Introducing the kids to Star Trek

Started by ricdude, June 10, 2015, 06:39:20 PM

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Of course, they are not impressed with the special effects. And I have to keep reminding them that flip-phones were an advanced concept beyond all advanced technology of the time, and not so 15 years ago.

Inertial dampeners energized, this is going to be a fun ride...


What series are you starting them on?


We're going all the way back to TOS. They've seen a few TNG episodes, and The Trouble With Tribbles. Now it's time to fill in the gaps. At this point, most of their Star Trek knowledge is second hand from Big Bang Theory and me.

If it comes down to it, and their attention spans aren't up to the challenge, I can always hand pick enough episodes that they'll get the jokes in Galaxy Quest and skip ahead to TNG.