"Enterprise" coming to Blu-Ray

Started by Rico, October 06, 2012, 04:40:15 PM

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It's not 100% confirmed, but it's looking very likely that the "Star Trek: Enterprise" series will be the next one to come to Blu-Ray.  This makes sense since the series was already filmed in hidef.  Awesome news!  Read on:

Just as news of the Star Trek: The Next Generation remastering project broke initially through a tweet from LeVar Burton (Geordi La Forge), the first details of Star Trek: Enterprise's transition to blu-ray have emerged in a similar fashion.

Mike Sussman (long-term writer and producer on both Star Trek: Voyager and Star Trek: Enterprise) revealed in a tweet on September 23 that another Star Trek series was destined for blu-ray:

Have it on good authority that another Trek series is making its Blu-Ray debut early next year...

In our exclusive interview with TNG Remastered's David S. Grant (VP of Multimedia, CBS) and Ryan Adams (Director of Multimedia, CBS) I asked David and Ryan if the series mentioned by Mike Sussman could in fact be Enterprise. Their response was encouraging:

David Grant: Well we'll keep that... I'm not going to... Let's just say there's talk.

Ryan Adams: There are discussions happening as we speak. Discussions about other Star Trek entities, properties.

In a further tweet today, Mike Sussman confirmed these hopes, with some other very interesting information:

Trippin' down memory lane: just wrapped up an interview for the @StarTrek Enterprise season 1 Blu-Ray set coming next year. #itsabouttime

Fans have long since hoped that a release of Star Trek: Enterprise on blu-ray would come sooner rather than later as that series was already filmed in native 1080p HD, and as such requires no remastering (unlike the series that preceeded it). CBS would now appear to be already prepping the bonus features (or VAM, Value Added Material) for the release of Enterprise. In light of their incredible work on Star Trek: The Next Generation Remastered VAM, it's highly likely that Robert Meyer Burnett and Roger Lay Jr. will lend their extensive talents to the Enterprise Season 1 VAM production.

One potential obstacle in putting Enterprise out on blu-ray is that all the special FX sequences were rendered at 720p resolution, lower than the native 1080p live-action sequences. As a result, CBS would appear to have two choices - either up-rez the 720p to full 1080p or re-render the CGI sequences in native 1080p. In the case of Enterprise, an up-rez isn't necessarily a bad thing. Iconic shows such as Firefly and Battlestar Galactica have both used up-rezzed special effects in their blu-ray releases, and such a technique is often a creative choice to avoid the overly sharp VFX imagery which would result from a 1080p render. Doug Drexler (Senior Illustrator on Enterprise, but has also worked on Battlestar Galactica) sums it up nicely in an article he wrote some time back:

I've seen a lot of discussion about the fact that the CGI on BSG is rendered "only" at 720 and upscaled to 1080 for the final. Everyone should understand that render time was the LEAST important factor in this decision.

The fact is, at 1080, the CG just came out WAY too crisp. When intercut with the live action (or even composited), the CG popped off the screen and didn't match the look and feel of the rest of the show. I'm sure all of you have had the experience of watching computer generated material on a flat panel or other high quality display and noticed just how razor-sharp it can look. It can often appear unaturally crisp.

TrekCore will of course keep you up-to-date with all the developments of Star Trek: Enterprise's transition to blu-ray, so make sure you check back regularly for all the latest news!




That is cool. I have the DVD's, but to get these on Blu-Ray would be great.


This project is moving forward.  Vote for your favorite cover to be used for the releases at the link at Facebook below on the official Trek Facebook page.



For me this one can wait!  I have lost count of how many times I have gone through the other Trek shows, but I am still on season 1 Enterprise after a few years!  I must sit down at some time to finish it off. 


