Looking for Fandom documentaries...

Started by BenderJBender, November 10, 2008, 04:32:59 PM

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Hello everyone...

I'm new to the forum and could use a little help. I'm looking for "Fandom" documentaries on DVD...Not clear, okay any film like Trekkies or Staroids that focuses more on the fans or collectors. A lot of these documentaries are more about the Fan or Fandom culture rather than just a series of films...WEIRD, I know...
I already have a few and would like to acquire more ...if there are any.

These are some of the ones I have already...
Trekkies 2
7 days in Roswell
Done the Impossible

Star Wait
The Phandom Menace
A Galaxy Far Far Away
The Force among Us

I know about
George and Me
Heart of an empire

However, it appears that they have not yet been released on a DVD format. Please let me know if I'm wrong...

Again, if any of you have heard or seen a another film of this type...Please let me know..

Thank you Big Big!!!! :cylon


Welcome to the forums.  Are you only looking for professional done stuff?


Yes, but also amateur ones...I don't think too many people are aware of these...
I know there's one about JAWS and one about the Goonies...However, it appears thatboth of those are stuck in eternal production.

By the way, great Ray Harryhausen themed podcast!!!!


A freind of mine is working on a Fandon Documentary called Pegwarmers which should be out on DVD in the next month or so.



Thank you...I just emailed him...The film looks great!! :cylon