Super Moon

Started by QuadShot, March 18, 2011, 11:50:06 AM

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Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird....IT'S a PLANE....NO, IT'S SUPER MOON!  Ok, who's excited about tomorrow nights "super moon" appearance? I know I am. Actually, I think it's going to be pretty cool.


Whew! I was sure when I opened this thread I was going to see Al's butt....

Actually, Al can attest we get some amazing perigree Moon's here in AZ because of our long sight lines to the horizon. That's when the Moon is really low in the sky and looks ginormous from the light being bent passing through the atmosphere. It's an optical illusion but amazing to see.


HAHAHAH!!  :) Bryan, you CRACK me up!! :)  :roflmao


I could swear I saw spent fuel rods ready to ignite on one side of the they go off...they could knock the moon out of orbit.  Someone quick send Martin Landau up there to right the situation!


What's a super moon.. a really big moon in the sky?


Well we just drove out and the fields around us were so bright because of the moon. It looked huge, almost like the sun. Very impressive.


It's been all cloudy and rainy here the past few days I haven't been able to see it. It's really sunny now so hopeful tonight I can get a look.


The moon were I am is super bright but not especially big. Looks good, giving us plenty of lovely moonlight.