Lieutenant Commander Joseph D'Callan. Chief Security Officer

Started by Meds, March 06, 2008, 01:02:16 PM

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Character's Name:  Joseph D'Callan


Born:  38 years ago.

Place Of Birth:  Brisbane ,Australia

Gender:  Male

Species Of Origin:  Human

Rank:  Lieutenant

Hair:  Black

Eyes:  Left eye green, right eye grey

Height:  5 Foot 11

Weight:  90 Kgs

Skin Tone:  White, natural tan.

Telepathic and
Empathic Status:  None

Body:         Average, Broad shoulders

Face :         High brow, hawk like nose, square chin

Marital Stats:      Widowed

Children:        2 Children both murdered with their mother

Habits:         Suffers from slight OCD, reads books

Quarters:              A few photographs of family, books and a old style gramaphone
Likes:          Poker,  single malt whisky, real ale and jazz

Dislikes:         Loud annoying people, fizzy water.

Ambitions and Goals: To make more of his career.

Temperament:       Sombre, good natured, slightly sarcastic, laid back.

Hobbies:          Paints landscapes and like to paint peoples dreams.

Mother:       Died when he was 4

Father:        In a institution for the insane. Now aged 79

Siblings:       Brother called Theran, ran away from home aged 14,

Character History

Joseph was born in Brisbane in a small mountain village largely untouched by the modern world. His mother died when he just 4 years old due to complications in child birth when his brother,  Theran was born.  This had a profound effect on his father who became a recluse. When Joseph was 18 his father began to drift into a serious state of depression.
Unable to cope with the continuous feelings of guilt regarding his mothers  death and the subsequent depression of his father, Theran ran away. Joseph searched for his 14 year old brother but came home after 2 months of searching feeling lost.
Josephs  father,  Karum suffered a massive breakdown when hearing about the news of Therans departure and Joseph had no choice but to have him hospitalised. Feeling the need to leave the  village Joseph applied to star fleet academy and was accepted. After his years at the academy he was signed us to his first ship. It was while serving on his first 5 year leg that he met his wife.
Juliette was a beautiful medical assistant and they met while playing against each other in a chess tournament. After dating for a year they were married by the captain and enjoyed the rest of the tour together as a couple. When they returned to Earth for new Starfleet orders they took a brief holiday with their two new born twins. It was on this holiday that tragedy struck.
Six masked men attacked the R & R colony in which they were relaxing and killed Juliette who was running to protect their children. Joseph who at the time was attempting to fire cover fire for an escaping family turned round to see his family die. In a fit of rage he ran at the attackers killing two of them with phaser fire.  Three of the attackers turned on him and advanced covering their leader who made his escape. It was at this moment, with rage tearing through his mind he blanked out.
He came too with the three men lying dead at his feet . Their un-masked faces distorted with fear and horror.  Joseph was found by a Star Fleet medical team and taken to hospital. It was here that he spent a year grieving and recovering from the stress of seeing not only his family killed but that of the other  innocent families. He came out of the attack unscathed bar a strange change of colour in his one eye.
After a year of medical and psychological healing Joseph was allowed to leave the medical centre. The board of medics and Star Fleet itself sanctioned the release of Joe on the grounds that they could find no evidence that he was responsible for the deaths of the three men found near him on the day of the R&R attack.
After a recent encounter with his brother who informed him that it was he not Joe who killed the attackers who killed his wife. Theran also removed a bio chip from Joe's eye resulting in no heated anger and anomalies coming from his eye.
Joseph has been given the role of Chief of Security form Captain Quinn and has now started his duties about the USS Arabella. he has made friends with K'tan who he meets at the lounge for many a drink.

During an away mission with the Arabella team Joseph D'Callan was severely injured saving Ensign Dunn and a small child. Close to death he was rushed back to the ship and was saved by the medical team. Waking from his brief coma the first person he saw was Nurse Susan Caine who he first met back on Earth after his convalescence. She nursed him back to help. During his rest he received a secret communication from his brother Theran who informed him that their father had escaped the asylum that Joseph had put him. Also news reached him that his own father was the man known as 'The Employer', the man responsible for creating and inserting the infamous AI chips. Theran also told Joseph of his new mission with Section 31.

This profile is subject to change and additional material will be added as the story continues.


Welcome to the rpg... great job on the profile



G'day mate! I know you are from the UK, so cheers! Sounds like Joseph and my NPC Ensign Dunn can do some joint posting as they are both in Security! :).  Welcome!


Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Welcome aboard, Hawkeye! 

Great character...  I like this guy!  Very rich, colorful history...  Looks like he will be an awesome addition to the RPG!


All these sec folks ... where are the medics, scientist, and pilots at? Great character! I can't wait to see him in action on whatever ship, station, or flying winnbago they decide to give to us!


Thanks all, yeah looking forward to being on the ship/station/ flying thing, ha ha. Look forward to some joint posting with you Bryancd. All i've got to do now is hope i can keep up with all your fantastic writing.



Character's Name:  Joseph D'Callan


Born:  38 years ago.

Place Of Birth:  Brisbane ,Australia

Gender:  Male

Species Of Origin:  Human

Rank:  Arch Interrogator to The Emperor

Hair:  Black and long

Eyes:  Left eye green, right eye missing, replaced with false bionic eye.

Height:  5 Foot 11

Weight:  99 Kgs

Skin Tone:  Pale.

Telepathic and
Empathic Status:  None

Body:         Average, Broad shoulders

Face :         High brow, hawk like nose, square chin

Marital Stats:      Wife deceased 'Susan Caine' (Killed by D'Callan)

Children:        None

Habits:         Suffers from small case of OCD

Quarters:      Minimalistic, a few etchings made from slate.
Likes:          Collecting surgical tools.

Dislikes:        Un-co-operative people.

Ambitions and Goals: To become Emperor.

Temperament:       Sarcastic, impatient  .

Hobbies:          Reads classics form the 20th century, enjoys uding old style torture.

Mother:       Died when he was 4

Father:        Died at 75

Siblings:       Brother called Theran, on the run.

Character History
Joseph D'Callan became chief interrogator by killing his predecessor. Killing the man in his sleep D'Callan felt no remorse for the screaming child of his victim who witnessed the crime. Disposal of both bodies took place via a air lock in engineering with the help of his trainee Christopher Dunn. Obtaining information became easy for D'Callan who's fondness for surgical tools helped etch his name in the history books of the empire. D'callan murdered his wife after catching her outside the rooms of the emperor, deciding to stitch her lips together to keep her quiet this was also the reason why she died. Unable to answer the interrogators questions he killed her.
D'Callans inner rage built up and his mind snapped when he was duped by Sevryll, he fought the prisoners in his holding cells and sustaned severe injuries during his battle with Worf. Escaping he found himself under the bridge and watched the battle go on around him. With only one eye to see out of he balanced his head to one side and began to hear music in the distance. Madness had taken his mind. Dancing through the corridors Mirror D'Callan was last scene entering a turbo lift towards the main bridge.