What was the first Star Trek movie/series you ever watched?

Started by dankrug572, February 20, 2008, 04:24:34 PM

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The title says all.....
The first series I saw was DS9. The first movie I saw I think was Star Trek First Contact.

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You all lost THE GAME.



First series as a whole.. TNG.. but I did see TOS here and there

First Movie was The Motion Picture but fell asleep and didn't see another movie until Star Trek 4 The Voyage Home


The first series that I watched was TOS (in re-runs). 

The first movie that I saw was The Motion Picture... First movie that I enjoyed was Wrath Of Khan.


First series - of course you all know TOS.  I think the first episode I recall seeing completely was "Tomorrow is Yesterday."  And of course the first movie was "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" on opening night!


First series I saw was TOS. I really liked it, but TNG really made me fall in love. First movie that I can remember seeing was 4, in the theater. I was 5 in 1986. I remember the probe scared me.


Same as Rico, I started watching TOS sometime in '73, I was 5, with my Dad. I don't remember the first episode I saw. I too saw TMP opening night in the theaters when I was 11.


TNG hands down.  My mother had a couple of the TV shows on tape and I grew to like them.  I saw the TOS movies before others. 

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First series as a whole TNG. First movie ... that's tricky. On the big screen I saw all of them up to the release of Undiscovered country in a marathon that was a promotion that led up to the premire of Undiscovered Country. So I saw everyone of them over the course of almost 24 hours counting intermission and dinner.

I had seen the movies before, but I hadn't seen them until I saw them on the big screen.

I still can't believe my father let me stay out the whole night to watch them all.

First Full Episode? Devil in the dark in back around '83 - '84.


My dad took me to see Star Trek Wrath of Kahn when I was little. Bones seemed grumpy to me and I didn't know why. After seeing that movie, my mom started letting me stay up to watch TOS with my dad on Saturday nights. It was my introduction to a whole new world.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast



The First series I saw was TOS, and the Savage Curtain was the first episode I ever say. First Movie was The Wrath of Khan


Well, I was one of the original Trekkers. I saw the first episode in September of 1966 and loved the show. My Dad only allowed us kids a couple of shows because he controlled the TV most of the time. So, my brother and I chose Star Trek and Batman. We loved every minute of it. We had a little difficulty in 1969 when the showed moved to Friday nights but we won out. Then when the show was released in syndication in the 1970's we came home from school everyday to watch it just before dinner time.

The first movie I saw was The Motion Picture. I could not make it opening day but boy was I thrilled to see my show on the big screen! I loved the movie even though I thought the revelation of V'Ger being Voyager a little corny. Anyway, I have seen every Star Trek film in the theater after that.

So, I have been a fan of Star Trek since age ten and even after all these years (almost 42 now) I am still a huge fan and I have never found another show on TV I love as much as Star Trek. I guess Stargate comes close but I still prefer Star Trek.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


I saw the original series the very first time it aired.

The first movie too.

I'm a fossil.

And got nick named Mr. Spock in high school.

Andre Norton does it better than J.K.Rowling


I saw TOS in the 70's, I was only like 2 when it first aired.  :)  Then when TNG came out, I went to a friends house, cause we didn't have a TV.  (Newly married and no money for cable!) We have followed the entire Star Trek franchise. The first movie I was in line at the theater opening night.  WOW, those Klingons with the cool new foreheads... neato mosquito!   :andorian


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