
Started by turtlesrock, May 03, 2011, 04:21:22 PM

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spring is on the way, meaning partly cloudy skies and *sound the trumpets* cloud gazing!
for instance, just today on the bus i saw a cloud that looked just like mickey mouse's head.
any other images people might have seen in the sky? :flying


all we have over us at the moment are very black rain clouds, mind you the garden needs the rain,been a few weeks since we had any.


You can have some of our rain. It's been raining here in Ohio about everyday for the past couple of weeks and its supposed to keep raining.  :(


we just started on a rainy streak 2 days ago... well it was very sunny at the time...
now i can see a big grey blob, i tribble, perhaps? ;)


Well we are kinda well known for the amount of rain we have, so I guess situation normal. Not quite at the three week Mark yet though, I think I'd have a boat ready if it got that bad lol.