Your input on some photo shoot ideas

Started by moyer777, September 13, 2008, 10:14:13 AM

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Quote from: iceman on September 13, 2008, 07:08:20 PM
How about taking photos through the view of reflective sunglasses, I have done this and it can be really cool.
Excellent idea!

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Quote from: Ktrek on September 13, 2008, 07:59:13 PM
How about boat themes (masts, sails, anchors etc.)? Or beachcomber themes? I think interesting people would make a good theme also (and I don't mean family members).

Very nice, I love the idea, it's now on my list!

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Quote from: Chief on September 18, 2008, 03:47:11 PM
What about portraits of people?

I love great pictures of people in black and white.

You could experiment with sepia filters too.

Great idea, I'm putting it on my list too.

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