Matt Damon as Captain Kirk?

Started by Scott, June 22, 2006, 08:19:26 AM

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- Scott Hough

The Vintage Gamers


Interesting choice.  Not the worst way they could go.  Although I think I'd be more in favor of someone less known.  Time will tell if this is true or not.

What do you all think?

Darth Gaos

Yeah I agree with Rico.....the central character should be relative unknowns.  The guys casting the new Superman movie did it right IMO.  They cast the big name in the bad guy role, and while Lex Luthor is a main character he is not the central character....make any sense?  I wouldn't care if there are big names in the new Star Trek but I wouldn't want Damon as Kirk and Tom Hanks as Spock or something like that.

I don't see the sense behind the present day practice of trying to get the biggest name possible into a character that is already familiar to many people.
I think it was Socrates who spoke the immortal words:  I drank WHAT?


I dont know. This actor doesnt look the part. They should use the new voyages actors if you ask me even tho that wont happen.
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Oo, I know, they could use Tom Welling from Smallville. He looks young, and I think he would be great as Captain Kirk as a young guy. But I guess an unknown guy would be the best choice, but Matt Damon? I don't think so.
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Admiral Anthony Out


As long as it doesn't have Ben Affleck as Spock. :P
- Scott Hough

The Vintage Gamers


Hey Rico, did you photoshop that? If so, great job ;D
"Do a barrel roll" - Peppy, StarFox 64
"Coincidence... I think NOT!" - Bear, Polkadot Shorts
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Admiral Anthony Out


I think Matt Damon is an inspired choice.  He has a similar "devil may care" attitude that reminds me alot of Shatner in the early Kirk days now that I think about it.  It would be hilarious to see Damon chew the scenery Shatner style as well.  I'd love to see this happen.
"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


Matt Damon !!  Matt DAMON !!!  :roflmao


In all honesty, he's not a bad choice.   This is going to be Kirk in the academy days, right ?


i think hes a good actor..

well just have to see


if they got good unknowns, that would be ideal...
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Quote from: markinro on August 09, 2006, 04:49:21 PM
Matt Damon !!  Matt DAMON !!!  :roflmao
Funny movie ;D. But seriously, I don't think Matt Damon would be a good choice. Everyone would be all like: "Hey it's Matt Damon" instead of "Hey, it's captain Kirk!"
"Do a barrel roll" - Peppy, StarFox 64
"Coincidence... I think NOT!" - Bear, Polkadot Shorts
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Admiral Anthony Out


I guess we will see.  He just looks the part -- especially in that picture.  Hey, what about the guy who is playing him in those internet episodes.  He even has his own uniform (which scarily he probably uses for his pj's  :eekout)


If you mean Star Trek New Voyages, then I think you are wrong. The acting in that isn't very good, especially from Kirk.
"Do a barrel roll" - Peppy, StarFox 64
"Coincidence... I think NOT!" - Bear, Polkadot Shorts
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Admiral Anthony Out