Comic prices!

Started by Rico, March 26, 2008, 05:57:03 AM

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I too had to stop buying comics. Right in the middle of one of the biggest crossovers. The prices are getting out of hand. When i started collecting back in the 80's i could buy everything Marvel and DC put out and spend $20 every two weeks. Now almost $4 per issue. With gasoline prices the way they are and I needing a car I had to choose which i really needed.
Genius by birth, Slacker by choice.


Yeah - it's funny.  The rising gas prices is what has really put this in perspective some for me.  I'm not going to quit comics completely but I am buying fewer titles.


Even if you get things shipped to you, they charge more for shipping or add fuel surcharges. So they get you even if you don't drive your car.


Jeff, I at least wasn't commenting on the cost of gas to drive to get comics.  It's not really out of the way for me.  I was making the comment on spending more for gas to drive to work, etc. is making me cut back on other things.  To a degree.


Yes, I have had to cut back on things as well, it seems like every week, I am putting in at least 40 dollars into my car for gas, and that really is just for my wife to drive to school, then out on the weekend. Plus the higher prices for gas just works itself into everything we buy, as the sellers need to add that to cost of the items. But getting back to comics, more for gas, higher price comics, equal less comics


About $400 - 500 a month in gas in the Dostie house.  And I only drive to work and home.  Very sad.


Fuel prices here in England are getting ridiculous. It now costs me £45 to fill my car up and that lasts about a week and a half. We're looking at £1.08 a litre lately and considering it was only £0.94 last year says it all.


Getting off subject, but I'm curious how far you drive each day Hawkeye?


Yeah - my comics habit runs me almost $200 a month. It's easy to ignore when you spend a little here and there, but when I think about it ... geeze. Sure, part of that is for the wife's comics (yes, she reads them), but even so.

Most of my reads are limited series. I also read a good many indies. Locke and Key is fantastic, and the covers are very well designed. It's also $3.99 an issue, as are many of the indies I read.

So yes, Rico. Far too expensive. It's a good thing I have so many worthless back issues to give my daughter to hook her into comics. She can read them and tear 'em up and I don't care.
Admiral Piett: Impossible! Are calcs proves us otherwise.
" Blalock's 'Shadow Puppets' To Get California Release" <-- Best headline ever on this site.


Well i drive around 33 miles (about 53 kilometres) a day sometimes 40 miles if i am seeing a friend after work. I live in a different county than i work in. How many miles / kilometres do you do Rico? My comic spending is oly around £20 a month now as had to cut down because of fuel and also rise in mortgage rates, food, elecricity and gas etc here in England. Thanks Gordon Brown.


Yeah, everything is getting more expensive.  It's a bit crazy.  I drive about 50 miles a day.  I live pretty far out from the city of Detroit where I work.  A bit far, but I love the country area where I live.  I try to do any errands, stop off for comics along the way to make the driving more efficient.  At least the places I shop at are along the way.


Oh that's pretty cool. I now live in the country (well i live in a town and i'm surrounded by fields) so i too don't mind the drive. I used to live in Birmingham which is the second city of England and has now become so busy. Able to get a train into the city though and i can easily get my comics from Nostalgia or Forbidden Planet. Ebay tends to be my main place though especially when you get discount pricing on posting.


My Local Comic Shop is right down the street. I could walk there if I was able to walk that far. So gas is not really one of my issues.
Admiral Piett: Impossible! Are calcs proves us otherwise.
" Blalock's 'Shadow Puppets' To Get California Release" <-- Best headline ever on this site.


I'm only two miles from work, and to save on gas, I usually walk.  Not all the time mind you.  To my knowlege we don't have a comic shop in town.  So the only ones I get are from IDW online.  I just get Star Trek Comics.   There are a bunch of star trek comics at the Star Wars shop.  I may go in and make a good deal with the guy.  They all look in pretty good condition.  If anyone wants some old comics or some of the magazines in the pictures on the Star Wars thread, I would get them for you and send them your way.  Just let me know.


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Getting back to the starting subject. I was reading Countdown to Final Crisis which has it's up and downs. I am still getting however two Star Wars Comics. I haven't really been into Star Wars comics sine I was in Junior High in the early 80's. But now I am really interested in are SW: Dark Times which tells of the period between Episode 3 and Episode 4. I can say this about it. It is called Dark Times for a reason. The other is Star Wars : Legacy Which is a hundred years or more after Jedi. The Sith are rising once more and the last Skywalker isn't such a good guy anymore.
  I really liked the Planet Hulk Crossover from Marvel also but not to much the World War Hulk crossover.
  For alternate reality buffs like me. I recommend Exiles. It is X-men meets Sliders.
Genius by birth, Slacker by choice.