5th season of Atlantis!

Started by moyer777, October 26, 2007, 10:29:13 AM

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No problem Bryan - everyone has certain tastes.  But I will say, if you do watch "Firefly" someday and find you like it I would seriously consider giving "Buffy" a try sometime.  It's extremely well written and not what you might think at all.  The "Hush" episode and the musical episodes alone are better than some other series entire runs.


Actually, in all fairness, it's the whole vampire thing I'm not into that failed to capture my interest with Buffy. God, i hope Kenny doesn't read this thread...he'll dis-own me!


That is a very tiny portion of the show.  It goes much further and deeper than that.


I can see Kenny right now packing up his DVD's of Buffy to send to me with a threatening note!


Quote from: Bryancd on August 21, 2008, 04:43:55 PM
Actually, in all fairness, it's the whole vampire thing I'm not into that failed to capture my interest with Buffy. God, i hope Kenny doesn't read this thread...he'll dis-own me!

LOL.. I have already written several rebuttal posts but didn't post them.. I'm sitting here taking deep breaths :)


I always like to toss this out there.  Always be willing to try something at least a few times before you make up your mind.  There's this new Jim Carrey movie coming out where he decides to start trying things and saying "yes" to stuff he used to say no to.  Because you really can't know until you try.


Whew....dodged a bullet on this one!

...good thing I didn't mention the fact that I have only seen the first Harry Potter movie........  :boxing      :roflmao


Well, I never could get into Buffy either. I thought the show was very poorly acted and although some of the stories were cool I had a hard time getting past the acting.

As far as Atlantis is concerned all I can say is boo to Sci-fi Channel. Atlantis is probably the best show they have now that Galactica is gone too. I think they will be hard pressed to replace it and get the ratings Atlantis has without severely redefining what sci-fi is and selling the American public on their new vision.

In my case it really doesn't matter as I have not had TV/Cable for well over a year now and only buy the DVDs as they come out, but if I did I would be canceling whatever tier Sc-fi was on in protest.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


I want to clarify something. MGM canceled Atlantis. Not the Scifi Channel.
- Scott Hough

The Vintage Gamers


Quote from: Scott on August 22, 2008, 10:30:52 AM
I want to clarify something. MGM canceled Atlantis. Not the Scifi Channel.

Reference please! Everything I have read says Sci-fi canceled the series. NOT MGM!

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


Don't networks typically cancel a series?  This is why a production house sometimes then shops the series to another home on another network. 


I'm really annoyed by this.

I don't have Sky (or whoever carries Stargate in the UK these days) so have to resort to 'other means' to see the shows but from where I stand (halfway through season 3) this show has waaaay more stories to tell. Booo!

On the up-side, I look forward to the DVD movie release. I liked Ark of Truth and expect Continuum to be enjoyable too. The longer format does allow a more in depth story...if done 'right'.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Anyone who isn't a fan of the show or feels it lacks something should really find a way to watch last Friday's episode called "The Shrine."  It was incredible.  The resident genius Rodney starts to find his intelligence slipping away due to an alien parasite.  An extremely well acted and moving episode.  For this episode to air on the heels of this announcement just makes it all that much more hard to take.

P.S.  And if you want to see other people's comments about this episode look here:

--- warning: there are some spoilers in some of those comments


Best show of the season.  David Hewlett, his real-life sister and the rest of the cast were GREAT.  Feel sorry for Picardo "But I just got here!!  Whaddya mean its cancelled ?"


Loved this episode...might be my favorite of all of them.  So emotional.  David was totally awesome in it!  And everyone else was top notch too.