"True Blood" - HBO vamps

Started by Rico, December 01, 2008, 12:07:44 PM

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Quote from: Rico on August 20, 2010, 02:41:58 PM
Current season is three.  And there are only 12 episodes per each season.

Thanks Rico.. that's not too bad.. I should be able to catch up.. actually I don't have HBO so I have time before S3 comes out on DVD.


Well, the season is coming to a head now.  One episode left.  I've really enjoyed this season a lot.  Very interesting stuff going on.  And it seems the two main stars got married in real life recently too.  Congrats to Anna and Stephen!


Pretty good finale to season three, some interesting twists and turns.  But I thought they left a bit too much hanging.  One other thing about this season was many of the characters were kept apart much more than in past seasons.  Not sure I liked it that way as much.  It was like there were all these separate stories going.  Now, I still enjoyed the season but I do hope next year they bring them all together a bit more.


As long as Tara stays gone I'm ok.  Best scene in the whole finale was her driving out of town!
"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


Finally got my S1 Disc 1 from Netflix.. can't wait to watch this series.


I think you will enjoy it Kenny.  Oh, there is a comic series out now too.  I've read the first issue and it's pretty good.  Really captures the characters attitudes, speech and the art is well done too.  Check it out if you are a fan of the series.

Learn more here:


After years of wanting to see this series ( I don't have HBO) I finally rented Disc 1 of the first season. Everyone I talked too and who knows me said I would enjoy it. So last night Harry and I sat down to watch episode 1. Harry wasn't sold on it yet but said he would watch the first episode and then let me know if he wanted to continue or not.

We watched it and then a few moments later we watched the second episode and would have continued to watch if there were more then 2 episodes on that disc.

Needless to say I LOVED IT.

Though it's been out for a while I didn't really know much about it.. I mean I knew it was about vampires and that the main character Sookie was telepathic. But that was about it. I didn't know the Vampires "Came out of the Caskets" and were fighting for civil rights. Which was AWESOME because it pretty much mirrors gay people and how they are fighting for their rights, minus the undead, killing people part. :) Lot's of blood, which I expected and didn't mind. Lot's of sex which I don't mind or course.. but I guess I'm not use to it in TV shows, though I did watch Sex and the City a bit. But the one thing that really surprised me about the first few episodes was the humor.. both Harry and I laughed out loud, though out both episodes. There was some great dialogue.. and I liked how you cared about the characters so quickly. The main characters were charming, funny and charismatic. I mean we've only seen two episode but when Sookie was getting . attacked you just wanted Bill to come and rescue her and kill that couple. Which he does in the next episode but man I was hoping he would make them suffer a bit.

Anyways... I'm bummed that there are only two episodes per disc and that it will take at least 2 days to return the disk and get a new one.. I might have to go out and buy me the DVD's for my Birthday unless I can find a friend who has them already.

I can't wait to see more of this series.


Glad you've jumped in Kenny.  Yes, the series is A LOT more than just about vampires.  For me, it's the characters that have kept me coming back to see what happens next.  Keep us posted on how you like the rest too.


One of the shows I'm covering on the podcast today.  See if this trailer for the first season whets your appetite for some great TV!

True Blood Trailer


Been meaning to check this one out.


Season Four starts on June 26th!  Going to be awesome!  Check out this short teaser trailer!

True Blood: Season 4 New Promo "The Wait is Almost Over"


Some new posters have popped up for the new season.  Here's one of them.



First three minutes of season four as a little teaser preview....

True Blood Season 4: First 3 Minutes!


Getting pretty excited for the return of "True Blood" this coming weekend on June 26th.  Another cool preview...

[embed=560,349]<iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/CPSnb0b1Sqo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>[/embed]
