Disney to buy Lucasfilm and release Star Wars Episode 7?!!!

Started by Dangelus, October 30, 2012, 01:14:39 PM

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I'm assuming the comic book license for Star Wars will revert to Marvel at some point too. That would just make the most sense really.


I read this and I felt ... better about Star Wars. There's no secret that I've been disappointed with the way that Lucas has maintained the property I see this and I think that the right choices have been made across the board. Not only do they have star wars, they have Lucasfilms and I think that ILM will do wonders in the Disney stable.

Here is what I love about this:

- There is that tv show in the works and guess who owns ABC and like seven other networks?

My only other question is: When will the Clone Wars be making it's move to Disney XD?


Isn't the TV series even more dead at this point with the focus being on new movies?


Quote from: Rico on October 31, 2012, 06:08:01 AM
Isn't the TV series even more dead at this point with the focus being on new movies?

I would think that will be their focus. We already know a second animated series is in development aimed more at younger kids and Detours is about to premiere. So assuming Clone Wars last another season, we have three TV shows perfectly suited for Disneys channel line up.


I read something last night about the Live Action TV series, that it is still on hold for the same reasons it was before. To do a Star Wars quality TV show week to week is still to expensive for a TV budget, so on the shelf for now.


Quote from: jedijeff on October 31, 2012, 06:42:06 AM
I read something last night about the Live Action TV series, that it is still on hold for the same reasons it was before. To do a Star Wars quality TV show week to week is still to expensive for a TV budget, so on the shelf for now.

It's have to be an HBO or AMC style production I'd say.


The Death Star PR twitter account (https://twitter.com/DeathStarPR) changed its twitter profile pic to this:





Already here too:


I notice the possible plan is to have them come out two years apart.  If they were smart, they would film them all at once and grab Joss Whedon too!  Although he's going to kind of busy with Avengers 2 I think.


I just had a thought.  Who owns the Indiana Jones franchise?  Lucasfilm??


You are correct sir, however they've stated that they have no curent plans for an Indy movie.


One concern I heard being murmured around the Interwebs is that this gives Disney a lot of media control and some were concerned about how much control that gave one company. I don't share the same concerns, but it was an interesting thing to hear.
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