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Another N00b

Started by ori-STUDFARM, August 28, 2009, 12:19:47 PM

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Hello there. Antony here from Nottingham in the UK. I am an avid podcast listener who gets through about 60 hours worth a week whilst driving my "front end loader" at work.
I'm a general sci-fi nut and discovered this podcast only recently. To be honest, I had avoided subscrbing as I already subscribe to a few podcasts that are Star Trek heavy. I listened on the recommendation of a friend, Tim aka trekkygeek and was surprised to actually hear his voice on the old Skype in the latest episode.
My main "geeky" obsession is with Red Dwarf. I used to watch TOS as a child but managed to not get into TNG. Even now, I find TNG episodes either hit or miss with me. I did however get into and love all of DS9. I also really enjoyed Enterprise and Voyager. Bit weird, but, go figure?!!
I am a host on a Red Dwarf podcast that started earlier this year and we are abouts to launch a non-specific, general talk about anything podcast soon. I won't go into details. I've not signed up to plug shamelessly...
My real name is Antony and I can be found on a few forums and on twitter. Always under the name ori-STUDFARM.
Anyway, I think thats enough for an intro. Hope we can have good times together on this forum!


Welcome to our little corner of the internet Antony.  Glad to have you.


Thank you. And thanks for the Twitter follow.
If anyone wants to follow, its @oriSTUDFARM. I didn't use the dash on twitter.....


Another Brit! We've got those Canadians on the ropes now! ;)

Welcome! I guess you heard me on the Skype call too (the South London accent) but if not you'll hear more than enough from me this week.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


There are few of us, but like our country we take up a lot of space...


My metaphor has failed.



Hi Antony, I'm a fan of Red Dwarf too! Nice to meet you.



Welcome antony, great to have you here and thanks for your happy comment on my Waffle On page. Look forward to reading your comments.


It's slowly becoming a british revolution around here -- welcome to the boards.


Hey, thanks everyone. I'm on a fair few forums, but this has to be one of the most welcoming.

Is there anyway of seeing a list of members? I've just noticed CelestialTeapot is here. Someone from another forum I use. I'm guessing that there maybe more.....


Just tap the 'Members' link on the top menu bar.

haven't heard much from Teapot in the last few weeks.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Yeah steph hasn't been here for a while but she's on my facebook page and seems to be doing ok. Will have to see what she's been up to.


Now I feel like an idiot! lol Thanks!

I've spotted chevalier noir who I know from another forum and twitter. I think thats it.

BTW. I'll apologise now, I use lots of exclamation marks. I think I'm kinda excitable!!


Hello Antony.. glad you could join us.. sounds like you'll fit right in here.


I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week http://www.takehimwithyou.com