Star Wars : Death Star - Week 2 Chapters 19-41 - spoilers

Started by Duffster, November 30, 2007, 12:07:07 PM

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Will start discussing these chapters next week, starting Dec 3rd.

Is the 100 pages a week schedule good with everyone?

Duffster is, The HugoNaut


Not a problem for me...It's forcing me to read instead of watch TV; I see that as a good thing. :)
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


A-OK. Looking forward to these people coming together somehow.



I like how they are portraying Vader as some really mysterious person that nobody knows much about. He is certainly very menacing, and killing that officer to set an example seems to been effective. I like how they are weaving Vader and Tarkin appearances into all these Characters stories.


Well, it seems to me that Sgt. Nova Stihl is strong in the Force but he obviously doesn't know it. I really like the way he and Rodo are starting to get along--two good bad asses that respect each other. Hey wait a minute--Sgt. Stihl is technically a bad guy but I like him anyway. I do like the way the book is making me like a character whom I woulnd't care for if I saw him get shot in Episode IV by Luke or Han.


I like Nova too...even if he has an old lady name.  :D  Yes, I know a few Novas.

What's amazing to me is that there are at least 3 characters in the book who are strong in the force. I can't wait to see how this works into the story...
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


It makes you wonder if there are more force-sensitves out there then we were previously led to believe, they just don't realise they are. I wonder if he'll hear when "millions of voices cried out in terror, and then suddenly silenced"


Just about at page 200 or so now.  Should hit this week's quota at lunch today.  I do like how things are coming together more now.  Interesting read so far.  And where do I remember this Admiral Daala character from that's hooking up with Tarkin?  She seems very familiar. 


She debuted in the Jedi Academy Trilogy. She is the only female Admiral in the Imperial Navy and commands a group of Star Destroyers defending the Maw installation where the Death Star was designed, also he and Tarkin are apparently "friends".


Something to file and forget:
The Maw, from what I've read in Rebel Dawn by A. C. Crispin, is a black hole cluster. The path Han traversed on the "Kessel Run" runs past The Maw. The reference to "parsecs" pertains to the Maw and the fact the holes distort time and distance. So when Solo says he made the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs, he was bragging about the distance he was able to traveled to Kessel, which people would know is impossible unless he was able to navigate the Maw—only a super pilot could make that run.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Yeah, a convenient construct which covers that dialog slip in ANH.

As a side note: If anyone has any issues with Expanded Universe stuff, Wookiepedia is a great resource, it can be found at I'd be careful though because there may be spoilers in some of the descriptions.