G'day from Australia

Started by RichardMEL, November 02, 2006, 06:53:32 AM

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Greetings everyone.

I'm Richard and I live in Melbourne, Australia. I'm the Richard whoose email Rico so kindly read out in podcast #82 (thank you - you had me blushing for quite a while there while listening!).

So I thought I would drop into the forums and have a say with some of the like minded people here.

A bit of info about me - I'm 35 (well 36 in a week or so *sniff sniff*) and as I said above I love way down South of most of the readers here (I imagine!). I grew up in the 70's on a healthy dose of everything from "Land of the Lost", "Jason of Star Command", "Dr. Who" (of course! a staple down here!) "Thunderbirds" "Space: 1999" "Blake's 7" "Battlestar Galactica" "Buck Rogers" "The Tomorrow People" "Logan's Run" "Fantastiic Journey" (to name but a few!) and of course of the films of the time. I can't remember my first exposure to Trek, but I suspect it was TOS episodes that used to air I think on Saturday mornings here during the 70's. I remember as a kid wanting to make a paper Enterprise (which didn't quite happen for obvious reasons ! :) ). I was unimpressed with TMP, but really enjoyed TWOK and following films (and of course I was a teenager by then so could take more in than just "ooh flashing lights and green man with weird ears"!).

I'm not a collector or anything but I have been to WorldCon when it was here in Melbourne some years ago. Actually I worked there as a volunteer which was way cool. Got to assis JMS with his email and as a Babylon 5 fan you have NO idea how simply cool that was! A really nice guy!

I had a comics phase as a teenager and even went through bagging quite a few in plastic and all the rest. After attending University for some reason I feel out of interest and sold them all though I am looking forward to the new Dark Knight movie based on the graphic novel which came out I think when I was 15 and was *the* hot property in those days -expensive as hell but SO worth it. I also remember "Watchmen" which IIRC is also being turned into a movie.

As I said in my note to Rico unfortunately I have health problems and have to endure 5 hour sessions of Dialysis (and yes, you have NO IDEA how many times I think of that scene in Star Trek IV and wish ol' Bones would slip me a magic tablet!!) 3 times a week - the Treks in SF podcast, along with a few select others, are a real Godsend to me. I have to sit fairly imobile (much like Chris Pike in his chair, and I can't even trundle around the place!) for those hours so having something diverting and interesting to listen to on my ipod is really wonderful. Listening to Rico talk about SF - and even the things I may not be totally into, like Star Wars collectables or the like - really takes my mind off things and helps me relax and sometimes a few hours can be gone before I think about where I am! I'm slowly going through back podcasts as well as current ones but trying not to do it too fast so I can have a lot of stuff for future sessions.

I really enjoy and apprieciate all the effort Rico has gone to in doing the podcasts - clearly a lot of preparation goes into them and post work (editing) etc and of course this whole website, forums etc would take a lot of time and of course money too. THANK YOU RICO!!!

I can't think of one of the 30-40 podcasts I've listened to so far that I haven't enjoyed and got something from.

Anyway I think I've rambled on enough for now. I hope to contribute to the forums in the future.


Welcome Richard.  Glad to see you join the fun here.  :)


Welcome Mate from the Pomme B****rd
You could learn something from Mr Spock Doctor..... Stop thinking with your glands"


"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


Welcome aboard! Was in Melbourne 2 years ago and absolutley loved it! Drove the Great Ocean Rd., went and did the Fairy Penguin thing, beautiful country, my wife and I want to retire there and have a sheep farm :).


Welcome Richard.. and Happy Birthday, i just turned 36 last month and it wasn't that bad.  :wallbash: So glad you can join us on the forums.


"I aim to misbehave."


LOL! Thanks all...

My birthday isn't for another week and a bit... but apprieciate the thoughts :)

thanks everyone for the warm welcome!

Yeoman Mara

Welcome Richard.  Nice to have someone from Australia joining us!
A redhead with a lightsaber is a dangerous combination!