman turned to the couple.

"Let it begin," said the Master as the ceremonial bells were shaken.

"Aeric, son of Myrali and Exoan, are thee prepared for bonding?"

"Yes, I've waited a thousand lifetimes for this moment." answered Aeric with words that he didn't fully understand, but somehow felt right. His eyes, now almost a hazel color, were focused on the woman before him and mimicked the desert around them.  Nervous energy gave way to clarity from the gespar scent she carried and the gentle sound of her breathing. He felt a relief that could not be put into words. It was as if destiny had finally done something right. Despite the heat, he felt right at home with her.

"Sevryll, daughter of Sokrell and Sareth, are thee prepared for bonding?"

"I am," replied Sevryll. A knot of anxiety formed within her the night before, and it had yet to unravel. She kept her eyes lowered but intermittently flicked them to meet Aeric's, as the old woman continued.

The Master then reached for their hands and pressed them to one another to establish the mind-link through their fingertips and then began the ancient betrothal vows, "our minds, one and together . . ."

"Touching, yet not touching; apart, yet never apart . . ." said Sevryll.

"Touching, yet not touching; apart, yet never apart..." said Aeric

Sevryll began to sense his thoughts spill into her mind. It felt like a gasp of air drawn a moment before suffocation.

Aeric's breathing relaxed as the presence of her thoughts brought peace his own. He could feel her mind brushing against his and the serenity that she offered him. He felt the furnace of her Vulcan emotions and basked in the warmth hidden inside her. It was as if he had finally found where he belonged.

The master proclaimed, "Thee are one. The bonding has succeeded. When the pon farr comes, thee will return to this place for the kun-ut kali-fi. Peace and long life," she said to the newly bonded couple.


Back story by Jen and Just X

"The Kobyashi Maru cannot be defeated without defrauding the test," said Sevryll. She turned from Selar to Aeric, "the most I can hope to accomplish is a failure that is unique from all others. I have devised a strategy, but you will not like it." She said to her intended as they began walking from her quarters to Archer's Hall.

"Why won't we like it?" Aeric asked, curious to know the details of her plan.

She gazed up at him with a glint of humor in her dark eyes, "I said that you would not like it...Selar believes my plan to be logical.

"So, what part won't I like?" he chuckled.
"The portion that entails suicide," she replied evenly. "I plan to prime torpedoes and set the auto destruct. Before it detonates, I will eject the warp core and fire upon it. It will take a concerted effort to time the two events, but the result will bring the necessary devastation. Unfortunately, all ships will be lost...but the Romulans will be destroyed in the process, thus ending the threat...and the test."

"Wow," It was all he could say for a moment. It was certainly thinking outside of the box and it impressed him. "What about the crew of the Kobayshi Maru?"

"They cannot be saved. The parameters of the sim prevent victory. The only achievable outcome is failure. The Kobayshi Maru will be destroyed regardless of our involvement in the conflict. If the War Birds are allowed to escape, they will move on to their next targets. My duty is not to save the ship under fire, it is to protect the Federation from the threat the Romulans pose."

"Logical. It's also creative." he looked to the women. "It's not what I would have done, but I don't dislike it."

She raised her brow in response, "you would not take exception to my untimely demise?" It was another sarcastic remark hidden beneath the dry Vulcan wit she had honed to a point over the past few years.

He smiled, "Fortunately, it's just a simulation. It's also an unfair simulation. It requires a Captain to be in a situation that he has no control over. Given the options you have, short of changing the gravitational constant of the universe, it's a good plan."

She was pleased that he approved...and she knew he could sense it.

"I think that you'll do well on the test." he added. "It's not about win or lose, but how you handle difficult choices. I didn't exactly pass my test either."

Selar interjected, "We know..."

"You cheated," added Sevryll.

Aeric shook his head, "I used the tools I had available. In the simulation, I had the opportunity to predict the enemy's ships movements and actions with my abilities. It's not something I could do in a real world setting. I simply took advantage of the nature of the test. It was no more cheating than expecting a professional to hamper themselves in a contest with amateurs."

The Vulcans exchanged looks, though neither said anything more about his 'draw'.

