Treks in Sci-Fi Book Club

Started by Duffster, November 06, 2007, 08:20:54 AM

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I has been suggested that we form a book club here on the forums. Who all is interested in this idea?? Lets also discuss what kind of format we will use.  A couple of ideas or we pick a book and allow a couple weeks to read it, and then discuss it.  Another idea is that we map the book out over a few weeks, and everyone reads a few chapters every week, and discuss it as we read it.

Chime in on what you think.

Oh, Rico I hope you don't have any headaches with this idea. Please let us know if you have any have any wishes one way or the other on this idea.

Duffster is, The HugoNaut


I am absolutely in support of this idea. I also kinda like the chapters/week idea since it'll help us keep on the same track and allow us to discuss spolier free up to the point we are supposed to be at.

I think we could start with Star Wars/Star Trek novels and then expand if we want to.


More than happy with the idea.  I can create a special section on the forum for it as well if you want.  Just let me know.

P.S.  I nominate the Duffster to run it too!  Of course - if he is willing.  ;)


I read slower than most...I like to think it's because I'm a visual person and like to picture the scenes, but it's probably because I read at night and I fall asleep after about 30 minutes. Reading a chapter at a time and discussing sounds better to me. But we should give folks more time to read that chapter.  :)

I agree, Star Wars and Star Trek novels to start.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


You can second it Rico...we already nominated him. ;D
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


I'd love to be a part of a book reading club but my preference would be to read and discuss classic sci-fi titles like Heinlein's "Stranger in a Strange Land", Asimov's "I Robot", H.G. Well's "War of the Worlds" etc. There are so many great sci-fi books out there that are more worthy of discussion than TV and movie spin off novels. And don't think I'm dissing that totally as I have around 700 Star Trek novels in my collection and read most of the newer ones as they come out. I am not much of a fan of the Star Wars novels. From what I have read I don't see how they could provide a lot of discussion matter.

As for time schedule I would think the best approach would be to start out with a book of the month. Give a month to read said book and discuss the following month. While discussion is taking place about the current book of the month you will be reading the next month's announced title etc.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


I say we do this like the Star Wars Action News Book Club does. If a book we're proposing interests you, sign up to read it with us...if it doesn't, wait for the next title.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Makes sense. Also I like starting out with Star Trek/Star Wars because it kinda fits with the podcast. Also it'll help us to choose the first few books if we limit ourselves.


I read a lot, so this is from my viewpoint. How bout if we have both a book of the month, and a book that we read a few chapters a week?? This way those that want to have an ongoing discussion can have a new weekly discussion, and those that would rather talk about something monthly can do so also.

As a lot of you know, I am big into the SF classics, so I would love to throw some of them in from time to time.

I would also like to suggest that we can take turns deciding on the next book. I think that would expose a lot of us to novels we normally wouldn't have read.

Duffster is, The HugoNaut


I love the idea, and think it will be lots of fun.  Looking forward to being a part of it.  I think it makes sense to focus on Star Trek considering our theme on Treks in Scifi, but not to neccessarily limit ourselves if we find this idea takes off and continues for a long time.  Plus I have a pretty extensive digital collection of Star Trek novels I need to delve into and this would be a great reason to do so (not that I really need one)    
"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


Sounds good to me.  I like the idea. 

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Some good thoughts going folks.  I do think for something like this you do have to set a certain schedule, chapters per week or whatever to keep it moving.  I'm ok with pretty much any book content.

P.S.  I'll also plan on putting a short segment/commercial about the book we are currently reading in the podcast once we get it all up and started.

P.S.  Moving this topic to the new book club section then


Any suggestions for a first book? I just started a novel (currently two chapters in)... SW: Death Star.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


If we want to get on something good with Star Wars, we could do the Legacy of the Force series from the beginning. That was next on my list. Though maybe a stand alone book would be better.


I haven't kept current on either the Star Wars novels, nor Star Trek novels. I am neutral on which one we do first. Also remember we need to give a week or so for people to procure the novel we will be reading. Lets get 4 or 5 suggestions, then we can put up a take a vote.

Duffster is, The HugoNaut