Hello Forum

Started by jnoble79, July 31, 2009, 03:53:08 PM

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Hello everyone,
My name is John I am 30yrs old from Indiana. I have always been a Star Wars fan for as long as I can remember. However, I wasnt a Trek fan until I watched First Contact about a month or two after its release on DVD. After that, I have been hooked. My favorite series is Enterprise  :archer. I am going through now and watching Voyager and DS9 for the first time. I am currently on season two of both series I discovered the podcast only about 5 weeks ago and now i have downloaded 110 episodes and have listened to about 60 of them now. Thanks Rico so much for the podcast its now my hightlight of my week. You have also interested me in Anomaly podcast as well.

Thanks so much for this wonderful place to meet new friends Rico, YOU ROCK!


Welcome to the forums John, good to have you here.


Welcome to our happy home John!  Glad to have you with us.


Indeed, welcome! Very cool to have a older, new fan to Trek. I can't wait to hear about your thoughts on the series as you delve into the great Human Adventure. We are all HUGE Star Wars fans as well. :)


Welcome, John!  Don't give up on DS9- some think it starts off kind of slow, but it really develops into an epic show.  You are in for a treat!


Welcome aboard, John! :cheers


Welcome to our geeky family.


Let me tell you your fortune: I see good Star Trek episodes in your future... I'd call that lucky!

Welcome, take a seat and tell us about your journey! :)


Welcome to this cool place jnoble. I have to second what wraith wrote about DS9. . .you will really like that show as the seasons progress.


All Hail and Well Met, John!