"I have taken Sevryll's position regarding the necessary action. Yet rather than commit suicide, I will surrender.  My crew will then be transported over as prisoners.  When the War Birds' shields are dropped I will beam live warheads aboard the enemy vessels."

"A devious, but efficient choice. Romulans aren't known for their kindness to prisoners." Aeric replied.

They reached Archer's hall and the three entered the crowded room. Sevryll strode to the counter and ordered the dom jot table at the back of the room. Aeric chatted with several friends as Sevryll began setting up their table. As she did, she saw Shannalyn leave a group of fellow cadets and saunter toward her. Accompanying Aeric's former flame was a rather stout looking human. Aeric and Nick moved to the table when they noticed the pair talking to Sevryll. The man with the Betazoid woman stood several inches over Aeric. He gave James an appraising look, as if to sizing him up for a challenge.

"Fancy meeting you here," said Shannalyn with a spiteful tone.

"You have followed us here many times in order to observe our conduct," replied Sevryll. She disliked the Betazoid, but she was never intimidated by her. "I fail to understand why you would be surprised."

Shannalyn shrugged, "I'm not here to 'observe'. I want to challenge. And to make it interesting, I suggest we wager."

"We are not interested," said Selar coolly.

Sevryll stepped forward, she was taller and svelter than the petite beauty standing before her, "what are you proposing?"

Shannalyn glanced at her hulk then to Aeric, "when you lose... you will apologize to me...for everything."

Sevryll could hear Aeric's thoughts and tried to calm him, ignore her...

Aeric took a breath to still his emotions, "Shanna, a wager implies that you have something that I want. I doubt that. Why don't you just move on with your life? How long does it take to get over something that was fleeting at best?"

The Betazoid could feel the raw emotions that boiled within Aeric. The feelings Sevryll held just below the surface were difficult to interpret, but she knew they were there...she wondered what it would take to make her lose control over them. Shannalyn smiled, "I have moved on...Aeric James, this is David Locke."

David smiled at Sevryll as he offered a hand to her intended. "I've heard about your dom jot. Care to play a match? Instead of an admission of guilt, why don't we say that the winner buys a round of drinks for the party and leave it at that."

Aeric nodded, but didn't fully trust the situation. While he refrained from using his talents, Shannalyn wasn't the only telepath there. Aeric reached out to the strangers mind to judge his intent even as he offered the man his hand. "Sounds fair enough."

David nodded as he gripped Aeric's hand and gave it a healthy shake, "let's let the lady break." Shannalyn's date glanced to Sevryll as the Vulcan chalked up her cue.

Selar's bobbed hair fell forward as she bent to whispered to her friend, "I do not like her."

Sevryll turned an expression to Selar that only another Vulcan could translate as a smile, "Neither do I." She then moved to the head of the table, and leaned forward to line up her shot. Before she took it, she glanced to Aeric as his thoughts entered her mind. He was staring at Locke, who was in turn, watching her intently. Sevryll was able to ignore him, but Aeric was not. She struck the tip of her cue to the ball with force and the table blazed with lights and harmonic tones. She straightened slowly and moved around the table to line up her follow through. As her stick met the ball Shannalyn took the opportunity to bump the table, causing the ball to miss it's target.

"Oh...I'm sorry...Clumsy me." she said as she smoothed her crimson tunic.

Sevryll rolled a piqued gaze toward her and straightened.  "Stability obviously eludes you," she said in a smooth alto as she gracefully perched herself atop a bar stool.

Aeric placed his hand against the small of Sevryll's back and quietly watched while Shannalyn prepared to take her shot. Unless she had gotten significantly better in the last few years, he knew what to expect from her skill. His concern was the man that he didn't know and wondered if he spent as much time on the dom-jot table as he did in the gym.

Shannalyn bent over the table in a dramatic fashion and looked over her shoulder at Locke. It took him a second to realize she was trying to get his attention...his was on the Vulcan. When he turned his eyes on her; the wink she intended transitioned to a frown. She moved her glare back to the table and shot without making the necessary preparations. The ball ricocheted off the walls for some time before coming to home in a corner pocket....scratch. She stood slowly, still staring at the pocket. As she returned to her seat she gave Sevryll a scorching glare that the Vulcan met with an impassive expression.

