
Started by Geekyfanboy, June 25, 2008, 08:47:43 AM

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Would you be a contestant on Wipeout ?

For the 50,000 ?  Yes
1 (14.3%)
If I win the money - great.  If not - I'll have fun
2 (28.6%)
Yes but only if I get money - even if I lose
2 (28.6%)
Lets see - how do I have fun without telling the wife ? :D
0 (0%)
Are you nuts !?
2 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 7

Voting closed: July 09, 2008, 03:14:02 PM


In case you didn't hear...ITS BAAAAACK !!!   Season 2 Wed 8pm started 5/27.  Catch the first show on abc.com
New perils with even funnier wipeouts.


We caught it this past week.. I haven't laughed so hard.. love the new obstacles. Can't wait for the next episode.




I just don't get this show.  Tried to watch it but it just does nothing for me.


Quote from: Rico on June 06, 2009, 08:19:24 AM
I just don't get this show.  Tried to watch it but it just does nothing for me.
It's one of those guilty human pleasure of enjoying someone else getting nailed. Think of it as a pie in the face but on an epic level. It's also one of those shows where your laugh at people failing all the time saying that you could do better, but deep down you know that you're just another highlight reel waiting to happen.


Last week was a little rough.  One finalist hurt her ankle - it was bound to happen.  These people are not althletes.  Speaking of which - I think Bryan should try out/audtion ;D


Guess I just don't enjoy seeing real people get knocked around.


I'd love to have a go at it though. :)