Obi Wan lives? is this news?

Started by MrOsterman, April 11, 2007, 01:43:35 PM

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So a certain gentleman's magazine has in the May printing (which apparently they like to send out before April is even half over) a rejected early story board where rather than giving himself up to the force, Obi Wan makes a quick back step, shots the blast door and lives.

It's got a nice rough "legit" look to it.  Is this the first we SW nerds knew about it?

Mr. O


Hmm, that's new to me.  There's a new making of Star Wars: A New Hope book coming out soon.  Maybe the info is from that.  I'm assuming this magazine's name starts with the word "Play?"


Quote from: Rico on April 11, 2007, 01:52:35 PM
Hmm, that's new to me.  There's a new making of Star Wars: A New Hope book coming out soon.  Maybe the info is from that.  I'm assuming this magazine's name starts with the word "Play?"

You know I've got to be one of the 5 men in America who get it for the articles and the interviews....

Heck.. if they ever did a "clean" copy of it I'd pay for it happily.


Dan M

I'm the same way, Mr. O.  Naked women are all over the net.  I'd never pay for that.  The articles and interviews are great. 


Suuuuuure... articles are good LOL

"The Needs Of The Many, Out Weigh The Needs Of The Few, Or The One..."
Mr. Spock


Quote from: Chief on April 17, 2007, 03:02:43 PM
Suuuuuure... articles are good LOL

I'm not joking though... there was an essay a few months back on the role of the FCC in monopoly regulation that was actually very relevant to a discussion my physics kids were having about cell phones (it was a big project thing).  But I couldn't exactly walk in and run of the article for them or anything....

Like I said, I'd pay for a "clean" copy just for situations like that.

I'll see if I can get the scanner working this week.  The story boards are pretty cool.

Mr. O


hmm... this is the first im hearing bout that... I'd love to read that article
Star Trek Will Rise Again

Movie Sean

Quote from: pickard on April 11, 2007, 03:07:07 PM
I'm the same way, Mr. O.  Naked women are all over the net.  I'd never pay for that.  The articles and interviews are great. 

Yeah, but articles + naked women = fantastic.

Besides, its like artsy porn.
Call me cocky, but if there's an alien I can't kill, I haven't met him and killed him yet.


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