T-Shirt poll

Started by Rico, May 12, 2006, 05:39:36 AM

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If you were to buy a "Treks in Sci-Fi T-shirt", what size would you need?

2 (12.5%)
1 (6.3%)
8 (50%)
4 (25%)
even bigger
1 (6.3%)

Total Members Voted: 15


Very true Risky,

And to skip: no, i wear a large... shirts shrink, and when they do a large fits better than a medium... i suppose i could wear a medium but i didnt vote for it....
Star Trek Will Rise Again


You are absolutely correct Risky...we are humbled by your knowledge of Middle Earth.
Yes, we got a bit off topic...we're back on topic now. Back to my original post...Large, and Medium sizes would be nice.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast



I may go the preorder route with the shirts.  Would folks be willing to prepay for a shirt, then I place the shirt order?  That way you get the correct size and all that.  The alternative is I order a certain amount of each size.  What I would probably do is have a couple of weeks of preorder, then place the shirt order.  Once the shirts come in, I can ship them out.  Give me your thoughts on this.


Sure, put me down for a large and a hamburger -- for which I will gladly pay you back -- Tuesday.

Seriously, put me down for a large


same here...  put me down for a large....

how much do u think they will end up costing... (its not really an issue, just wondering)
Star Trek Will Rise Again


Cool...since you're thinking of going this route...a small would be best for me. How would you prefer we send you the dough for the shirts?
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Still finalizing details.  Give me a little more time to get the specifics settled.


paypal would probably be the easiest way to send the money... im sure that most of us could do that....
Star Trek Will Rise Again