New Digital Camera

Started by Geekyfanboy, December 16, 2008, 05:13:38 PM

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Since I broke my Digital Camera when I hit the pole with my face on a recent shoot with The Guild they are buying me a new one. So I need suggestion on a new camera. Not super expensive. My previous camera was about $350 so I'm trying not to spend more then that. Any ideas of what I should get?


I'm a huge fan of anything made by Canon, mostly because they fixed my old camera for free despite it being out of warranty :). I have a lovely PowerShot A580, but I guess that you're after a DSLR rather than a nifty little compact.
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I have a FujiFilm Finepix S5200 which was only about that price 2 years ago.  I use it for kayaking since it is inexpensive enough that when it eventually falls in the river I will shrug and buy the next model.  Surprisingly it has a 10X optical zoom lens but a fixed lens (to get good action shots up close and reduced chance of water ingress).  It has a typical camera body which makes for more grip surfaces than a lot of the small rectangular ones on the market today.

I bought it because it was inexpensive, but it takes really good photos on automatic (no time to fiddle on the water).  With a 2 GB memory chip you can get 24 minutes of the lower resolution video, but even that looks pretty reasonable when rendered.  So my two cents.  You have to decide what you want the camera to do first, just like anything else!



I just bought a Canon sx10 Is this is a fantastic camera comes with all the bells and whistles is equivalent to 28 mil wide angle to 560mm zoom lens goes up to 1600 iso has automatic and manual functions and is getting great reviews. Plus it is in your price range as well


Thanks for all the suggestions.. I think I'm going to get this one. Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ5 Digital Camera

Rick's son Nathan has one and both he and Rick really like it.


You'll be very happy with it Kenny!  I have two other friends who bought them after playing with Nathan's camera, and they are getting a ton of use out of them.

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