I'm probably going to skip buying this one because I think the DVDs of this particular show are really very good quality on the upconvert. I just don't think I would get enough of a difference to make it worth my time to spend the money. TOS, TNG, DS9 and VOY I would but not ENT. If they release a sampler first I may buy that and then decide from there after I can compare the DVDs and the Blu-Rays if there is a big enough improvement to make it worthwhile. Otherwise it would be just spending another $400 unnecessarily. Of course at first I wasn't going to buy TNG either but now I'm glad I did.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


I've seen HD versions of these episodes broadcast and I can certainly notice a difference between that and my upcoverted DVD's.  Since I enjoy this series a lot I'm definitely in for buying it again.


Quote from: Rico on November 13, 2012, 06:37:12 AM
I've seen HD versions of these episodes broadcast and I can certainly notice a difference between that and my upcoverted DVD's.  Since I enjoy this series a lot I'm definitely in for buying it again.

Yep me too, they look great. Besides its the extra features / commentaries that always make updating worthwhile if you're into that sort of thing.


Well I don't have Enterprise on DVD so I'll be picking these up for sure.


More pretty solid info on the upcoming Enterprise Blu-Ray season 1 set - due out in early 2013!

CBS is well underway prepping the high-definition launch of Star Trek: Enterprise on Blu-Ray. As we previously reported, Enterprise was the only Star Trek series to be filmed natively at high-definition 1080p resolution (although FX shots were rendered at 720p), so CBS has a far easier job putting the show out on Blu-Ray in comparison to the monumental remastering of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

A number of sources have informed TrekCore that Season 1 of Enterprise should be released in mid-late March 2013. Whilst the show was by no means as popular as The Next Generation, CBS have decided to comission another slew of brand-new bonus features to accompany the episodes on the Blu-Ray release. VAM [Value Added Material] Maestros Roger Lay Jr. and Robert Meyer Burnett - responsible for the great work on the TNG Blu-Ray special features - have been brought on board to give fans a candid, honest look at the show's troubled inception. Here's what we know so far about the Season 1 bonus features:

The Season 1 set will boast a brand new 3-part documentary (similar to TNG Season 1's "Stardate Revisited") which we've been told is both epic, compelling and incredibly candid.
The Season 1 set will include a number of new audio commentaries (expect around 4 episodes to feature commentaries). Furthermore, the show's Executive Producer Brannon Braga has revealed that Season 1's fan-favorite episode "Shuttlepod One" will feature a commentary with Brannon, Connor Trinneer (Trip Tucker) and Dominic Keating (Malcolm Reed). This is very exciting news, hearing of a commentary featuring the two stars of that particular episode along with the episode's writer and producer.
The Season 1 release is also set to include an unprecedented special discussion piece between executive producers Rick Berman and Brannon Braga. The lengthy piece, entitled "In Conversation" is described as refreshingly candid and "will be watched by the fanbase for years to come" according to Robert Meyer Burnett.
Lay and Burnett have heavily engaged Enterprise's Executive Producer Brannon Braga with these features, and Brannon himself is actively asking the fanbase for suggestions to guide his input into the bonus features. If you have a particular request, an episode you want to hear audio commentary for or any burning questions you have about the show - post them below and we'll make sure they get passed on!

We'll be featuring a special interview with VAM producer Robert Meyer Burnett soon, where he further discusses working on Star Trek Blu-Ray bonus features. We'll also be bringing you a very special video interview we recorded with Brannon Braga back in October at the huge Destination London convention where Brannon spoke to us candidly at length about his time working inside the Star Trek franchise.

Be sure to keep checking back at TrekCore for the latest news and developments relating to Enterprise's launch on Blu-Ray!



Well, they let the fans pick the cover, and I like it! It's the one I voted for. Gonna be a cool documentary too.


Check out our Classic BSG podcast! http://ragtagfugitivepodcast.com/


Having only ever seen a few episodes of Enterprise (and Ricos podcasts as source) I am very tempted to buy these and sit doen and enjoy the show. Hoping the price wont be silly.


Good cover choice.  I think I voted for that one too.


I think I voted for that one also but did they actually wear the suits in the first season? I thought it was in season two when we first see them but my memory may be shaky on that.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


I guess we all must be loony! I checked to see what cover options were made available for the fan choices and this cover was not one of them. Cool cover though! I guess they changed their minds on letting the fans vote.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine