Star Wars Identities

Started by jedijeff, November 22, 2011, 04:24:49 PM

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I guess there is a new Star Wars exhibit that is touring, and of the few places it is coming, it is actually coming to the city I live in. It is called Star Wars Identities, and it is an exhibit that explores the characters of Star Wars. I read some of the info, but still not a hundred percent sure what it is about, but sounds interesting and their will be Lucasfilm props.

It will be coming to my city in October, and Montreal before that in April. Interesting. Sort of surprised it would come to where I live, as we do not get many of these types of exhibits.

Here are some links on the exhibit


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The trailer on the site is pretty creepy, I love it.
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I went today to see Star Wars Identities. It was great, had a lot of fun, took a bunch of photos. At the start you were given a wrist band, and then throughout the exhibition you answered questions and at the end you got your Identity. They had a ton of great props there, lots of cool concept art work, and a huge display of Star Wars Studio Models. In the next few days I will try and get some pictures up. The theme was interesting as well, as they mixed in Star Wars mythology with our every day lives in the different interactive displays.


That sounds awesome Jeff!  How cool!  Can't wait to see some pictures

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Here is a few pictures from the Star Wars Identities Exhibit I went to the other day. Some are a bit blurry as they don't allow Flash Photography. I am hoping to go again before it leaves and take some more pictures.



wow, so cool Jeff.  Kind of neat how it was so close to you too.  I love that.

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Some cool pics there Jeff.  I love these kind of exhibits.  And of course I love it back when they actually built real models for all the ships.


Awesome! I hope that shows up near me sometime.