Martian Chronicles

Started by Geoff G.o.B, July 17, 2007, 08:15:27 AM

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Geoff G.o.B

I know its was a book first but I remember the TV show (several mini episodes I think), does anyone else remeber this one?

I was looking for it on Amazon but couldn't seem to find it
If you can remain calm when all around you are panicking, you probably didn't understand the question


Yes I definitely remember this. The book was also a bunch of short stories about life on Mars/going to Mars. I thought they did a pretty good job, and stayed pretty close to Bradburys stories. I also think I would be great to remake it.

I found it at www.deepdiscountdvd... I may have to buy this!
Duffster is, The HugoNaut


Loved the book.  Love Ray Bradbury.  Never felt they really captured the stories essence in any video version.


I too loved the book. The mini series was ok, not great as I recall.


I first read the book when I was pretty young.  12 or 13.   I remember a couple of those stories really scared me.   The book is so amazing, but I've never seen the miniseries.   
"After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing as wanting.  It is not logical, but it is often true." - Spock

Geoff G.o.B

just ordered the book, figured I'd see how much more was in it. Might get the DVD but its only region 1 so not sure I want to ahve the hassle.
If you can remain calm when all around you are panicking, you probably didn't understand the question


I loved the Martian Chronicles.  It is an amazing book of short stories.  I bought it for Nathan, my son, and he didn't like it as much, but wow, cool stories.  I also enjoyed the mini series, it wasn't as good as the book, but creepy in a B science fiction way.

Great book.

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Yeah, Rock Hudson does Sci-Fi

After he doesn't get 2001.   :roflmao

Quote"Will someone tell me what the hell this is about?"
     -- Rock Hudson at the Los Angeles premiere of '2001: A Space Odyssey'

   "If you understand '2001' on the first viewing, we will have failed."
     -- Arthur C. Clarke

Rock Hudson may have been one of the first to wonder "what the hell" "2001" was all about. But he wasn't the last. Film critic Roger Ebert was also at the Los Angeles premiere and he reports seeing several members of the audience walk out during the middle of the film. The view in Hollywood, says Ebert, was that director Stanley Kubrick "had become derailed."

I have read Ray Bradbury's stuff and I enjoyed the series.  I am somewhat too much of a hard sci-fi fan to really get into Bradbury but I though the mini-series was a good adaption.  Of course I probably haven't seen it in 20 years but I still remember scenes.  I recall that actor that played Kolchak wearing a cowboy hat on Mars.

Andre Norton does it better than J.K.Rowling