Lost Season Six - The Final Season

Started by Geekyfanboy, January 06, 2010, 02:22:40 PM

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Good episode tonight.  Starting to see a little pattern....

[spoiler]It seems like Desmond is slowly trying to bring everyone sort of back together in the off-island "universe."  I am wondering if this is showing us a future, "that might be?"  Or something like that.  The show is really getting interconnected and very interesting.  I'm excited to see it all come together.[/spoiler]


Finally was able to watch the this weeks Episode, great, and really liking how the story is coming together on island and off.

[spoiler]Smokeys explanation on using dead bodies to take his form, and admitting to appearing as Jack's dad was cool. Explains a lot on how he used it to manipulate people on the island. Also that Locke was just a sucker and basically got him to do what he wanted. Emotional scene between Sun and Jin. Guess Sawyer playing both sides has caught up to him, Widmore is going to keep me guessing until the end I guess :) .
Cool how Desmond is bringing everyone together in the Alternate reality, looks like everyone's stories are going to lead to the same spot, that is cool.[/spoiler]



haha - always count on sawyer - haha


Quite an episode last night.  I am really enjoying this final season a lot.  The characters just seem to have so much depth now - especially Jack.

[spoiler]I'm starting to think Jack is the focal point somehow.  In both the island sequences and the "alternate universe" (or whatever it is) he seems to be in the middle of it all.  The part with the alternate Locke in the hospital mumbling about pushing the buttons was very interesting.  And of course the sub going down.  Heart wrenching stuff.[/spoiler]


 :jawdrop :jawdrop :jawdrop :jawdrop


I thought the episode last night was really well done.

[spoiler]The Titanic scene at the end was really sad.  I thought at least Jin would swim out so the little baby had a father to grow up with... but oh well.   I'm not sure how they are going to wrap this all up.  I heard ABC green lighted and extra half hour on the series finale.  That would be cool.[/spoiler]

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Only 2 more shows till the finale on Sunday night.  It will be one of the biggest nights in tv history.


Will a wet-dry vac work against smokey?


Great Episode Last night, really going to miss LOST

[spoiler]Heartbreaking to see the Kwons go, very sad. I guess it should have been expected as earlier in the Episode, Sun gave Jin back his wedding ring. Very noble of Sayid to take the bomb as well. Not a many losties left. Jack has really embraced his role on the islan as well, going to be interesting to see how it turns out.[/spoiler]


I hope they...

[spoiler]still explain what the heck was up with Sayid, how/why he came back to life and why he had no emotions or feelings until he was suddenly overcome with the noble idea to martyr himself for the group[/spoiler]
"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


Watched "The End"

[spoiler]Up to the last 5 minutes, it was great.  The "died in the crash" theory was too easy.  Why were Desmond and Penny there?  They weren't on the plane.  Where was rodriguez (police woman) or Artz?   Loved the rest of the show.  I'll have to watch the Jimmy Kimmel in the morning to see the alternate endings.  I would have been much happier with the supernatural explanation.  Just glad its over.  All in all, I liked the show but not going to get the dvds[/spoiler]


I really liked the Finale, for me I was very satisfied, and answered everything I felt important in the show, but also left it open to my own interpretation on how it ended.

[spoiler]For me I view it, like they said in the end, The Island was real, but everyone on the plane/island died in their own time. After that they met in the after life as seen in the flash sideways, and everyone as a group moved onto heaven. Jacob and the Island gave everyone a chance to change their course in life, and once they died, they moved into the other life, without the Island, but with the people that they were with on the island. Once everyone as a group was ready, they moved on. I think back to the statement Jack made early in the series, if they don't work together, they will die alone.

The ending might not have been black and white, might not have answered all the questions, but I like that I was able to come to my own conclusions on the series, but that someone else can have a completely different conclusion on what the series meant in the end. I think this will keep me thinking about the show for a long time. It also has me thinking a bit more about my own faith, and the afterlife, and how I might view it.

A lot of the unanswered questions, I will chalk up to the mysteries of the island, and why it required someone to protect it. The show ended without me yearning for any more answers, as all the ones I wanted I felt I was given.[/spoiler]

It was a great 6 year run, I will miss the series greatly.


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Surprised not more comments here yet.  I have to admit, I'm a bit disappointed in the finale.  Read on:

[spoiler]I'm still trying to grasp it all, but they didn't all die in the crash.  The Island was real - everything that happened there did in fact happen.  Jack's dad tells him that.  Jeff's explanation above is pretty close to the way I am seeing things.  People had guessed long ago that they all actually died in the crash and the producers said no - that isn't it - the island is not the afterlife.

Now, I'm not quite getting why everyone in the flash sideways had to remember things.  I don't follow that.  Is that something like when you die you don't remember who you loved and lost??  Really???

Now, for my big problem.  I'm ok with some things left unanswered, but they basically left WAY too much open and not even touched on.  Who were Jacob and the man in black/smokey - really.  Why and how was the Island the weird way it was?  Dharma??  Weird EM energy???  Where's Walt????  Vincent?????  

Now, I have to admit I got a bit misty at some of the parts in the finale - especially the Charlie/Claire/Aaron moment, but it was like a reunion show.  I hope I'm not sounding too harsh, but I think after six years we deserved a bit more.  I still really enjoyed the series, but have to say the finale left too much open for me.[/spoiler]