"Arrow" - CW TV series

Started by Rico, May 17, 2012, 08:53:43 AM

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It's really getting awesome.

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week http://www.takehimwithyou.com


Yeah, I wish I could beat people up with my motorcycle.
Check out our Classic BSG podcast! http://ragtagfugitivepodcast.com/


Watching Ep 5, part of the joys of working at home. Shhh ;)

I'm getting intrigued by the back story as much as anything (bearing in mind I'm not a comic guy). Let's see how fast I can get through this :)

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


I'm glad you decided to watch it. One of my faves if not my fave right now. I think it gets better and better as it goes along. And my wife does watch this with me. I also really like the mask and that Det. Lance asked him about when they were on the roof.
And most of all I'm glad this is back with new episodes!



Stephen Amell was in talks with some higher ups about the Justice League movie...would be real smart to include a fan-favorite in the mix.
Check out our Classic BSG podcast! http://ragtagfugitivepodcast.com/


Quote from: ChrisMC on January 22, 2014, 03:14:47 PM

Stephen Amell was in talks with some higher ups about the Justice League movie...would be real smart to include a fan-favorite in the mix.

I would think that would be a terrific idea.  The guy is great and fits the role perfectly.  Even a cameo would be cool to see.


I do like the way they are building a team of those 'in the know' as we go through this series (the 1st). It's so much nicer than dropping everyone into position in the first episode and trying to make that believable. The dual storyline of 'now' and 'then' (on the island) is also doing a lot to keep me engaged.

The only thing I've really struggled with is how quickly Queen hit the ground running with his new persona once he got home. I'd have thought months if not years of elapsed time would be required to be set up with kit like that. It's a small thing and should easily be forgiven for story reasons but they've been so hot on everything else that it grates on me just occasionally.

That aside, it's still jumping up my list to become one of my top programmes of the moment. (I guess watching it all in a couple of weeks helps with that).

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Mike... If you still need to see the early part of season one I think your comment will be answered about how quick Oliver gets up and running. There is a break in period of time. Not as long as maybe reality would take, but it works for a TV show.


Hmm. I may actually need to go back to the early part if that's the case. I perhaps wasn't paying enough attention while I was feeling my way into things.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Just re-watched episode one and realised that I completely missed that fact that [spoiler]he bought a box of stuff back from the island, including the bow etc[/spoiler].

Finding that out goes some way towards answering my 'speed of set up' questions.

The episode also shows [spoiler]the initial configuration of the 'arrow cave'[/spoiler] and, since we discover later on that this is not a 'reel time show' (e.g. six weeks can pass between episodes), I guess I'm willing to cut it a bit more slack than I first thought.

Given the constraints of story, I accept they needed to compress things and, looking back from what I know now (to episodes to go) I guess they did all they could.

This is a well thought out show!

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Yes, it's a solid show. Plus he spent time building his trio team of Diggle and Felicity.



Another cool episode last night. One thing that is great about this series is they don't drag stuff out.  This isn't "Lost" - LOL!  Lots of plot threads and reveals happening this season.


Yay! Season two (so far) daily recap on Sky 2 starting midnight on Monday. Looks like I can get fully caught up before Season 2 comes back after mid-season in a couple of weeks.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


What an intense episode of "Arrow" tonight.  WOW!  This show is not slowing down.