What TV season sets do you collect?

Started by Ktrek, October 24, 2007, 12:03:30 AM

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Darth Gaos


I bow to your superior collecting skills

I think it was Socrates who spoke the immortal words:  I drank WHAT?


Rico could cancel his cable TV and have enough to keep him busy for a very long time. In fact the $60.00 a month he would save could be used to further his collection. That's exactly what I did! With most shows so easily available now I saw no point in keeping cable anymore. So with the money I save I buy a couple TV season box sets a month.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


Yeah - but some shows I can't wait until DVD for.  "Heroes" for one.  Plus I really love HD cable.  I even watched some football in HD.  And I never watch football.


I agree with you Rico, with HD TV, I cant wait either for the shows. I watch a lot more sports as well, and I never watcg that. Heck I was even watching a show on making Canoe Paddles the other day, just because it was HD, so if they had a show on paint drying and it was filmed in HD, I might watch LOL.

That is a great collection you have. My goal someday is to make a Media Jukebox of all my DVD's, then access all the movies and shows from the system I copied them to. I think I have seen some tech shows cover that idea before, I just need to get unlazy and start.


HD Discovery is my favourite channel. I'll watch anything on there.


The studios are finding new life for old TV shows on DVD (and $$, can you say writer's strike?), and HD versions are right around the corner.

With a good production, you identify with and care about the characters, so
in the old days I had to record "on air" programs or bought episodes on VHS tape.

Now that DVD offers commentaries and extras I'll gladly buy again "my" favorite TV series.

What television shows have you got on the shelf?

So far I have collected -
Star Trek complete seasons of:
Quantum Leap:
Season 1&2 region 1
Season 3,4 and 5 region 2
(a lot of the original song tracks used were removed due to licensing agreement issues in the domestic release after season 2)
Twin Peaks - season 1
Police Squad! (all six episodes)
Earth 2
Space above and beyond
All 4 seasons (wish there where more)...

Dan M

Complete series of
Star Trek: TOS, TAS, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT
Buck Rogers
Batman: TAS
Superman: TAS
Batman Beyond
Justice League/JLU
The Flash
Wonder Woman
All released DC toons from the 60s,70s, early 80s
Stargate SG-1, Seasons 1-5
Quantum Leap, Season 1
BSG-R, Seasons 1 & 2
Kung Fu, Seasons 1 & 2
Sledge Hammer!, Seasons 1 & 2
Gilmore Girls, Seasons 1 - 6
Friday Night Lights, Season 1 (we're only half-way through watching it)


Just a couple of weeks ago I started a similar thread called "What TV Season Sets Do You Own?" and several member answers, including my own, can be found here:


"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


Yep.. I will combine the threads...


My bad, I missed your tread (great minds think alike!)

I forgot -  I have four seasons of "Futurama" series too but after seeing Rico's collection, I can just say....

We're not worthy!" (repeated, while bowing, a la "Wayne's World")