Star Wars: Episode VII speculation thread

Started by ChrisMC, November 05, 2012, 02:36:12 PM

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Quote from: Rico on November 06, 2012, 04:38:20 AM
Ford has never said never as far as I know.  He always just makes the wise comment that he is "open to the idea" for most things.  I'm sure he wants to just see a script first before deciding.

It just has always seemed he never liked the character of Han, at least as he expressed in interviews.


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Quote from: Bryancd on November 06, 2012, 04:51:44 AM
Quote from: Rico on November 06, 2012, 04:38:20 AM
Ford has never said never as far as I know.  He always just makes the wise comment that he is "open to the idea" for most things.  I'm sure he wants to just see a script first before deciding.

It just has always seemed he never liked the character of Han, at least as he expressed in interviews.
I was pretty dismayed of the tone in that article you linked, and to hear this.  This role made his carreer, and is so beloved, why poop on it? 
"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


He just didn't connect with the character and doesn't "get" why the movies are popular. It's probably more confusion than anything.

On a side note, this guy is funny, but how many Star Wars "fans" do you think are like this comedian, completely bitter about it:

Brian Posehn: "Star Wars" Was My Vietnam! - CONAN on TBS
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it would be great if they can get Harrison Ford to agree to the movie. If Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher were coming back, would not feel the same without Han. Maybe after doing Indy a few years back, maybe his feelings on Star Wars changed. I felt as well that skit he did a year or so ago with Chewie was bit of a message he had not completely divorced himself from Star Wars.


Quote from: jedijeff on November 06, 2012, 06:23:49 PM
it would be great if they can get Harrison Ford to agree to the movie. If Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher were coming back, would not feel the same without Han. Maybe after doing Indy a few years back, maybe his feelings on Star Wars changed. I felt as well that skit he did a year or so ago with Chewie was bit of a message he had not completely divorced himself from Star Wars.

Skit with Chewie?!?!  I gotta look that up.  :)

Re. Ep VII speculation:

I feel fairly confident that all three of the big dogs will appear in the film, at least as cameos.  Hamill and Fisher always struck me as having firmly embraced their connection to the films, and I imagine Ford would be up for it if the script called for ending his character.  He wanted to get Star Wars closure by having Han killed in Jedi; maybe the new film can finally give him what he was looking for. 

As mentioned before, I imagine Ep. VII will take place around 30 years after Jedi to make allowances for age, as well as to introduce the audience to a young new generation of heroes to root for.  I bet elements of the EU will be pulled:  Leia & Han's kids (Anakin, Jaina, and Jacen), but I doubt that they'll try to do a screen adaptation of existing books.  That's actually a good thing:  I'd kind of like to see something NEW.  It wouldn't be as exciting to go see a film when I've already read the book version of it.  There wouldn't be much room for surprises.

What has me scratching my head is the question, WHO WILL BE THE VILLAIN?  Vader left some HUGE boots to fill.  Same with the Emperor. Admiral Thrawn was a great character, but not great enough to carry a new trilogy.   The Vong have been the most potent 'new' enemy in the Star Wars EU.  If the baddie isn't them, I have no clue what it will be.  I look forward to finding out.  :)


Whichever direction they take we are finally in exciting times! :)


My guess is a new Sith Lord for a villian, which necessitates an earlier call to duty for some Jedi-in-training at the new Jedi school run by Luke and Leia (who's since become a force adept since we last left her).  I don't think they'll stray too far from formula with these films, and we'll certainly see Luke in action near the end of Ep 7, probably culminating in his own death a-la Obi-wan in Ep. 4.
"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


And Han dies. Harrison has been trying to kill him off since 1983.


Quote from: wraith1701 on November 07, 2012, 10:31:32 AM
Quote from: jedijeff on November 06, 2012, 06:23:49 PM
it would be great if they can get Harrison Ford to agree to the movie. If Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher were coming back, would not feel the same without Han. Maybe after doing Indy a few years back, maybe his feelings on Star Wars changed. I felt as well that skit he did a year or so ago with Chewie was bit of a message he had not completely divorced himself from Star Wars.

Skit with Chewie?!?!  I gotta look that up.  :)

Re. Ep VII speculation:

I feel fairly confident that all three of the big dogs will appear in the film, at least as cameos.  Hamill and Fisher always struck me as having firmly embraced their connection to the films, and I imagine Ford would be up for it if the script called for ending his character.  He wanted to get Star Wars closure by having Han killed in Jedi; maybe the new film can finally give him what he was looking for. 

As mentioned before, I imagine Ep. VII will take place around 30 years after Jedi to make allowances for age, as well as to introduce the audience to a young new generation of heroes to root for.  I bet elements of the EU will be pulled:  Leia & Han's kids (Anakin, Jaina, and Jacen), but I doubt that they'll try to do a screen adaptation of existing books.  That's actually a good thing:  I'd kind of like to see something NEW.  It wouldn't be as exciting to go see a film when I've already read the book version of it.  There wouldn't be much room for surprises.

What has me scratching my head is the question, WHO WILL BE THE VILLAIN?  Vader left some HUGE boots to fill.  Same with the Emperor. Admiral Thrawn was a great character, but not great enough to carry a new trilogy.   The Vong have been the most potent 'new' enemy in the Star Wars EU.  If the baddie isn't them, I have no clue what it will be.  I look forward to finding out.  :)

This was the Video

Harrison Ford Settles a Feud

I tend to think Like Joby, it will be a new Sith Lord that will be the Bad Guy.


Quote from: Bryancd on November 07, 2012, 11:10:50 AM
And Han dies. Harrison has been trying to kill him off since 1983.

I hope they have the sense of humour to have him killed by a "Greedo" alien :)


Quote from: Dangelus on November 07, 2012, 12:41:05 PM
Quote from: Bryancd on November 07, 2012, 11:10:50 AM
And Han dies. Harrison has been trying to kill him off since 1983.

I hope they have the sense of humour to have him killed by a "Greedo" alien :)

"Rodian".  LOL

That would be ironic.  :) 



Now that Leia is a Disney Princess I think I may have convinced my daughter to dress as her for HAlooween next year!

I heard that Todd Phillips of the Hangover wants to direct Episode 7....
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