STAR WARS: The Clone Wars Season 5!

Started by Bryancd, March 25, 2012, 02:28:26 PM

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I don't see it going much further than this season.  They are pulling it from prime time for this season and when CN does that, a show usually doesn't come back for another season. Maybe they are trying to tie it into their DC power hour, but I'm concerned about the fate of the show after this season.


Well there is going to be a Season Six.. it's already in the works and being shot.


Yeah we will have six seasons. Those are being done right now.


Hey six season isn't much further than 5. When do they hit the syndication magic number?


Quote from: X on August 28, 2012, 08:06:25 PM
Hey six season isn't much further than 5. When do they hit the syndication magic number?

I'm not sure how that works currently. Is it 5 or 7? I thought that was the issue with the cancelation of Enterprise after just 4 Seasons.


Seasons for syndication (or actually numbers of episodes) I don't think is quite as relevant as it used to be since we have so many others ways to watch this content now.  But I remember a number like 100 episodes being a goal to reach - which usually would be about 5 seasons or so.


Quote from: Rico on August 29, 2012, 08:38:52 AM
Seasons for syndication (or actually numbers of episodes) I don't think is quite as relevant as it used to be since we have so many others ways to watch this content now.  But I remember a number like 100 episodes being a goal to reach - which usually would be about 5 seasons or so.

Right, on both accounts. 100 episodes sounds like the answer. And yeah, you have to wonder how new distribution models have altered that whole landscape.




I just found out CN is moving Clone Wars to Saturday morning.  Anyone know why.  I thought it was doing well ratings wise.


Enjoyed the first episode of the new season.  Great saber fights!


Quote from: Jstrat96 on August 30, 2012, 10:26:59 AM
I just found out CN is moving Clone Wars to Saturday morning.  Anyone know why.  I thought it was doing well ratings wise.
I think Cartoon Network is trying to have a good Saturday Morning lineup, along with DC Nation. Me and the kids watched 2 hours this AM.

Yeah, Rico, the saber fights were really great. I'm looking forward to this year, they seem to improve this show every season.
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Loved it!

[spoiler]Interesting how both Maul and Savage had the green mist escaping from their wounds. Makes me wonder is we will see more Mother Talzin this season. Loved the bit with Palpatine at the end as well. [/spoiler]


I'm not sure about the way Savage and Maul were used in this episode. I loved them on screen. How evil and dark they are. Especially at the beginning when attacking that vessel. How twisted Maul is...but he kept talking about a plan. I was expecting some kind of intricate and dastardly plot to shake up the whole galaxy...Was that all his plan was? Kill the leader of some pirates and become the pirate king? It just seems a little....small. I understand that they have to start somewhere. But I would like to see some really evil and twisted revenge from the brothers. The targeting and attacking of family and friends of all who have harmed them. The wiping out of whole small communities who stand in their way. Stuff to shake up the whole galaxy and get everyone's attention. That would start bringing people out of the woodwork wanting to stand with them. Okay, maybe some of that isn't appropriate for a kids cartoon, but you see where I'm coming from, right?

Also, I'm not interested in seeing the pair running for their lives, losing limbs from a small group of pirates with blasters. I want to see them turn like savage animals and wipe out any opposition. They are better than that- running like mere cowards. Although, I do understand that it was Kenobi they were running from more than the pirates...but it just didn't make them look as badass as they should be looking. The whole episode just seemed to show them as a bit of a directionless odd couple rather than a threatening force...

Also, Maul seems focused on Kenobi. I always figured that he would be equally focused on his former Master for leaving him to rot. Maybe that will come later...

Just as an after thought. I find I'm getting ever so slightly irritated by the number of droids capable of moving around like humans. The guard droids at the beginning of this episode were the worst. They haven't even got decent voice units and still sound robotic, but they crept and tippy-toed around in a very organic manner. It's only a little thing, but it really took me out of the moment. [/spoiler]

My overall opinion is that it is not one of the best episodes of Clone Wars. But not one of the worst either. I still enjoyed it. Course I did, it's Star Wars :)

I agree about that closing shot amazingly chilling!?