Black friday, Anyone shopping?

Started by space_invader64, November 21, 2007, 04:21:44 PM

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I wasn't going to but I think I might because apple sent me an email that they were having a sale.  This is so apple, they are not announcing what items are on sale!  We just find out when we get there!

If the ipod classic is marked down very much I might get one, so I can listen to rico with a stilish new ipod.

I am also looking for a good camcorder and digital camera if any of you have suggestions.


I planned on shopping.. but I have to work :(


I got that Apple email too.  Some stuff will be for sale online as well.  I doubt I will hit any retail stores.  Too crazy for me.


We are almost done with our shopping already as we have to ship it all back east to my folks in Greenwich, CT, where we spend Christmas. :)


Oh yeah, someone at the apple store said that they will have things on sale in the store.

But online, hmmm, I may do that instead!


I'm going back to work on Black Friday -- at Border's!

Wish me luck ...
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Not much around here this friday to justify shopping...might go anyway.

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Just got back.  Been at it since 3 this morning!  Got a new camcorder.


I wasn't going to go, but I did end up in a J. Crew to get my wife something she had been looking at a few weeks ago. They wee busy at 10:30 am for sure.


Quote from: space_invader64 on November 23, 2007, 05:43:55 PM
Just got back.  Been at it since 3 this morning!  Got a new camcorder.

What brand?  Model??


It is a Panasonic PV-GS80.  I have used my friends which is a much more elaborate model, the 400.  But they cost quite a bit.  I picked it up in best buy and really started to like it.  I like the body style and it has some manual settings.


Ahh, that's the one on sale this weekend.  I was tempted too.  I think I might be holding out for an HD camera.


HD cameras are pretty but I would fill up my hard drive because we don't have burners that will burn them in HD yet.


OK, I think I might need to eat my words.  I've found a hd camcorder that I like that is not super pricey. And here it is.  The Canon HV20.

I like it for these reasons:

1 Can shoot in 24p for a real movie feel
2 Can shoot in 1080i HD
3 Records to tape so it won't eat all my hard drive space
4 Can plug in an external mic for better sound and listen on headphones
5 Manual settings

And the New York Times said it was the camcorder of the year!!!!