Aeric shook his head as he moved to the table. He couldn't help but notice the human staring at Sevryll. He didn't want to turn the look into something it wasn't, but was considering his options if the man tried more than simply staring. Aeric leaned over the table and ran the shot though his head as he moved the ball into position. With a fluid movement of the cue, he sank two of his targets.

Selar clapped despite the disapproving glance Shannalyn fired at her. Sevryll offered her intended a congratulatory glance as Aeric moved to set up his next stroke. Nice shot, she whispered in his mind.

He smiled and lined up his next opportunity, "So, how did the two of you meet?"

With his second shot, Aeric failed to sink any balls. He did manage to set their opponents up with a very difficult shot.

David hefted his cue stick in his hand as he replaced Aeric at the table. Shannalyn answered for him and Locke winked at Sevryll as the Betazoid turned to face the man who had addressed them with a question. "I didn't know you cared..." she replied with a vicious smile. Her next words were accompanied by the crack of David's well placed strike. The ball bounced off the guards and the table produced a series of harmonious tones. "We met at a  party if you must know." Locke twirled the stick in his hand as he hugged the table and quickly sunk two more balls. The table lit up in response and Shannalyn applauded her partner's deft abilities. David ignored her as he rounded the end of the table and bent over the table to assess his situation. Sevryll flicked her gaze to Aeric then back to their opponent as he made his next move. The ball jumped Aeric's ball but missed the pocket. He gestured to Sevryll with the stick, "your up."

The Vulcan slipped off her stool and studied the table after a moment before she turned her back to it, shifted the stick to her opposite hand and positioned her cue behind her back. She tapped the ball with the tip of her stick. It glided into the pocket, taking three other solids with it. The table flashed a multitude of colored lights as she inclined against the side and studied her next shot. Before she made her move, she felt the end of a cue stick slide against her inner thigh. She turned to see David Locke gazing at her with an innocent expression.

"You might want to watch what you're doing and thinking when playing a game with telepaths," Aeric said and moved towards David. "A look is one thing, but you're pushing your luck now."

David held up his hands as if to signal surrender, "Okay...calm down. I'm just having a little fun. Trying to break her concentration...that's all buddy."

Aeric raised a brow, "You don't see that as an invasion of personal space? It might seem fun to you, but you're probably the only one."

Sevryll whispered in his mind again, please...let it go Ashau... they are trying to illicit a reaction from me. If you challenge them, they will win their little game.

Aeric nodded to Sevryll, You're right. I guess I'll just have to beat them at their own game.

"Let's just play."

David grinned, "Why don't I play with her while you horse around with the cue stick?"

"So you can't fail to entertain her as well as you're failing to satisfy your date?" Aeric smiled as he answered.

David's grin broadened, "eh...she's okay. I like your date better...but don't let me distract you. Take your shot."

Aeric moved closer to the table and lined up his shot. Sinking the first ball he looked over to Shannalyn, "After three years of pinning for me, this is the best you've come up with?" Without pausing he moved to his next shot and banked the ball into one of David simply to ruin the man's next shot.

David stood from his seat and slapped Aeric on the back with great machismo—causing Aeric to cough from the sheer force. "Nice one Hoss." He walked around the table and tipped an invisible hat to Sevryll then leaned over and struck the balls with the same amount of power that he delivered to Aeric's back. They screamed across the surface as the lights flicked on and off with the intensity of a severe thunderstorm.

Sevryll moved to Aeric's side with Selar to help him to his stool. She then turned a smoldering look on the hulking human. Shannalyn laughed, "Feeling a little perturbed are we?" Sevryll managed to compel composure to return once more and simply moved a comforting hand to the Aeric's back.

Aeric took a deep breath and smiled to the spiteful woman, "Thank you for helping this turn out to be a very exciting evening."

"I aim to you know," she said with a coy smile that she directed to Aeric and then to Sevryll.

David managed to pocket one of three remaining balls then moved to his stool. "You're up sweetheart."

Shannalyn carried her cue stick like a scepter as she glided to the table. She took much more time gazing down the cue at the ball than she had before...almost too long. She moved the stick and tipped the cue ball, causing it to spin into a picket alone...another scratch. Frustrated, she spat a curse and sat down dramatically.

