Podcast # 245 - "Aliens"

Started by Rico, September 20, 2009, 01:22:06 PM

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First Alien movie to this day been the ONLY movie that left Vartok with involuntary shakes walking out - it was that impacting on my adrenaline.  Knew nothing about it going in.  Fantastic.

Name another movie that could do that!

Alfred Hitchcock style of not letting you see too much of the monster until the end is still a classic way to hold suspense and let your imagination make it scarier.



Another great Podcast, Rico!  I remember going to see Alien in high school.  To this day, Alien is the scariest movie I've ever scene.  It's definitely in my top ten movies to watch.  Aliens is a top notch war movie with lots of action.  I loved the look of the Marines. Vasquez was tough as nails.  I hated Burke!  He deserved to be thrown to the creatures.  Ripley fighting the Queen Alien was the best chick fight on the big screen.  Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection were okay, but first two movies were the best.

Thanks Rico!


Groundbreaking, shook up the look and feel of movie Sf.  Undisciplined foul mouthed space-truckers instead of your usual uniformed and formally trained crew.  The sets and equipment looked USED, and fully functional.  And the monster kept changing, you never knew what size or form it would take next.  And a female hero who could kick butt!
Almost scarier than Alien, because you knew what those cocky marines were walking into...  This movie is soooo loved that it is quoted and played homage to almost as much as Star Wars and Star Trek.  Starcraft is a good example, the Construction Units look like Load Lifters, and the Drop Ships :D..... hmmm what do they look like?  Heck the pilot even says- "In the pipe five by five!'  Halo pays homage too.  And South Park... anyways you get the idea.
I was really bummed that they did not use any of the wonderful ideas from the comicbooks for the story.  And they killed Hicks and Newt, uncool...  The only thing they did borrow from the comics was the idea that the Alien takes on characteristics of its host.  Hence the Alien running around on all fours and having the mannerisms of a dog.  Never felt much love for this one.
Why did they make this????? Has anyone ever seen this?  If you did, were you glad that you did???  Yeah, that is what I thought... ;)

Oh, trivia.  The deleted scene from Aliens where Ripley is on the station and Burke shows her the picture of her dead daughter.  That is actually a picture of Weaver's Grandmother.



Looks like this is gonna be a good one! I look forward to giving it a listen!