Hello again

Started by Duffster, April 22, 2009, 05:25:18 AM

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Hello all. I am back after my long self-imposed hiatus. I see there are a ton of new people and always a big group of people I already know. The hiatus was for some personal reasons and nothing to do with anything here. I spent the last couple of months doing some deep looking at my personal life and determined one thing I missed was some of the conversations here on Treks in Sci-Fi. (hmm is that Treks in SyFy now?? ;D)

Anyway I am glad to see all my old friends.

Duffster is, The HugoNaut


DUFFSTER!  Glad to see you back.  I hope you have some more great book reviews for the podcast coming at some point.  Hope all is well.


You're a voice I know from the earlier podcasts, but you've not been on here since I joined so, welcome back!

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Welcome back Duffster! Glad to have you around again.


Thanks Rico ,Feathers and billybob.

Things are good Rico, they were actually good all along, I just had a hard time seeing that. I was sorry to hear about your job situation, but I know it will work out for the best for you. I might actually be facing that situation here at the end of June, so I definitely sympathize with you. I will definitely try to get you some book reviews if you thought they were worthwhile.

Well met Feathers and I hope to get to know you and others that I haven't met yet.
Duffster is, The HugoNaut


Quote from: Duffster on April 22, 2009, 06:02:17 AM
I will definitely try to get you some book reviews if you thought they were worthwhile.

Look back in the forum here and you'll find Rico talking wistfully of the book reviews he used to get for the podcast. Last mention was yesterday!

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Welcome back Duffster, looking forward to more of your book reviews as well


Hey Duffster.. it's great to see you back.. I knew you couldn't say away from us for too long :) Treks in Sci fi is like an addiction.. a good addiction mind you. :)


Thanks Kenny and Jeff. It certainly feels nice to get such a warm welcome back greeting from everyone.
Duffster is, The HugoNaut


Yes...it's like being addicted to vegetables, but they taste like sweet, sweet candy! :)


Yes, we've missed you! You'll have to listen to the Star Trek Boldly audio drama, your posts were used in several scenes. :) Anyway, we're glad all is well and that you're back! Anytime you feel like rejoining the RPG, let us know! :) 
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Duffster, you rock.  And it's great to see you here again.  I have really missed you.  Glad to see you are doing well!

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week http://www.takehimwithyou.com


I will listen to the audio drama Jen...is it one of the ready room podcasts, or do I find it separately? I was thinking of rejoining the RPG, but I have a lot of catch up reading to do first!  :wacko

Duffster is, The HugoNaut


Quote from: Duffster on April 22, 2009, 11:30:35 AM
I will listen to the audio drama Jen...is it one of the ready room podcasts, or do I find it separately? I was thinking of rejoining the RPG, but I have a lot of catch up reading to do first!  :wacko

The first part of "Star Trek Boldly" was released back on Jan. 13th as a special Ready Room.  It's in the normal feed for TSF.


Hey Duffster, welcome home!