Happy new year!

Started by MARKO, December 31, 2011, 02:34:08 PM

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I wanted to wish all you wonderful people on the forum and your family's and loved ones a very happy healthy and prosperous new year! We are truly blessed .....

"Amat Victoria Curam"


Happy New Year to eveyone!! Hope everybody has a great 2012!!


Have a great 2012 everyone!


2012 would you believe it! resolutions anyone? i want to finish every (i'm talking EVERY) episode of TNG.
happy new year!  :)


Happy New Years to some of you! Soon to be for the rest of us!

Quote from: turtlesrock on December 31, 2011, 03:40:45 PM
2012 would you believe it! resolutions anyone? i want to finish every (i'm talking EVERY) episode of TNG.
happy new year!  :)

I intend on that myself, also getting through the rest of Trek over the next year. Netflix streaming back on I'm working through TNG.

Actual resolution I'm gonna be changing my diet. My church is doing a fast thing and I just can't do that cause of my high calorie needs, so I'm altering that idea a bit. Also for health reasons and to help my ability as an instructor, provide better quality of energy and function.


Personal resolutions - I want to loose a bit of weight in 2012 - and cycle commute 2000 miles.


Happy New Year!

One more and I'll finally get to change my Aztec Mayan wall calender  :D


Happy New Year! I personally don't make resolutions because anything I want to change, I start working on it the moment I want to change it.


Happy 2012! Let's make it a good one!
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