hi im Capt. Winters

Started by Capt. Winters, March 14, 2006, 06:21:02 PM

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there isnt even 50 yet spock, (suck up!) lol, jk.
Star Trek Will Rise Again


its doesnt hurt to have good PR. I know there will be 100 by the end of summer
Visit the Unofficial Treks n Sci-Fi RPG forum http://spocksmac.byethost11.com/forum


im not sure about that, besides, wont ur forum be set up by the end of the summer?
Star Trek Will Rise Again


wat forum are you referring to?
Visit the Unofficial Treks n Sci-Fi RPG forum http://spocksmac.byethost11.com/forum


arent u makiing a forum, i thought i saw that on one of ur links, the thing where u can be federation, klingon, romulan..... and u pick high councell people... u know?
Star Trek Will Rise Again


OOO you ment the wiki. Its not exactly a forum. You can post conversation messages concerning articles. Primarily you submit treknology and other Trek info concerning ships, people, episodes etc.
Visit the Unofficial Treks n Sci-Fi RPG forum http://spocksmac.byethost11.com/forum


well whatever it is, it looks cool, let me know when u finish that so i can check it out.
Star Trek Will Rise Again


Its done. Now you can post all trek info u know on it. :)
Visit the Unofficial Treks n Sci-Fi RPG forum http://spocksmac.byethost11.com/forum


well, i intend to, but for the next week i am stuck with dial up. Im visiting my Grandparents in florida so yeah.....
Star Trek Will Rise Again


That sucks. Oh well enjoy your family.
Visit the Unofficial Treks n Sci-Fi RPG forum http://spocksmac.byethost11.com/forum


yeah... not much to do down hear. spring break doesnt exist where my grandparents live. lol
Star Trek Will Rise Again


"Do a barrel roll" - Peppy, StarFox 64
"Coincidence... I think NOT!" - Bear, Polkadot Shorts
"If at first you don't succeed... you fail" -Portal preview

Admiral Anthony Out


well, the nearest store is about 2 miles away.... they live near Delray. they live in a condo right next to the ocean, but i never go in it because of all the jellyfish and sea lice. their building has a pool though... so thats fun. but thats basically it. u can go swimming and walk on the beach.... i need my grandparents to drive me anywhere else and thats always a big deal cause they are getting old.
Star Trek Will Rise Again


Visit the Unofficial Treks n Sci-Fi RPG forum http://spocksmac.byethost11.com/forum


well, i'll try. but im not sure how easy that will be. 
Star Trek Will Rise Again