Sevryll approached the table. Just as she was about to strike, Locke moved his cue stick up her inner thigh once again. She made her shot despite the distraction and sunk the ball—one solid left on the table. Sevryll took careful aim and leaned in to send the last ball home. Just as she pulled back her stick, she felt David's cue move up her leg once again. She pocketed the ball and their win was herald by series of tones from the table and Selar's enthusiastic applause. Immediately following her shot, Sevryll slowly turned to settle a cold gaze on the human sitting behind her. "You lose," she uttered smoothly.

"Good game," Aeric said. "Shannalyn, you did better than I expected."

Putting his cue beside him, he continued, "so, what are we drinking?"

"Vulcan Port," said Sevryll as she glanced to Selar. Her friend nodded in agreement. "What would you like, k'diwa?" she asked Aeric.

David smirked, "He doesn't want anything. You won the match...I'm buying you a drink."

"You must really enjoy wasting your time." Aeric said to man. "That or you just didn't understand the wager before you made it. I'll have an Andorian ale."

"Right..." David left the group to order the victor's drinks. Sevryll glanced to Aeric and silently communicated her concern.

We should go, she thought.

If we walk away now, she's never going to stop. Aeric projected. It would also be wrong to let him think that he can get away with his behavior. Bullies need to realize that they can just treat people like objects.

David returned with the drinks, "Here," he said as he roughly passed a mug to Aeric. He then approached Sevryll and Selar with their beverages before turning to Shannalyn with a glass of wine. Locke took a swig of his beer and stepped up to Aeric once again.

"Thank you," Aeric said politely and took a sip of his beer. He tilted his head slight. "Getting a little close aren't you? Given up hitting on my fiancé, cupcake?"

"Nope...but if I intimidate you, I'll just return my attention to your girlfriend." Shannalyn seemed to be enjoying the unfolding drama from the relative safety of her barstool. Locke moved to Sevryll's side and put his arm around her waist. She shrugged him off easily but he pulled her closer with a laugh—knowing it would draw a negative reaction from her fiancé.

Aeric moved over to the man and without saying another word, forcefully jabbed two fingers into the side of the brute. He would have loved to punch him, but didn't want to risk Sevryll's getting hit. "Ooops..."

Locke let go of Sevryll with a gasp then straightened to his full height and grinned, "my turn..." He swung a left hook at Aeric.

The force of the blow contacted with Aeric's jaw and split his lip, causing a trickle of reddish green blood to flow from the corner of his mouth. He stumbled back a few feet and smiled, the tip of his tongue darting out of the corner of his mouth to taste his blood. Aeric grinned at the taller man in a way that seemed to reach his eyes.

"Someone call security!" shouted a patron.

Aeric patted the wound with his finger tips, "I was hoping that you had something better than that because that's all that you get."

Aeric grin widened as he prepared to show David the downside of going one on one against a telepath that could read your moves.

Sevryll moved between them. "Let's go. We can't afford a demerit so close to graduation."

Shannalyn moved from her chair and stood beside David. "Are you going to let him get away with that?" She asked Aeric in a sarcastic tone.

"Considering that I allowed him a chance to hit me?" Aeric mused. "Yes, I'm letting him get away with it. I'm not going to beat up your boyfriend because you can't find someone else to satisfy you. Grow up Shannalyn. It was almost four years ago. You're still dwelling on something that I can't even remember."

She took a quick step forward and slapped Aeric. Without a second thought Sevryll moved a hand to the pressure point between the woman's neck and shoulder and squeezed. She dropped to the floor in a heap. Locke's laugh echoed in the hall, "that...was well deserved."

He extended a hand to Aeric, "sorry, got to is coming. I'll catch you later."

Aeric blinked at the man's reaction and didn't know what to make of it. "Doesn't running from consequences defeat the purpose of joining Starfleet?"

"What makes you think I'm a cadet? This uniform? Don't let it fool ya. It's been real, and it's been fun ... but it hasn't been real fun." He stepped over Shannalyn and left Selar, Sevryll and Aeric to the security officers who had begun to swarm the facility.

Aeric retrieved his beer and took a sip of it. He stroked his still burning cheek and lifted his glass to the rapidly approaching security, "Evening officers. Next round's on me."